Kyoto animation burns down

>Kyoto animation burns down
>SadPanda is killed by normies
>Valve fucks up TF2
What the fuck is.goimg on?
This entire week has been a utter shitshow.

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>wahhh my ironic weeb studio burned down wahhh muh ironic weeb porn site got shut down wahhhh muh ironic ebin classic steam game got ruined

Good. I hope Jow Forums is next so all you normshit reddit cancer can fuck off back to where you came from.

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I wouldn't mind Jow Forums getting shut down actualky

>gay moeshit studio finally fucks off
>degenerate pedoshit cartoon porn site fucks off
>shitty game nobody cares about anymore fucks off
Divine intervention if you ask me.

Wait! How did Valve fuck up TF2 exactly? I thought it already was fucked

Get off Jow Forums and go look at paint or something

>browsing reddit this hard

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fucking up the economy

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What happened to TF2?

Well ain't that a bitch.

user, TF2 has been fucked up for a long long while. MyM was the final nail in the coffin.

Good, fuck tradefags.I miss when a key costed 2.3 ref

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I haven't played TF2 in about a year, what happened? Or are you just referring to the lack of major updates? If so, be patient, I'd rather have them take their time and make a genuinely decent update rather than make and release a really bad one.

Volvo fucked up and crates 1-15 and some others in the 80s have guaranteed unusuals at the moment and are selling for dosh. Used to be 20-50 dollars, now going for 10. Myself I cant participate because of recent steam guard bullshit so I just opened mine up and got these two.

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You are just seeing the engines of WW3 start to rev. Things starting to get really shitty all at once is an sign of the end times. Hold onto your ass.

>ww3 will start because a shitty anime studio burned down and nothing of value was lost
lol okay, pal

>Jow Forums taken down within the end of the year
>Fuckers flock to R E D D I T
Worst timeline

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Oh I forgot this place was full of dumbfuck reddit normies...

redditfags in full force

>nerds are finally getting what they deserve
Finally, score 1 for the Chads who don't give a shit about anime, loli porn, or vidya.

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>for the chads who don't give a shit about vidya
but user, all chads have a ps4 with lots of sport games

>implying the latest hits on consoles count as vidya