Give me reasons why is USA better
Give me reasons why is USA better
it's easier to die
More freedom of speech, less censorship, guns, more opportunities, only one well-known language.
EU is globalist kike shit
Estados Unidos*
There fixed that for you.
Loli porn is legal
its warmer here
we have air conditioning
everyone speaks english all the time
those are my main reasons, I can't think of anything else right now
>its warmer here
>we have air conditioning
what the fuck
it's kino. You go outside especially at night during the summer and it's super warm, which is really nice especially if there's a breeze. But when you're inside, there's always AC so it never gets hot and stuffy. The only problem is sometimes during midday it's unpleasantly hot and sunny outside.
We don't get arrested for "revving your car up in a racist manner" for fucking starters.
We are still free and not being replaced by Muslims and Africans. Meanwhile Europe will be a socialist dystopia ruled by Sharia Law by 2050. At least America will still be culturally western.
Yeah cause Beane's are so much better, at least muslims are fucking civilized in some countries.
theres a lot of fun shit to do in America
better food too
>This is what mutts actually believe
You are equally fucked, Mr. Gomez Tyrone O'Marinelli
You do know that for example Spain is warmer than lets say Illinois and that idk Florida is warmer than Sweden??
And believe it or not we do have air conditioning here!!!!!!!!!
It depends, Europe has a lot of countries
who gives a shit
go talk tot he poltards
And hate speech laws exist in nearly all of them. Enjoy going to prison for making fun a of muslim or african rapist
The younger generation of Hispanics have an easier time assimilating since they grow up speaking English their whole lives.
Crime is actually incredibly low her in terms of guns
Suicide is counted in gun crime statistics and accounts for 99% of gun crime, 97% of the rest is gang crime from 5 cities pretty much. Take suicides and gang crime out of the equation and america is 4th to last.
If you arent a retard who thinks about race all the time its great because you meet alot of people from all over, way back in highschool i had a girl from Guatemala and a guy from laos who were super close friends, people from opposite ends of the earth make friends which is pretty based
The military is a huge plus, id say it is overfunded but thats mostly due to wasteful bullshit like using libe munitions to teach people how to fire cannons. The big military means alot of high grade tech makes its way into the hands of the people. I can buy military grade lasers so strong looking at the spot it makes on a wall would boil your eyeballs (thats literal too)
Highest paid teachers in the world
Outside of hyper-political shitbrains like most people are brought together just by the simple fact they're americans
People are super friendly. In germany i believe saying hello or making eye contact when passing someone in public is weird, but i can strike up a conversation with anyone and its cool, since people are just more social.
The states do have their own unique cultures but unlike europe where each country stands by history from 700 years ago as some sense of pride each state is brought together by (once again) the pure fact that they're American. A frenchman and a danish man may not get along because of their countries, but i know i can go from here in maryland to washington and get along with anyone despite the large distance
The sheer freedom we have is great too. Victimless crimes aren't a thing here, the right to bear arms is a big one as guns are a proven crime deterrent. i could buy a tank, deactivate the cannon, give it rubber treads, and then its street legal
TL;DR let freedom ring baby
Go to Florida, Texas, Arizona, California, or new Mexico then come back and say that they are "assimilating"
>protect act of 2003
>loli being legal in the USA
Definition required.
I attended a high school that was predominately white/Hispanic. I should know, retard.
>user tries to start shit
>Americans give proper responses
>Thread is peaceful
If you want a flame war then try circumcision.
You're fucking delusional, your school in fucking new England with a whole 2 Hispanic kids ain't a fucking shining example of Hispanics assimilating you dumb faggot nigger.
You're the delusional one, kiddo
op here if i wanted that shit i would go to /pol i just wanted to see what people think
And i actually didnt expect so much political arguments just wanted shit like yeah we have better food and shit
You cant look at europe as one country do its kinda stupid to discuss politics
Ahh, your a cali fag, so your basically just a fucking liar.
Good to know.
america has the coolest flag so there the coolest country
Because they don't have a room filled with retards hellbent to replace their population with "immigration quotas", they do have a room of retards, just not the same tier as us in the EU and if you refuse you get a billion euro fine just for looking after your own country first
The eu falls behind the us in a lot of things but it has something that the us doesn't have right now potential. The Us is a finished story while the eu can be anything it's still a project in the making while the us is a finished product there won't be major territorial changes in the us any time soon while the eu is currently adding 6 countries to the union and losing 1. There is big potential here and excitment about the future.
t. lives in the midwest
I live in the south "kiddo"
How many memes have we tried to ban? How many states have we literally threatened for exercising basic voting rights?
either way you have no idea what you're talking about you triggered poltard
Cant wait till the cartels cut off your faggot face califag.
i doubt ill see one. I live in a low crime area
People with radical different moral values close together is a good thing though...
You're right. EU can potentially be the world's most powerful entity but they need to get their shit together. The main advantage the EU has over the US is that they are dynamic and adaptive. The US is paralyzed by its two-party system.
Our outdoors. We've got almost every biome type in the world, and places like San Diego are known for having a great climate overall.
I don't know if that much political competition is better than two party system.
>LGBT pride all over the place
>Fast food everywhere
>Fat people
>Black culture is much stronger (Rap music, black NFL players, Basketball, black actors in Hollywood)
>You need a car for everything
>Wood houses that you burn you alive
>culturally western
yes, if you consider that the only western culture is slavery
Things can still get done occasionally. With the two-party system almost nothing will ever pass because whatever one party proposes, no matter how reasonable, will be opposed by the other party.
The EU needs to pick a governing culture. When it becomes a single state, they're going to have to pick one type of culture that will be the dominant, official European culture. Different regions and provinces will still maintain some of their original identity, but it will have to come second to their European identity.
But how do you possibly choose? Does Europe want to accept german as their main culture? All those people would have died in two world wars for absolutely nothing.
Are you really serious
The US picked having no culture, so that's always an option too.