I literally just woke up from a dream about having a bath with Isabela Moner

I literally just woke up from a dream about having a bath with Isabela Moner

So it was like a spa or something and she smiled and took her swimming suit off while we're in the tub

I was so surreal so I kept thinking 'am I dreaming'? Then I was like 'oh shit' and just woke up

I want to fucking kill myself

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That's the one thing that'll kill ya in a lucid dream, asking if you're dreaming.

Couldn't tell you how to get back into it but lucid dreams is fucking wild man. I remember one where I could have sworn I was in my aunt's house looking after the dog, but everything felt just so subtly off, so I freaked the fuck out and started teleporting before killing myself and waking up.

>remembering your dreams

>not remembering your dreams

We on one of the less popular Russian image board studied lucid dreams some 10 years ago. One of the basic techniques to get into this state is to write an apprehensive journal of your dreams: map the location, name the characters, remember as much as you can and do the hand. The hand is more important. While you are awake make a habit of looking at your palm and asking yourself: is this the real world? Unless you go into advanced lucid dreams called phases, and you will not without special techniques, you will definitely know if the world is the real one or not.

>original posts here to a man
wtf, lmao. Seriously though, wtf is it like to remember your dreams? Right now falling asleep is no different from anesthesia for me. Actually, maybe that's part of why going under didn't bother me at all...

And, about the hand. Do not focus too much on a hand, your dream will end quickly. Just notice that it is not the real world and the understanding will come, proceed to do what you would like to do.

I know what you mean user. I go to sleep, I wake up, 99% of the time it feels like no time has passed.

>18 years old
>birthday July 10th

How long have you been dreaming about her user

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Do you put alarm on?

>does a certified comfy neet use an alarm
it's a nah

Man i rarely ever have a sweet wet dream.
I get 1 every 6-8 years it seems.
I had one that felt so real that when icame in it it felt better then in RL.
If i could dream like that every night i would ask for nothing else.

jesus fuck literally 10/10. why even live if you'll never get to fuck that? life is pointless lads

I've had my share of "getting close to sex" dreams. Until a couple of years ago, they tended to involve my finding out that a girl finally liked me, and then waiting until I saw her again or trying to find her. But I would always wake up before that happened, hilariously, like I couldn't even get laid in my dreams. It makes sense though, my life was/is consumed with feelings of insecurity due to not being able to get laid or get a gf. Eventually, as I got more comfortable around women in real life, I got even closer to sex in the dreams, like I would meet up with the interested girl but then something would interrupt us at the last second or I'd just wake up inexplicably. About a year ago, I finally kissed a girl in real life, and I think in the time since then, I've finally had a couple dreams where I actually started having sex. The whole thing more or less makes sense, I guess. It's a slow, slow journey.

i have never had a dream about having penetrative sex. then again i'm a 34 yo khhv

the less you fap the more dreams you shall have

Fuck she's hot who is she

Am I the only one who doesn't have clear dreams? They're like all black and fadey. And I don't know them at the time, I can only tell I they existed after I woke up. I think my brain is damaged.

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>Isabela Moner
OP mentions her name in the first line.

Don't worry user it's not rare to be like that. I'm basically the same.

well in my country you can fuck people when they are 15, no matter how old you are. and you are not seen as peadophile if the girl is 15 or older. so nothing wrong with it if I had that dream.

I always hope I have those dreams when I fall asleep. Clear dreams usually tend to be nightmares reminding me of times I want to be buried.

I know a guy who never dreamt in his entire life. A real npc

I just woke up from a dream that i was involved in a race riot. I was standing in a line on the street, while i could hear the people in the back of the line getting sprayed with fire hoses.

I fucking hate Americans...

>having a low IQ