"Chinese century"

How will be it be the Chinese century when China can't even un fuck its shit. It has been lead by commies for the past 75 years. They kill their own people, pollute their own lands in mass and are just in general bug people. Chinese people aren't even innovative or creative, they just copy, emulate and tweak western ideas and inventions. Chinks rely on the outside world, they rely on having others to produce shit for. I have seen some Chinese people walk around in my country and they all wear surgeon masks because they must think the air gives you cancer like how it does when they are in their home country.

Oh and yeah us Whites are superior looking to Chinese women. They have to get make up and fake features, they even use whitening cream and get surgery to widen their eyes.

Attached: no sauce for you.png (711x695, 466K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>going from destitute farming country to world superpower in 75 years
just because you re retarded and can t understand the innovation that comes from china, doesn t mean there isn t innovation there.

Attached: E7702737-FF69-475B-949A-83824259A4AE.jpg (933x1464, 260K)

>they kill their own people
They kill minorities like Turks.
>they copy
Used to. Now they are superior in every aspect.
>surgeon masks
Never seen someone healthy using it irl
>white women is superior
I know chinks are the second worst Asians, but man how can whites even compete?

Attached: 1562447512077.jpg (1668x2280, 1.04M)

China is starting to crumble, it won't be long.

World super power? Maybe the government and that is it, the average person there works in a sweat shop, on a farm or in a factory making less than $8000 USD a year. They rely on other people to send their business there. In another decade over 30% of the population will be over 65 years old and will need to be supported by the dwindling younger generation which is literally shrinking in more than half. Chinese people don't innovate for shit they just copy and reproduce shit at lesser quality. Germans make the best fucking products.

You should be asking how can Asian women compete. Loads of Asian women try to look more European.

Attached: IPHONE1911_26_05_16.png (935x642, 806K)

>burgers are coping this much
don t you got some checks to write to israel or something?

I'm not a burger I am a German.

I work in finance and people have been talking about the Chinese real estate bubble since literally 2010. Nothing is going to happen.

This is why you should stick to hating women

As a white man I am very excited for the Chinese century!

lmaooo you actually put your own country as making the best products. how s the whole kicking musicians out of festivals because the don t support israel thing going? berlin and roller coasters are like the only things you guys have that are worthwhile. and looking at where the bejing scene is going i don t think there s too much hope for you.

>World super power? Maybe the government and that is it,
That is literally the definition of what constitutes a world super power.

>The average person there works in a sweat shop, on a farm or in a factory making less than $8000 USD a year.
Less that 1% of the British populace owns more that 50% of the wealth there. The first-world lifestyle Brits "enjoy" is literally nothing more than a bone their masters throw them to avoid rioting. Since Germany is not a direct democracy that evenly distributes wealth, I assume it's the same thing over there. The only difference between you and the Chinese is that you have a slightly better deal.

>In another decade over 30% of the population will be over 65 years old and will need to be supported by the dwindling younger generation which is literally shrinking in more than half.
This same demographic shift is faced to some degree by literally every first-world country that dosen't have mass immigration. It turns out, when you educate dumbass peasants they stop having a bunch of needless kids.

>Chinese people don't innovate for shit they just copy and reproduce shit at lesser quality.
And it works and it makes them money. What are you, a commie?

>Germans make the best fucking products.
Wow, what an amazing fucking accomplishment. I hope they put "made the best goods and/or services" on my tombstone when I die.

It doesn't matter if it works or not, what matters is individual humans quality of life. Chinese people are like insectoid drone people, numbers and statistics. Their art, culture, inventions, Intelligence can't even be compared to Europeans.

I also work in finance. China's hitting its limits. It is built on expansion through debt. All the signs are pointing to China's glory days coming to an end.

Is your pic supposed to look decent?
>Germany makes the best products
Other from cars? Right now you're either using chink or kike tech

germany doesn t even make the best cars though. japanese cars are low maintenance and last forever vs german cares that need to see a mechanic specializing in your car every month.
needing maintenance so often is not a sign of quality.

>when China can't even un fuck its shit


Attached: antisocial-punishment.jpg (600x571, 70K)

Products made in China are a given to be lesser quality to European made products. Chinese workers are worked for hours in long hard conditions making very little money. Any Chinese person that defends the CCP is a fucking stupid drone cunt that probably lives in the West because their family wanted to get the fuck out of that shit hole.

Attached: chink zero awareness.webm (640x368, 1.77M)

Cars, trucks, tools, machines, equiptment, weapons, you name it not just cars.

Attached: chink zero awareness 2.webm (600x480, 1.21M)

Average Chinese is poor, it is a shit hole no richer than Vietnam. But the Government makes propaganda showing the big glowy Beijing or shanghai that is funded by the Government using State-Capitalism. Chinks are drones lmao.

Attached: chink kills himself jumping into water.webm (368x640, 1.99M)

Yeah true, I am Chinese I live in Australia. My family got out of that fucking shit hole in the 1980s. Stupid fucking communists took over in the 50s and killed millions.

Attached: Chinese are the stupidest motherfuckers in history.png (901x461, 138K)

Kind of yeah, but I like the feeling of my Benz
Then how the fuck are you supposed to survive without chink shit?
>no processor
>no phone

Rather them than the africans.

How does this even happen? No-one there was paying attention to anything around them. How can people have no survival instincts?

The European peoples invented these things, and used to make them. We can make them ourselves and become self sufficient without having to be greedy. Our capitalist system has destroyed us from within, private manufacturers have all gone to cheaper nations to farm and reap off of the less fortunate. Fascism is the final solution for our people.

Attached: What is fascism.png (886x1322, 125K)

You are right, friend, INDIA will be the next superpower, and will dom all other countries into submission, starting with pakistan. INDIA will become the epitome of dominance and INDIAN men will be the most popular and most wanted men by women of all races, especially white

Attached: 65EC6E5F-A66C-4C0A-87E3-1DA3CA753D4C.jpg (884x1200, 156K)

Fat southerner who's never been to Asia detected.

I wouldn't mind India and Pakistan having a war between each other. Godspeed user.

As a pajeet I chuckled user.

Wow, the sequel to Twisted Metal is looking pretty good.

>b-but u no make cars we find wheel first

Pajeet pajeet oh use your feet
To get to favorite shitting street
Fun for me and fun for you
We have the street, why use a loo?

what ever the case is, china remains chinese. america and europe, will become blacker and browner. who wins?