Why don't incels put themselves out there and interact socially with other people...

Why don't incels put themselves out there and interact socially with other people? It would increase their chances of having sex and getting a gf by a lot.

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I gave up. Got tired of being disrespected and looked down on. Then once in a while a woman smiles at me or something and it makes me even more angry.

Most of them have a history of overwhelmingly negative interactions with others.

Just about every interaction I had with a peer in high school put me FARTHER from getting a gf, not closer.

>Got tired of being disrespected and looked down on

Did this actually happen or is it the impression that formed inside your warped, diseased mind

It actually happened. I know you think all men can't be disrespected, but it happens, reddit.

Have you tried understanding the reasons it happens and used to conclusions to modify your behavior accordingly?

Would you tell a gay person that he'll stop being disrespected if just modifies his behavior and isn't gay any more? Would you tell a black person that he'll stop being disrespected if he acts more white?

I tried at one point, but I noticed how lots of other types of people didn't have to change at all, so I shouldn't have to either. If I exist and people don't like me, that's too bad for them.
That, and I'm just out of energy to care in that way.

>but I noticed how lots of other types of people didn't have to change at all

they're probably normal and not demented like you so should they have to change it's you who is not functioning, not them

People look at me and see "faggot school shooter" and judge or my speghetti personality takes over

Fat sluts aren't worth any effort

I function fine except for getting women. I am used to the disrespect and I keep on going. Nobody is perfect and the people who pick on easy targets are always trash themselves.
I want to dump a septic tank full of waste on your head.

>I want to dump a septic tank full of waste on your head.

too bad you can't incel

True, I don't know who you are, but if I did, I'd hunt you down like a crazed demon, then I'd stab you and dump a septic tank full of waste on you. Hypothetically in Call Of Duty, of course.

>but if I did, I'd hunt you down like a crazed demon, then I'd stab you and dump a septic tank full of waste on you

you you wouldn't as you are an incel and incels are known to be entitled and lazy, that would be far too much effort to you

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I put effort into certain things. I work out regularly. I cook things, I go for long walks. I would enjoy harming you, it would be worth the effort. Oh my god it would be worth the effort, hypothetically of course.

Because I'm annoying and nobody likes me. I'm merely tolerated at best.

Why don't you put the effort you reserve for certain things into getting a gf? Are you gay?

>Would you tell a black person that he'll stop being disrespected if he acts more white?
Yes, niggers only have to act like civilized people

I mean you can't just "put yourself out there". you need a pre-existing social circle to actually meet new people really. If you don't have a social circle and you're not in school or uni, you're fucked essentially.

>he actually thinks its because of behaviour

lol you're such a retard. most social shit literally comes down to looks. If you look weird, people will perceive you as such regardless of what you do.

Used females have no value and are worth no effort

That's true to an extent, but that's why you join clubs or community things so you can gain a social circle

Sports is the best way to do that and meet normal people ngl. Even if you dont want to do sports, go to a table top game meetup (I've been to one and most of the people there are normal, nice and inviting)

I get its easier said than done. But hey, you have to start somewhere.

it's mostly behavior, if you act like a sperg and move weird people will try to stay away from you

theres plenty ugly peopel that have partners and are popular and you'll notice how none of them are autists

Nobody makes close friends at clubs, those people are never anything more than vague acquaintances at best.

you can get to know nice people at work if it's not a loner job. I met some amazing people at my last job and still see them regularly.

>theres plenty ugly peopel that have partners
There really aren't. Almost all ugly people I've known live roughly the same lives with only minor variation. If they're lucky they might have a group of other uglies to socialise with, if they're unlucky they get no one. None of them ever excell socially though, they're always perceived as weird by the majority of people regardless of what they do.

>most social shit comes down to behaviour, not looks

I'd say it's 50/50. If you look like a 10/10 sex god but have a really shit personality, then yeah, you'll have 'friends' who'll talk shit about you behind your back, you'll have a 'partner' who'll cheat on you first chance they get

If you look like a walking quasimodo, but are a genuinely nice person, you might have less friends, but at least they like you for who you are. you might not have a partner, but when you do, you know they truly do love you.

lol no one makes friends at work, like maybe going to the pub occasionally but people mostly stick to their pre existing social circles at that point and aren't usually forthcoming to new people

I see you have never joined a club before

You don't know if you dont try

>lol no one makes friends at work

I did so it's not impossible

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>I see you have never joined a club before
you're wrong lad

there's plenty gay clubs for user

Then why didnt you try to make closer friends with your club mates?

Because nobody actually does that lol

I put effort into other things and excel at them because I know my place in the dating/sex world.
You don't understand but you think you do. I'm not flattered one bit that idiots like you now think that we're actually rejecting women instead of being rejected by them. You're stupid, I know.

Fear. It is always fear.

Dear of fake rape charges, throat cancer, divorce rape and fear of nasty fat sluts