Get a date

>get a date
>she's a cute and cool redhead and brings out the good in me
>we go out for a month
>yesterday she comes over and takes my virginity
>I was nervous and came way too fast
>she ask if it's my first time
> could you tell?
>tells me not to worry about, that I'll get better with experience
>stupidly ask her how much experience she's had
>she says she doesn't even know: at least two dozen
>admits she had a wild time in high school and college
>remember that she told me she went to high school in a ghetto area
>now I can't stop thinking about her being a slut fucking tons of dudes and taking black cock

Should I break up with her? I really like her but it's really off-putting knowing she slept around so much and likely fucked outside her race

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You sure return to instagram normloid nigger cock licker

im a dude and same as her i fucked something like 13-15 girls and im with my actual gf for almost 2 years now. If she likes you it will be fine, but yea, girls are girls its difficult to trust her

personally, I wouldn't.. if what you've said is true then you've hit the ground running.
give it time.

nigga people change
she probably realized that sleeping around didn't make her happy and instead is looking for a connection
save her user
be the good that she sees in you
if you can't deal with her having slept around when she was younger then that's your decision and you'll both be unhappier

what's it matter how many guys she fucked previously? if you like her, then stick with her

>has sex once, gets cancer, dies

>OP thinks he cares that she's a slut

You don't care about that shit. You had sex with a girl on the first date. You didn't think about any of the retarded shit you talk about here ALL day 1. Marriage 2. Purity 3. Religion 4. Degeneracy. So why are you pretending like you care now that it's been brought to your attention that a girl who fucked you on the first date isn't a virgin?

Because now that you KNOW that she's had sex with other men, you feel insecure because you're weak, your dick is skinny and small, and you can't fuck to save your life. THAT'S whats got you feeling uneasy. The fact that you're worthless compared to other men.

>nigga people change
It takes decades or traumatic experiences

>get a date
>we go out for a month
>yesterday she comes over and takes my virginity

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Imagine being this sheltered retard

In my experience, women who have had dozens of sex partners do not make good romance partners. They can't love honestly and consequently they feel "love" for every man who meets whatever threshold for fuckability. But if its fun for you, then go for it, just be cautious about going further.

Stay together so you can fuck her. Simple

Just look at her social media and stuff if you want to know for sure, I'd probably break up with her regardless because that's nasty as shit.
>nigga people change
No they don't. What a load of shit. Plus she's already done the deed. You wouldn't excuse a criminal with that shit so why do women get to shrug responsibility with it?
Because it's nasty as fuck and she's a slut.

Just use her as a practice gf for a while, then leave her for somebody better, desu.

This is exactly why you don't ever ask about sexual history, just enjoy it for what it is..
isn't one of the red pill matra's "she's never yours.. it's just your turn."

>be virgin
>fuck a nonvirgin
>get upset she's not a virgin
>suddenly start thinking she was BLACKED
>suddenly all the shit that didn't matter before you fucked her now matter
i seriously can't stand you faggots.

Just use her to practice sex so you can get it over with and then find a girl thats actually worth it. Just make sure not to spend money on her.

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What experience, pencildick?

good luck with your forth marriage, anonette

You think sex is nasty lmao

Or you could just stick to your standards. I don't think being ignorant of something you find disgusting is a good way to handle it, you'll find out eventually in any case. Better to avoid that landmine early on.

>Young guys are supposed to have sex and it's a tragedy if they don't
>young women Aren't supposed to have sex or else they're degenerates
>who are all the guys supposed to have sex with?
tldr: How do you expect to have sex, incel?

That's what I'm doing right now with my 4/10 slut Chinese gf
Fucking whores deserve to be alone

I thought it was universally accepted that all women are whores thus many partners. I can see where you're coming from but you need to be pragmatic about it all, this isn't the 1920s anymore.

Bruh she fucked you after just a month. That's not super fast, but she obviously wasn't pondering her decision like some sort of pure innocent lady. Personally, I'd keep an FWB sort of thing going, but I don't know if I would trust her. Maybe wait and see how she behaves and what her opinions on cheating and sleeping around are. Still a red flag for a long term and, though.

She seems like a real hooker
But then I guess she's just a chick doing her thing exploring life

You asked a question that you weren't prepared to hear the answer, and you asked it at probably the worst time.

op how about i go fuck your gf if you're such a huge cuck? i'll even tell her you break up with her for you

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Sex is great, you don't fuck everyone though. It's sleazy.
>all women are whores thus many partners
Many partners isn't a universal truth. I'd be settle for chick with less than 10 partners to be honest which isn't incredibly rare. Even if that wasn't the case I'd rather be single than take my turn on the town bike.

Women with numerous sex partners have impaired abilities for pair bonding. They won't settle down for long, or create stable family lives for child raising. Men don't lose the ability to pair bond from having numerous sex partners. We can fuck around and still create a functioning society. Women simply cannot.

Ignore the roasties and white knights who will no doubt make excuses for her. Fuck her a few more times and dump her. No point committing to trash user.

lmao at all the people who think
>"nah she'll be the one and we can be a long term couple"
that is what all the guys before op thought too