>In terms of internet dating, men are not fuc-
In terms of internet dating, men are not fuc-
>B-b-but internet dating is not real li-
wow.. it's almost like it's mainly used as a hookup app or something
Sources? None?
Fuck yourself
Who gives a shit? Mgtow and jerk off
Most men in history didn't reproduce, you're just part of that group in present day
Might as well get angry at the earth spinning
>implying sexual selection doesn't function exactly the same way off the internet
>39% of relationships in 2017 started via internet dating
Illiterate retard spotted.
Literally both pics show source, bluepilled quarterbrain.
wow.. it's almost like multiple dating services exist while tindr is mainly used as a hookup app or something
>Most men in history didn't reproduce, you're just part of that group in present day
So this is how MGTards cope? Hahaha trully pathetic. It was always either a rape or women had to find a husband and only a small minority didn't have regular sex. It all turned around thanks to feminism.
Even statistics from recent years show this, pic related.
LMFAO most MGTards are probably incels in denial.
how come this board just has the same exact threads with the same image over and over again?
No fucking way that there are this many dating apps/portals other than tinder that would gather this many people who would make 39% of couples from 2017.
Nothing is as popular as tinder, maybe badoo but it's basically the same thing.
Also Cope harder
Ha guess that means Im lucky heres hoping she doesnt have a penis
Rest of tinder convo
You have already fucked it up, retard. Don't even try.
yes way, user
and each couple consists of 1 male 1 female so obviously even if there weren't your point is moot
She a qt 3.14
It worked fag we are meeting she wants to see midsommar
wanna see my dick bro
Holy shit, strong arguments, I got completely obliterated, I better off myself now, brb, just gong to kill myself.
>and each couple consists of 1 male 1 female so obviously even if there weren't your point is moot
It doesn't say how many people are in relationship in total, I bet the number went down since 10 years ago.
So only a small fraction of men get sex from relationships, while a few more get it from FWB with the rest of women. 60% of men don't get ANYTHING. Again, you mental pleb - pic related
>It worked
No, it DIDN NOT WORKED, she is desperate enought to look beyond that first fuck up. You are going to fuck it up either way but go ahead, make an ass of yourself, IDC.
You sound like a fucking faggot. Get off this site
Yes u must lower the iq to talk to females, unless of course you are a normie in disguise that just happens to browse at 3 am. I havent had sex before so its not like Im not a robot.
Hahaha I just have a weird way of typing i can talk way better in person if Im high but hey Im trying to get a gf at least
would like to see the data for all of tinder and not just people with college degrees
Still posting that fake graph? Sad.
Daily reminder that if you read the actual study it does not say that at all. The tweet is a troll.
DAily reminder you are just a faggot.
Women have to seek for the best fit to get impregnated by the best genes.
Men have to seek as many women as they can as to make as much offspring as they can.
Very simple if you look at it animalistic.
That's the key word. This is how animals behave. When the women were in check, everyone was happy. Now they were given what the man has created so they said "fuck you" to (most) men.
This in turn will cause incels to go crazy to some point. The society will not be able to satisfy and ease them. This is what is going on in the animal world exactly.
I forgot which monkey that was but there is one that basically has huge groups of revolting incels, who go as far as to kill babies of other monkeys.
>I forgot which monkey that was but there is one that basically has huge groups of revolting incels, who go as far as to kill babies of other monkeys.
You're thinking of humans.
>this is who I play osrs with
what the fuck i hate runescape now
God, I thought your Vsauce comment was an ironic joke but then you both went along with it and now I'm disgusted.
You're still using that fake "study" that was made up by an incel based on an e-mail questionnaire he sent to 27 girls? The "tinder study" that actually didn't use tinder data?
Just came here to post this and tell you guys not to give up on online dating/dating in general just because of crabs like OP. Although I was pleasantly surprised to see most people in here were not taking him seriously
Have yet to meet anyone I see myself with on more than one or two dates on these apps but as far as just meeting fun girls to hang out with on the weekend (have no friends in my city really) there is nothing else like it