
Just how do you guys cope up with debilitating depression? Lost my job, my closest friends don't want to come near me and I'm always feeling down whenever I'm alone or by myself. I do have a girlfriend I can relate to and a family by my side but it hurts to be like this when I haven't done anything wrong. I've been browsing Jow Forums as a means of outlet but at the end of the day, you just reflect that you've wasted your time doing nothing. What do you guys do to battle such things as depression and degeneracy of the world at the same time? Feels hopeless.

>inb4 an hero
>inb4 kill urself

I'm not at that stage yet. Not even taking meds because they should be taken as a last resort when you're about to lose your mind. I'm on edge here

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Could it possibly be clinical? Does your family have a history of hereditary depression? Do you have suicidal thoughts that reach planning stages? Are you experiencing things like fatigue, boredom, and irritability? Is everything absolutely too god damn menial and pointless. Does it feel like a monumental task to just get up. Like it would be easier to kill yourself than to actually start living like a human being?

Just go to a fucking doctor.
Especially a therapist. Preferably a therapist in conjunction with a psychiatrist

I'm depressed too.
I feel like its getting harder to connect with people and that I'm going to die alone and nobody would really want. My whole body feels like it's grieving.

Constantly distracting yourself from that shit

Usually I try to get high and listen to music/play video games or something. Not really a permanent solution but it works well enough

Sober life is pretty fucked though lmao

>Could it possibly be clinical? Does your family have a history of hereditary depression? Do you have suicidal thoughts that reach planning stages? Are you experiencing things like fatigue, boredom, and irritability? Is everything absolutely too god damn menial and pointless. Does it feel like a monumental task to just get up. Like it would be easier to kill yourself than to actually start living like a human being?
I'm already past this stage. I feel just like floating now, without any cares of the world. I just sulk in my bed all day doing nothing but watching charts of crypto looking at my shorts or longs in the trades I've entered. That's literally what my whole life is right now. It sucks, I could do better but I have nobody to talk to and lean on. My friends all left me.

>Especially a therapist. Preferably a therapist in conjunction with a psychiatrist
Been there. done that. Does nothing if the root cause is not addressed.

When it gets to that point it is clinical. See a therapist and possibly see if you need to further treatment with medication. Going through this journey myself rn.

Depression is like an illness or disorder much like diabetes. And you have to watch for the symptoms and adjust your life accordingly when you encounter them. Proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes are the way to combat depression. However to get to that point you may need a crutch. Whether its your family, friends, or people experiencing what you are going through. Or medicine. Do what you need to do to save yourself.

Stop treating depression like it's a disease that can be fixed with pills. Guess what, when you're in a shitty situation in your life (environment, circumstances, everything), you get depressed, that's evolution. So fucking change it.

>inb4 but muh chemical imbalance

No fucking shit lmao, literally every emotion it chemicals being released, fix your shitty life problem and your shitty feeling chemicals will stop being released.

Trying to treat depression with pills (not fixing what causes it) is like seeing a house on fire, and taking a huge vacuum and sucking up all the smoke instead of putting out the fire. Wow look, there's no smoke, must be no fire, problem solved!

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>I do have a girlf-
>>hides thread

Are you retarded? OP already stated he doesn't want to take pills unless it's a last resort.

>my job
>my closest friends
>I do have a girlfriend I can relate to and a family by my side
You are a massive normalfag. You do not belong here, especially if all you are depressed about is spending too much time fucking around.
>I've been browsing Jow Forums
>battle such things as depression and degeneracy of the world at the same time?
Unironically the best advice I can give you is to kill yourself if this is the kind of shit that concerns you.

So you dont think you have clinical depression? Or do you think it is situational? Cause if its clinical it may take several years but with enough time you will find a lifestyle/drug combination that works. However it is a little discouraging that many antidepressants have a sort of lifespan where they lose efficacy after 2 to 5 years. My father has been through 30 medicine changes in the last 15 years or so. And ive been through about 8 in the last 5. Its alot of trial and error.

Yeah I used to be afraid of the pharmaceutical jew too.
But then after nearly a decade of life being shit I said what the hell and tried it, and guess what, that shit actually works. Really wish it wasn't so stigmatized and I would've started it years ago. I actually feel like a normal person again

>people spending time on a mongolian basket weaving forum
>doesn't belong here
He's probably as autistic as you.

My depression is situational. If the root causes were addressed, my depression would go away guaranteed overnight. Let's just say that I am socially isolated and my core group of friends made sure of that.

Shill post. You will die on the day of the rope glownigger.

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>I actually feel like a normal person again
>posts on Jow Forums

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Ideas? You probably know your situation better than I do. Give me a break down of your living situation. Are you in school? Whats your career doin? Hows your girl?

Try to fight it with reason, if your friends are leaving you without any reason, they aren't good friends, if you lost your job, you weren't good enough, and that's OK, that's part of life.

lol you got me there. My kind of normal, not full-on normalfag normal, like OP-tier normal
yeah okay buddy

>lost my job because co-workers were jealous and had to deal with office bullying and sabotage. I was the most productive in the office
>since I had no job, all I had left was to hang out with friend who was also jobless and was also thrown off work because of bullying
>turns out friend was undergoing through depression as well
>tried to help him but he instead became some abusive asshole who took advantage of my kindness. When I had enough, turned it around like a psychopath and tried to alienate me with other friends
>now all alone with bad reputation and record. Only people I interact with are now gf and family
That's the gist of it. Yes, I was kind of a "normalfag" before but maybe not full on normalfag considering I also visit Jow Forums on my spare time.

Spending time on Jow Forums doesn't make you a robot you fucking retard. You're obviously a complete newfag trying to fit in with le cambodgian tapestry meme, get the fuck out of my face and don't you ever dare reply to me again, cunt.

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Have sex incel, Jesus Christ this autistic rage.

>maybe not full on normalfag considering I also visit Jow Forums on my spare time
There's nothing special about browsing Jow Forums, it is now normie central thanks to faggots like you

But at least not a full on faggot like you, amirite?

Whats up with these cunts? Either your coworkers or your friend. What did they do?

>I do have a girlfriend I can relate to and a family by my side

How does it feel to be normal

lmao for real
Imagine if this normalfag suddenly got thrust into the average robot experience
He'd combust

the only thing that has ever helped me is smoking weed.

Dunno but he's probably a LARP like 90% of this board

>this is the normalfag's best zinger
You are a full on faggot and a normalfag. You are "depressed" over your job and friends and think you belong here because you browse Jow Forums. Fuck off retard.

You're literally salty over an user having a girlfriend and a life. How are you not a full on faggot who sucks too much dick?

Hey man, are you enjoying r9k so far

>complaining about people telling you to fuck off if you have a girlfriend and a life
You must be a summerfag to be this new.

Co-workers drove me out over non-stop harassment. Friend alienated me when I had enough of his cuntishness and abusive behavior. He then turned it around and tried to paint me as the one who was using him when it was the other way around. Either way, you have user now depressed and posting here like a robot. My social skills have definitely gone for the worse ever since I was isolated.

I'm not OP. I just find it funny how you're salty over OP having a girlfriend and life if he's not LARPing.

It never gets better you just have to harden up and get on with your life

I literally and originally just replied to your comment alone.

Didn't even read the thread

>I do have a girlfriend I can relate to
stopped reading there

Jesus, shit like this is why I don't have any friends OP. I'm glad to say I'm not a normalfag.

>has girlfriend

Then you need to take comfort in her and let her completely in on the way you feel.

If you are super isolated and shut off from her for too long, she WILL get tired of it and you WILL lose her.

...if you think you are depressed now, imagine how THAT would feel.

Yeah you are gonna need to be open as fuck with her, let her know that her being around makes a difference, make her feel like she is genuinely helping (even when shes not).

-guy who has been there and lost her

You must be new as fuck if you find this unusual or funny

Better a newfag than a full on faggot like you user

in a few months OP will get better and then he'll become one of those fags who lectures you about how you can cure depression if you just try or some bullshit. doubt OP feels anything more than mild sadness

Mild sadness doesn't even cone close to it. I actually feel numb and I just sulk in the bed all day. I literally have no job and the only thing keeping me alive are my parents and crypto earnings. If I didnt have those I'd probably be in the streets and went full blown crazy.

Depression is just the robot slave becoming fully conscious of its situation. You cant get "better" because who would swallow the blue pill again not only deceiving itself but also risk going through that painful realisation all over again.

A full realisation and the only way out is suicide, but some of us are stuck in limbo.

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i dont really want to try and help a Jow Forumsfag, but if meds are a last resort, how bad do you think it should get before you try them?

That's what I'm wondering about. I'd probably have to try medications at some point if I want to function like a normal human being again. The things people did around me though I could never forget. Some part of me wants to kill their families so they'll know what attacking a person down on their luck feels like.

Riddle me this one then doc. I am rich, physically very healthy and have a girl friend. Still depressed and suicidal. Athletes, models and billionaires get depressed too.

>had a job
>has a gf
>waaah and i'm sad

i honestly dont get you entitled zoomers who become 'depressed' the second life isn't spoiling the shit out of you
try living alone for 20 years with barely any human contact and still being a virgin at 41, you triple nigger

>waaah I'm a virgin and life treated me hard
>therefore everyone should be like me and if they're not like me then they have no right to complain.
Muh africans are starving and have it harder so you should not complain argument. Literal nigger tier logic.

you need people to talk to user
if Discord chatting would help hmu for my #

Drinking for me was the absolute worst way to deal with it, even today if I have a sip I feel like shit comparatively it is likely in my head but I am glad I stopped abusing alcohol.

Instead I smoke chop, try to stay out of the house as much as possible when I have down time, date different women, come on Jow Forums when I am having sad thoughts and distract myself talking to others, and I was going to the gym lifting heavy twice a day but got injured.

When I am finished rehabbing my injury I will have to change the way I work out but it was a big help for me. Basically staying busy, active, healthy and distracted. Not dwelling on the past, and isolating myself from family because they make things worse

>try living alone for 20 years with barely any human contact and still being a virgin at 41, you triple nigger
Sounds like you are making your personal decision everybody elses problem. Because you chose to live a life of loneliness and misery nobody else could possibly experience mental health issues.

why is it all so tiring anons
i just dont wanna do it anymore
i just woke up from 7 hours sleep and i feel tired as fuck
not the kind where u go back to sleep but the kind where u are strong enough to suffer but weak enough to not be able to do anything about it
i am just standinf here powerless
wtf bros, when is it gonna end

Terry's razor is actually pretty wise. RIP king terry.

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Went to the doctor today to finally treat this shit.
She told me tree times to promise her i wouldn't kill myself before the appointment next week so i must have made an impression.

it's gonna get better user I know it is

hopefully she helps you user
I wish you the best

step one
>force yourself to go on fit and read their /sig/ self improvement general.
>be active once a day in sunlight for vit d, and take fish oil. the only supplement combo proven to help depression somewhat
>cbt - cognitive behavioural therapy for thoughts / behaviours that hurt
>then meds

honestly doing meds first than cbt / fit guarantees you'll be able to do them

Same user. Waiting for a breakthrough. Literally praying and hoping God pulls me out of this predicament :(

Thanks, i hope so too.
Dont think its going to be easy tho. Been like this longer than i havent.
Originally plannet to get sleeping pills to OD on with alcohol but decided to tell the truth, worst case it doesn't work and i OD anyway.

It won't be easy but it sounds like you're willing to make things better. I believe in you user, you're gonna fix your problems.

>just go to the gym bro!
Why do Jow Forumsfags think every solution to life's problems is going to the gym? You'd have to be a special kind of retard to think having no friends, money, gf or life will be cured by having muscle.

your predicament is temporary, you're gonna make it

Endorphins and confidence, as well as providing you with something positive to do with the tons of downtime you assuredly have given your lackluster social/sex life. Working out makes you more attractive by all accounts, and it feels good to know you can take your shirt off whenever for no reason.

Me and my homenigga from work pretty much all we do is work out together (calisthenics, running and outdoor rock climbing because he can not afford a gym) it is fun to see yourself get better, apply that in other areas in life and there you go

and good move deciding not to OD. it's one of the worst ways to die. I wish you a good life and happiness

You're assuming that going to the gym will suddenly cure you of autism. You're not going to suddenly grow a pair of balls to talk to women when you work out.

Talking to women and lifting weights/working out are entirely different skill sets, but the best version of yourself that is in peak shape has the largest dating pool of all the different versions of yourself.

There is really no reason not to work out consistently, suggesting that it will not fix your love life is a pitiful excuse. For all you know your next girlfriend is initially most attracted to your figure, I know the girl I am seeing loves to squeeze, kiss or slap my ass whenever I am naked in her vicinity.

it's a good move*
sorry that sentence didn't really make any sense

>Talking to women and lifting weights/working out are entirely different skill sets
Which is entirely the point. I know of good looking guys who are consistently rejected by women because they were acting like a couple of retards who giggled at the slightest chance of talking to a woman. First attraction is only temporary, what matters is how you handle yourself. I know it's cliche, but sense of humor and how you act will have more weight to a woman's heart than your looks and physique. Beauty is only skin deep, your character is forever.

>There is really no reason not to work out consistently
If staying in shape, physical health and wanting good muscles is your priority then yes. Curing you of your autism, knowing HOW to act with women and fixing OPs life of loneliness while also dealing with bullying, oppression and bad reputation, won't really do anything for you.

Meant for . Damn I'm kinda in the spectrum today.

Meant for . My lack of sleep seems to have an effect on me.

At least you have a girlfriend user, I would love to have a girlfriend right now. In fact having a girlfriend right now would stop me from being depressed.

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Drugs mostly. I recommend a hefty dose of lsd.

>be like a hippy maannnn. Just smoookkeee weeed maannnn! Hakuna matata maaaan
Fuck off hippy.