Fembot thread

Fembots. Do you think you could ever enjoy having a one night stand?

Also do you enjoy using your bicycle around town, even when drunk?

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>Do you think you could ever enjoy having a one night stand?
>Also do you enjoy using your bicycle around town, even when drunk?
Well, I can't ride a bicycle, I don't get drunk, and riding a bike with alcohol in your system is illegal here, so... Also no.

>Do you think you could ever enjoy having a one night stand?
>Also do you enjoy using your bicycle around town,
>even when drunk?
what why would i do that

>Fembots. Do you think you could ever enjoy having a one night stand?
No, the one time I did it I regretted it instantly after.

>Also do you enjoy using your bicycle around town, even when drunk?
This sounds dangerous, especially for the city I live in.

>Also do you enjoy using your bicycle around town, even when drunk?
You're a bicycle, fuck off whore.

Not a fembot but what the fuck is up with the 2nd question?

I wish I had a fembot here right now so she could lie on top of me with her head on my chest. I'd pat her back and call her a good girl in a bass voice that makes furniture tremble sometimes. Would you like that, fembots?

Never gonna happen faggot, girls here are either trash, whores, or fucking nuts.

I hate you
That actually sounds super comfy.

>call her a good girl
That would make me incredibly uncomfortable.

why the hell would that make you uncomfortable? Because he's "objectifying" you?

Because that's language that is used toward animals and children under the age of 6.

It would be. The light right now is the lazy kind of low and the room temp is warm but comfortable.

How so? Have you been bad?

That's exactly what makes it appropriate.

Oh, so you mean you'd feel patronized. I think the attitude and the tone of voice play a bigger role than the words themselves. I guess we could take turns if that is how you feel. I want us both to feel nice and appreciated.

That's retarded but okay user

Well if you're repulsivly ugly than it won't be as nice but I'll just pretend that you're at least kinda attractive. Since I am lonely

>attitude and the tone of voice
Have nothing to do with it.
>we could take turns
I would never say such a thing. It's gross.

I get mired and occasionally approached so I guess I'm good. I'm a little on the hairy side but nothing weird. My chesthair is soft and smooth. How does that sound?

Relax. Okay, the atmosphere is calm and lazy, the sunlight is yellow orange. I'm lying with my head on your thighs and you are feeling affectionate. What would you say?

Why are you trying so desperately to derail the thread?

DADDY? You left us when I was little but is this you?

>Do you think you could ever enjoy having a one night stand?
I tried once but I ended up crying before we did anything and then he took me home.
I don't want to. I don't like it. No.

>Also do you enjoy using your bicycle around town, even when drunk?
I can't ride a bike. If I could, I would probably enjoy it yes. Possibly moreso when drunk.

Derail it from what you dumb bitch? Riding bicycles drunk? Your fucking questions are retarded

What are you talking about. The thread subject is fembots.

I'd never abandon my kids. What kind of father abandons his children.

Would you like a metalhead daddy?

never had my own bicycle and tried to ride my brothers but it was too big and i gave up and we live in suburbs anyway so town is far away

it happened one night at a party after a football game at my friends house and i drank two beers and she had sex with her bf and i did with her bf's friend who i just met and went to another school and it hurt and i cried so i didn't enjoy it and more worried my parents would know i drank beer

no metalheads look gross.

my daddy is tall and a business man and smells good and has a smooth face after he shaves and never hugs too tight but just right and he wakes me with kisses

Your attempt at LARPing has nothing to do with the thread subject.

So someone who never existed to begin with? Good luck with that.

>What kind of father abandons his children
i don't know but it hurts and my mom said he was a coward but i think something bad happened to him and he got lost

> got lost
Not gonna lie that's pretty funny
Why does your mom call him a coward?

he exist but he hasnt found me yet but i have hope so much hope i buy him little presents already for when he does i have a whole drawer full

Fuck your thread and fuck you. We'll post about whatever we damn well please.

The way you describe yourself reminds me a guy I talked to who had serious issues. Thought he was a lot better than how he actually was.

she says he ran away but no one saw him run i didn't and i asked and asked and no way was my daddy scared of anything

yes and no. i dont have a bike and i dont drink.

I won't deny I have my issues. I wouldn't be here otherwise. But the description is fairly vague and average.

How do I find an autistic big tiddy gf with insanely low standards because I am an obese autist.

lose some weight originally

Lose weight and look like you care about your appearance. So dress nice and be hygienic

>your thread
How on earth have you gotten that idea in your head? And why are you so aggressive?

Good RP I guess

But food tastes god.

why did you do it? I hate when girls engage in degenerate behavior to try it out instead of sticking to relationships, instantly ruins a girl if when she does it even once, fucking whore