I am going to try 1p-LSD thinking about 200 ug

I am going to try 1p-LSD thinking about 200 ug
Is that good dose, how is it different from regular LSD?
What to expect

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1-P is essentially the exact same as the real deal, 200ug is a pretty strong dose but if you have much experience with psychedelics you should be fine. If this is your first time with psych's though, I'd recommend 75-100 to start off with

kys druggie
worse than muslims

1-p is fun.
The trip is not ego-destroying but instead ego-centric.

this sounds worse :(

Can you clear in which way is strong dose? To what extend is strong?

I tried lsd 2 times but I dont know how much I took.
second time I took 1 and half tab, and I didn't had any halucinations, but did had distorted visuals...etc
what does that fuck mean, and explain without using mambo jambo words

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LSD seems super hard to come by any tips on how to find it? i tried a 300ug tab and would like to do it again
or maybe try something closer to 400ug

>t. Needs the government to baby sit him because he cannot make his own decisions and does not do any research except what he is told by his mum

It's cheap as fuck off the dark web.

Lurk in those drug feel threads long enough and you'll learn what to do.

200 is pretty strong. I felt like me Memory got whiped out and I had to learn evrythink again (what function has my Hand, what is a window) I tried to write and draw to focus my thoughts and the shit I wrote was fucking terrifiying. "The deamons in my head are so loud but if I just write pretty and clean it might go away" It was a interesting experience though.

Nothing really, but i highly recommend getting some gum
The only thing that annoyed me from taking 1P, was the jaw clenching, take some magnesium and eat a couple of bananes for a couple of days
Other than that, enjoy, maybe have a benzo on the sideline so you can get sleep if you plan tripping at night
Nothing sucks more laying in bed, not tripping, and not able to sleep AT ALL

Yeah, the body load with 1P can be distracting if you are not active during your trip. I was confined in a small room when i did it and I felt extremely restless.

>Nothing sucks more laying in bed, not tripping, and not able to sleep AT ALL
That's pretty much how my first time went and yeah its not fun. Felt like my brain was bouncing off the rev limiter and i was stuck in first gear. It is absolutely impossible to sleep. Made the mistake of taking it at midnight on a Friday and ended up being awake for close to 36 hours.

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Exactly the same for me, friday night, confined to a small room, but it was a pretty nice experience
I didn't felt like there was a big difference between 1P and other LSD analogues/lsd-25 except the bodyload/jaw clenching
Maybe the 1P felt a bit more artificial, but not as night/day as shrooms vs LSD
But ohh yess, the bodyload, i was pretty used to it though, i enjoyed laying in bed on a high dose of MD and listening to music and just wiggle around to match the music
Only the jaw clenching was getting to me really
Fapping helped with my bodyload + porn was much more interresting on it

>ended up being awake for close to 36 hours.
Exactly haha, it isn't fun at all being awake after psychedelics, benzos are always nice to have for that
Or some good weed with high CBD%, that also makes it a bit more toleratable

Nonetheless, very fun experience, would try again if i'm able to walk around the house, and have something for the comedown

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this, it's like 4 bucks a tab on the darknet for quality stuff. meanwhile niggers on the street sell tabs for like 20 bucks and it's very likely not even real acid

Where should one have their darknet orders sent, I imagine having it sent to your personal PO Box or anything that's directly linked to you is a big no no.

sending anything to a fake address/fake name instantly raises suspicions about the package. acid is literally just a piece of paper in an envelope, there's nothing suspicious about that

I was more worried about any darknet orders getting flagged by the gummint just by the purchase itself then flagging the address that purchased it, not because it was sent to a fake address. But I suppose it should be fine, as long as I'm using Tor and a PO Box not my physical I should be good.
How do I know I won't be ripped off or that it's not Mr.FBI I'm buying from?

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Hun I bought some off here and it fucked me up fun time

1 tab and I tripped more than I ever have


they can't catch you just through the order itself though, that's what the point of tor is. they catch people when they find drugs in somebody's mail which they are more likely to do if the package seems suspicious

I ordered, speed, mdma through mail multiple times, nothing happened.
If something was to happen I would just straight deny everything.
They can't do shit if they can't prove you ordered it because people could be just setting up each other and sending people in jail just for giggles.
Getting mail in private PO BOX is certain thing it will get connected to you because people can't just find out your PO BOX out of blue and send stuff there.
Use your real name and home address.
Worse thing they can do take it in Post office.
[this message is fictional made up story only for entertainment]

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>Worse thing they can do take it in Post office.
this. a lot of times drugs will disappear not because the government seized it, but because some lucky post office worker found it and pocket it