Be 5'3" 100 pound straight guy

>be 5'3" 100 pound straight guy
>can't get gf
>fall for trap meme
>actually look good dressed as a girl
>get bf
>nice white guy with average sized cock
>love him but he's boring in bed
>want to get fucked hard
>bf goes out of town
>find cute guy with a big black cock on Grindr
>he comes over
>absolutely stretches me out and gaps me
>fucking love it
>my ass feels different - looser
>take pic
>my asshole has quadrupled in size

How do I get it to return to its normal size? My bf is coming back today and he's going to want to fuck and will notice.

Attached: took a dick too big.jpg (2576x1932, 419K)

did you get pozzed? doesn't pozzed cum feel SO MUCH different from regular cum. it's like more manly, it makes my insides tingle

it takes a couple days to go back to normal hun soz

You're fucked. He'll break up with you and kill a nigger. This is what happens when you cheat.

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Gonna take a couple of days/weeks.
Definetley gonna go bcak to normal size but hes gonna notice.

Just be straight up honest tell him hes boring, you like to get stretched.
If you used a condom and tell him you used a condome hes gonna be fine with it, afrer all you are his little slut.

I hope you used a condom user

>nice white guy with average sized cock
>love him but he's boring in bed
>want to get fucked hard
>bf goes out of town
>find cute guy with a big black cock on Grindr

gay people are just as bad as women if not worse

More pics same pose but on your back see we can see you nips
How did it feel how loud were you my moaning? Were you thinking of his wimpy cock when you were being streched open :)

god i hate people who post threads and then don't answer to anyone

>straight guy
>cheats on his boyfriend with a nigger who ruins his anus
>but is a straight guy

I hope he leaves you
you should have just talked to him about being better in bed

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>implying this isn't just fagbash b8

post more asspic

Have you seen the promiscuity of gay men?
>fagbash b8
what are we meant to take away from OP?
>nice white guy with average sized cock
>love him but he's boring in bed
>find cute guy with a big black cock on Grindr
can't even claim "it just happened!" they actively seeked out the BBC

You genuinely believe a story you read on 4chins. I don't know how to talk to people as stupid as you.

Not really I'm just rolling with the thread is all but that was a good put down and rebuttal

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Fuck you and your degenerate tranny shilling thread that will inevitably cause one of the lonely men here to chop of their dick.

Thanks lad, have a good evening :)

Almost as of their story is a fabrication meant to get a rise out of everyone who reads it

Why would someone go online anonymously to lie? There's no point. People only lie when they feel there'd be a consequence to protect themselves, generally. Jow Forums is the most honest place on earth.

Dicks don't blow anuses out like that, large object addition does. Penises of humans are not enough to please the human male anus.

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>implying niggers are humans

And if you don't think there are NEET aspies who sit on r9k writing posts where they write bullshit posts for the sole purpose of riling up other people then you must be new here

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I'm I just assume everyone here is telling the truth for the sake of the post and what lays within.. I don't care if people are indeed lying or not.

>There's no point
Unless it's done by a mentally ill waste of oxygen like tenda. He definitely sees a point in it for some fucking reason

Not thick enough user and I'm sorry but white people have the same penis size. Your meme is shit and you should feel shitty for perpetuating something so baseless as implying traps pass, same thing with niggers being better at sex. It was a forbidden fruit is all.

When people are lying it's always obvious bait like you just did also. Other than that we're super honest.

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Obvious bait does not count as lying bakas.

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as I said, for the sake of the thread and only the thread, I assume everyone is telling the truth.
>please sit on that.

>plz sit
It didn't fit because it didn't give. There's no point to show that image.
I grew up poor and without sex toys then as an adult was neet and that squash didn't fit. Almost, but I didn't want to push so hard I got three hemorrhoids getting it in. I could in the past get stuff that big in though there is no picture of it. I just never deleted that image to show the maximum possible insertion to remind myself how much my anus shrinks over the years when I go without violent nor brave anal masturbation.

With my bone structure I have to push my tailbone back with that hard round shape and it makes an ulceration against the tailbone being that stupid with anal.

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Also, the reason I posted these images is to kill boners of idiots that perpetuate that robots are attractive. Lgbt propaganda needs to stop. Even if a robot likes it up the ass it's not going to be that pretty.

>Why would someone go online anonymously to lie? There's no point
the point is to get (You)'s

But that's not really you talking if it's not true. Bait is always retarded if it's a lie because you're not the one being responded to. It's why Shinji comes back. Only invading children are that retarded.

people want attention but it's much easier to write a post that pisses someone off than one that is genuinely enjoyable. I'm not even a tranny nor do I care about them but I spam both pro-tranny and anti-tranny threads on here because it's funny seeing you all get riled up

It's not you getting attention if it's disingenuous though. That's not how having people see you works.

Also, there's something to be said about trolls trolling trolls, children aside.

yeah but I personally have nothing to get attention for because I'm not an interesting person. many people on Jow Forums are the same way, hence why we're such losers. the easy solution is to fabricate your personality or completely invent a new one to rile people up for attention.

can you guys stop bumping this thread, and report it.
I really don't like seeing a disgusting destroyed man's asshole

No, you like being lied to and perpetuating falsehoods.

Get rekt by the truth. Report LGBT spam instead.

Gays are inhuman, burn in Hell sodomite.

All the cool people end up in hell and being around god, the dick, he'd just send you to jail for being a closet pedo anyway faggot. You'd have all eternity to piss him off even once.

All sins are equal, even one sin means you burn just as much as anyone else. You can both be rescued from hell and cast from heaven.

Get topped baka.

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gay shit is lgbt spam though

>All sins are equal, even one sin means you burn just as much as anyone else
not really, there are layers for hell, and the worse sinners go to the deeper ones

Not if it's honest. LGBT spam has been a psycop to convert people for a few years now via discord invaders.

Pay attention. The point is that they are trying to allure straight males to slowly turn them gay. It's not even really possible and annoying as hell to try to abduct people just to role play with animu images and prime males after that to slowly try to turn str8 men into gays on the discord.

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>layers of hell
>dante's inferno
>implying it's part of the actual abrahamic texts

>this entire fucking thread

xmen origins

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dude, op is obviously larping