What was the place you lost your virginity in?
What was the place you lost your virginity in?
In his bedroom while scremo music played in the background.
In the woods of sweden during a camping trip. Was pretty good.
never happened
where do you think you are?
In her apartment as the city below us moved to the beat of the night. It was as perfect as something that would be weird and awkward for me could get.
Fifteen minutes after "her" became my first gf.
Some girls dorm at this Christian college. I met her off of tinder.
in a high-end hotel with an art-deco aesthetic. i lost it with a 400-pound woman with a 62" ass. my dick exploded inside her tight pussy. thankfully she was infertile
Literally perfect OP.
Gfs 16th birthday at her house.
A bedroom in Napa California in the afternoon.
AN by perfect I meant the girl in OP not the experience lol
>lost your virginity
Fuck you, goddamn can why cant we kill dumb whores like the good ole days?
I lost my virginity in a vagina
I live there :) Napa is great
Hasn't happened yet. I had one chance to with my female friend, but I knew she was a huge whore (had hooked up with 30+ guys), so I told her I didn't want to when she started taking my shirt off and contented myself with just kissing her. The kissing itself was meaty and wet, not all that pleasant. But she was so sweet about the whole thing, and said I was a good kisser. It was the most comfortable I'd ever felt with a girl, like I could say almost anything to her. And I still remember the exhilaration I felt, sitting there after she left, thinking to myself that I had actually just kissed a girl. Definitely a good experience on the whole, and I don't regret any of it.
A disgusting gutter trash whore in her filthy bedroom at 3am
We were both 15
This hotel. Sheets were destroyed
this is bait and you all have been caught
What happened with the whore?
the backroom of one of those window brothels like in amsterdam. she had a cute innie.
some crappy hotel
full virginity was lost in my college dorm room. Same went for my roommate at the time.
My ex-gfs college residence room. I lasted about 1 or 2 minutes.
Idk man what am I a psychic?
My ex's bed. I went to her place for the first time and it was really awkward and we had trouble talking with each other. I thought I had fucked everything up. Then she gets up and says "bed time" and goes to the bathroom. I don't know if I should get in her bed or sleep on the couch but in the end I get in her bed. She starts rubbing her feet against mine and when I come closer she puts my hand on her breast. The rest is history.
youare mom pussy x-D
my boyfriend's bedroom in his parents' house.
With blood actually
I left that part out because it's kinda pathetic on my part, but: I had something of a delayed reaction in liking her. We had been friends for 10 months when we kissed, and I felt perfectly happy to just be miod friends with benefits. But after another month or so, since she kind of understood me and was the only girl to ever show me any physical affection, I started to like her, and I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend. She said no, that she didn't think we were compatible (different lifestyles and political views). She was right, and I quickly returned to my senses that I shouldn't pursue her romantically, but despite that, the damage had been done; she had rejected me as an option when she typically didn't reject many men, so my pride took yet another hit and I largely cut contact with her. That whole thing was about 9 months ago, and now I talk to her about once a month. I feel better about the situation this way.
in your moms butthole
In my parents bed. Fuck. I hate it.
were his parents away from the house meanwhile?
the boys toilets in highschool
My apartment room on a floor mattress with a waitress from Red Robin with pierced nipples
>this thread is full of people that shouldnt be here
Off to the side of a graveyard in the middle of the day, in my car
with my first boyfriend after school
sorry for double post
In my bedroom as Pink Season played in the background
I'm 29 and haven't lost my virginity
And no harpy is gonna take my wizard powers away I get them in less than a year now
In my bedroom while my parents were out.
She was the 20 year old dorm roommate of my neighbors older sister and it was my 16th birthday
>What was the place you lost your virginity in?
all i see are normalfags, why has it come to this
Wtf 'infetrile' so she was on birth control?
Under her bedframe, in a small little semi-enclosed area
that sounds cool as fuck user
I want to see girls like this take a nice huge dump. I want to hear her push out a bubbly stinky fart.
There is nothing better than seeing a cute girl get off to her poop.
Man I miss the early 2000s now
Why waste your time with such useless pleasures? Is it not better to worry about the long goal and enjoying the little thing? Sex is a burden on society.
>parents away for the night
>sleep in their bed with my gf
>creampie her
>it almost certainly dripped onto the sheets
>don't bother cleaning the sheets
Why am I so gross?
at this boys house during a party. i got really drunk and we fucked in his parents room.
Lmao the absolute state of r9k. I always check on every couple weeks to see how bad it's gotten
I have told the story before
It was Summer, her family was a train wreck so she was visiting the neighbors for a month.
She was 5 feet tall, maybe 95 lbs, brown eyes, auburn hair. She was sweet, funny, and weird.
My parents were taking a cruise & I was spending the week alone with my aunt checking in every day
>we always celebrate birthdays on Saturdays so they claimed they were not ignoring it
She found out I was at home alone on my b-day and just... showed up.
We watched some black & white movie for a bit, then she asked to see my room.
She literally undressed me, stripped down herself, and sat me on the bed.
Gave me a handjob; I came in 4-5 strokes
She said
>now that that is out of the way
And we laid in my bed, kissing and making out, for a while, then we fucked.
Showered together, had lunch, fucked.
Played cards, my aunt called, we fucked.
Slept naked together
Fucked in the morning
Had breakfast and she said
>you dont love me, you know. Find a girl you love before wanting permanent
and she left
She went back to university the day after, my parents came home.
>she is married, has a kid now
A dream, and a blissful one.
My bed in my bedroom. I dont even remember how it went down exactly. I was just confused.
Did you use a condom?
If not did you pull out?
She asked me to trust her
That's your son user. The true heir
in the girls apartment one afternoon when her mom was out. we're still together
Damn do girls really ask to be cummed in? That often?
At school behind the "science" building during lunch period. I was like 14 I think. My best friend was standing watch just in case. I was in a skirt so I just had to hike it up. It lasted like seven-ish minutes and I didn't cum.
After that we did it almost every day during lunch period because we couldn't go to his or my place.
We broke up during summer and I got another boyfriend, so he spread rumours about me. After that people talked behind my back and called me a slut and stuff.
This reads like a typical summer themed doujin lamo
Her daughter was born 3 years later
I do not have a ton of experience but everyone I fucked wanted to be cummed in
i've definitely had the sex. how many y'all like sex?!
>had to look up doujin
In the tranny bathroom at my college kek. basically they were family bathrooms that you find in a grocery store but with a shower so we fucked on the floor and in the shower. then she blew me and swallowed the load. 5/10 desu she was pretty fat and unattractive and I regret it now. Then again I regret every sexual encounter because they were just hookups with people I met that day or only once before.
My flight home from a work trip got cancelled. Split cost of cheap hotel with girl from work to save money. We had 20 hours to kill. I'm not even sure how it happened but we had sex like 5 times. Let me cum on her face and fuck her ass. She told me to keep it a secret. Things went back to normal after that.
Almost 20 and Never. So I make music and play videogames to distract myself from the crippling loneliness
On the floor of a massage parlor.
But are you a slut tho?
I joined one of those adopt a soldier things in HS where I would send little care packages, hand-written letters, etc.
He was not model handsome, but tall, broad-shouldered, muscular, and, well, rugged, I guess.
Before too long we were emailing, too, and he was really thoughtful and philosophical.
After 4 months he was coming back and had 3 weeks of leave, so he said he would visit for a week.
I was terrified- I had sent only my best pictures and I knew he would think I am ugly.
I met him at the airport, we went to his hotel together, and we had sex.
He was really kind about it but it hurt (I learned later his dick is a lot thicker than normal).
But he loved my tits and raved about my eyes.
He met my parents for dinner, where he found out I was still 17 then. My parents liked him a lot.
We waited a day (I was sore) but had sex 4 more times before he left.
yeah but still it hurts
on the front porch of an upper middle class apartment complex just across the river from Portland on an easy, early autumn day
If you agree that your a slut why does it hurt then? [Spoiler]not that I'm saying you are[/spoiler]
Mmf craigslist threeway in some backwoods house. It was a really sketchy meetup. Ive lied to everyone how I lost my virginity.
With any luck a hotel or apartmentvthat I am staying at when I travel/move to where she is.
Backseat of my moms old Camry in a Walmart parking lot in the middle of a hot summer day. Girl passed away years ago but she was a sweetie, wanted me to date her but I was sad over an ex
In a very cheap hotel room with a fat girl when I went to visit her hometown.
It actually wasn't that bad.
It's a sad state of things that there will be posts that aren't "I never lost it".
my apartment after a night of drinking. was just he regular group of friends on a weekend night when a friend asked if her friend come come through. said yes, we hit it off. blacked out and woke up with her in my bed. she told me she'd seen me in the store i worked and thought i was hot.
A cute femanon's apartment, after watching Blade Runner 2049. I stayed with her for a weekend, she cooked for me and was really sweet. 10/10 experience.
Source is Abigale Johnson
My first girlfriends bedroom, she was a virgin too so it was kinda messy
Can you describe that in more detail origi
That depends on your definition of virginity.
Thanks user aboregano
in my imaginary mansion with my imaginary girlfriend, while drinking some imaginary 25 yr old whisky
16yo with highschool big tittied goth gf.
Terrible time, i fucked her and she started crying about her not being good enough for me.
Relationship lasted two years, but she was too much of a cunt
The only real virgins are c-section babies.
>What was the place you lost your virginity in?
I haven't decided yet. You?
Real shame she doesn't show her face, from what you can see of her lips and hair she looks like she'd be real cute. And her hairy muff is great
25 year old virgin female. Virgin robot. Was just an exchange i guess. I sonewhat regret it. He wouldnt even stay after. It was a lot of blood but it wasnt that painful. im surprised the hotel never billed me, but i guess they see all kinds of shit.
Anyway thats the pathetic gist of it
On top of her dads boat in the garage.
It was the middle of winter & freezing cold
In a then friends bed, while I was house sitting for his family while they were away on holiday.
who is the girl in the webm?
normalniggers GET THE FUCK OUT
guess what retards? you'll find having lost one's virginity doesn't automatically turn you into chad. I am probably more robot than all of you.
On a coach in my parents basement. She pulled out my penis and it was shriveled up and she had to carefully uncork it with her fingers first.
This user's got it in quite the original way
terry is that you? origani