females are the root of all evil
Females were a fucking mistake
I Promise 2 Decapitate One Of These Bitch Ass Police
Most but not all though
men arent much better either, whether its the 'friends' who immediately start shitting on eachother the moment a women joins in or chads who dont care if their targets are in relationships. seems like loyalty only exists for people in longstanding dynamics which predate every participants life, cause as an individual i can find none
Not all femoids are like this.
The real disgusting thing is that the brainlets on reddit will actually support this dumb cunt in what she's doing. If it were a guy they'd go apeshit.
>my housemate at uni knew some curvy redhead qt
>look on her fb
>pic of her where you can see up her skirt and her pretty pink panties
>whenever she goes on about trans bullshit, feminism or how evil brexit is i loom at that pic and wank
feels good
I have so many questions about their relationship because that post alone doesn't say much for me to jump to the "females are trash" conclusion. For example they've been together for 8 years, and for her to think about throwing away all those years for fling is a indication that some shit had happen throughout those 8 years. Don't get me wrong I think she and her husband's friend are pieces of shit.
Do you really think women need a reason to cheat? They cheat because they feel like cheating. Period.
Post the photo. Share the wealth, lad.
Fucking kek
Chad soaks everyone around him just by existing
I dont wanna believe this is true. How can you trust your partner when you see this?
Statistically men cheat more than women original
>men commit more murder
>men commit more rape
>men even cheat more often
>somehow r9k thinks women are more evil
That's kinda hot, though.
when men cheat it's because they need something that their partner isn't providing. how can you fault them for that?
Just fucking masturbate if your so horny instead of being a disloyal cunt. If you dont love your gf or wife anymore break up with them
Why? Sluts don't value sexual purity so you can't really rape them or cheat on them
getting toastie roastie?
i'll give you a tissue so you can wipe those tears
most women are whores and are not to be respected. lying manipulative cunts who try to control mens every move.
you want to kill all women bc this woman has libido?
Based. Fuck women.
Why do you think about Tyrone and Chad as being the average man?
If women did not cheat on their partners and go undetected, they would not have passed as many genes on to the next generation.
The women today are descendants of these cheating women from the past.
There's a reason why it's so cliche for a married woman to have sex with the milkman/postman/some other man who has a legitimate reason to visit the home during the day.
It's literally in their biology and it does not matter how much they "love" you, the impulse to cheat will still kick in and override everything in their system.
It's all part of the female imperative, in this case the lack of loyalty being displayed is a part of the dual mating strategy. Honestly with women so enslaved to their baser instincts it's shocking to me that we ever pretended they were our equals, even worse so is the fact we haven't reconciled this mistake.
>Not all femoids are like this.
>not all X
pic related originato
>Women are animals that lack of the concepts of remorse, dignity, self discipline or responsability
OP seems right
Women can't have logic think, goddamn it. That's the problem with society.
Today I went to an extracurricular activity from my school to this other school and the number of women I saw there who prefer degenerate men is unbelievable. ( I also see this on my school and some place I frequent.) When I say degenerate men I mean the ones who keep degrading their own bodies with tattoos, earrings and smoke fucking weed. Girls seems to like these kind of men, sometimes it even seems they like them even more than guys like pic related.
And for that reason we shall rise up; we have to take control over women: the weak shall fear/obey the strong. Men, we gotta change this, because we can (I mean this more to youngs because I'm 18y and I can relate more to them, but with you're men, no matter age, you gotta do what you gotta do to help us).
Left women are the ones spending their time with niggers, however, we still didn't lose as we are the greatest men of our time. The number of women who are "based" are big, because they are the beautiful ones and thus not a feminist. The right-wing girls we must go for, don't waste time with the ugly fatties. We need to control the world that is ours by right. Society make men more, and more effeminate every day and that's a problem must eradicate.
We gotta turn the tables, anons, I can't take this anymore, I can't live like this no more. I'm gonna take action, and you should too.
no thanks I'm going to encourage more men to get into cuckold fetishism instead
Fiction written by men btw
It wouldn't surprise me that this was written by a literal cuck
YASS gurl!
SLAYYYY that Chad cock!
To be fair to the cheating whore, her husband's chad friend shouldn't be actively trying to cuck him. But still, artificial wombs and wiafu gynoids when?
I guess this is a women hate thread now
Yall really need to get better at recognizing men writing as women. It's really not that hard.
Jow Forums is down the hall and to the right
With regards to inability (or unwillingness) to think, I have a similar problem in my family, especially with my mom. My entire family is incredibly bluepilled, but my mom in general eats up MSM propaganda, thinks she's smart and then refuses to acknowledge facts and statistics when I present them. That MSNBC dyke says Drumpft is a Nazi Russian spy? Of course he is, who would deny that? I say there's literally no proof of that? Well, I'm just going to wait until a source I trust tells me what to believe.
She even refuses to accept mathematical statistics because "there are lies, damn lies and statistics (aren't I smart?)" She calls me insane whenever I try to break the programming. Morpheus was right: most people aren't ready to leave the matrix
Not sure why the friend is at fault here. He hasn't done anything yet besides just exist.
I want to see redditors yell at her.
Woman are literally irresponsible for their own actions.
Have you not seen a single image on this thread?
Many universities consider being a woman to be a mental disorder, in a roundabout sort of way. It's a vestige of chivalry (patriarchy) that they aren't willing to give up because they like being able to vote and wageslave, but still want their pussy passes.
Most women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Actually, most people shouldn't be allowed to vote. There should be some sort of aptitude test involved to ensure that we don't end up being run by a mob of easily manipulated useful idiots
>have you not seen cherry picked shit from the internet that supports my agenda
go outside
How the fuck can the cuck not see his competition and immediately break contact?
Loyalty at the level you're describing just doesn't exist. Everyone is a piece of shit in some way and everyone has some deviant desire that they will fall for. At the end of the day, everyone is self-centered. People are weak, unconditional love doesn't exist. Every relationship is also different. You could be an S tier partner in a long relationship, but if you lack performance in one small area the other person is inevitably going to fantasize about what they don't have. It's fucking impossible to be perfect in every way. Even if I could, I would never fully commit myself to another person. Marriage is complete bullshit.
Unless this is some fantasy redditor romance novel, he clearly noticed she was weak to him and he's trying to get in. She's probably overweight or homely and he's going to fuck her and ghost while this roastie has to face the fact that she's a whore and dream about the cock she got a couple times for the next 5 years.
Women cheat for the same reason. In the OP pic, it is because her husband does not turn her ob
>I only want a pure virgin who will never betray me ever because magic internet percentages said the bet is 100% safe.
>Virgin girl be like
I have, and I immediately get looked at and pointed at. I dont even care about that any more. Its just stupid that youre saying that he need to go to pol when he has listed all problems with society.
it does as ive seen it, its just increasingly rare. what i meant by
>longstanding dynamics which predate every participants life
are explicit values shared and reinforced by a group of people for multiple generations. ive seen it in a masque i visited and an event i went to with a jewish associate, not loosely associated people who attend church once a week and barely interact, but families who have been in near constant contact with one another and seem to reinvest their time and resources into one another
Meanwhile a non-virgin girl would have already sucked his dicked and get creampied.
And then the right moment or interaction will pass by and they'll eventually succumb to their desire after recurring contemplation and feelings of guilt.
Oh yeah just like in porn!
Its biology man
All that men can hope for is being given enough time by a female to knock her up with your legacy, after that, its all rolling your dice with how long you can keep her extremely short love interest
This is why the government sucks.
As a man, the husband is perfectly entitled to beat the shit out of his "friend" without any interference from the ape police, and when she does finally let his "friend" doodle her tiny brains out, a double murder is perfectly justifiable.
But you can't do this because the fucking nanny state has a monopoly on violence, which inherently means that you can never truly be a man under this fucked up cuck system.
>having male friends
>letting your wife interact with them
never gonna make it
>But you can't do this because the fucking nanny state has a monopoly on violence, which inherently means that you can never truly be a man under this fucked up cuck system.
Dont worry user. Once our worldwide economy crashes within this year or the next we'll get to be free again
>females are one of the only mammals not to scream and shout to signal to males that they are at peak fertility
>it's so they can employ hypergamy
>~10% of men are raising other mens children unnknowingly
>numbers are probably going to go up because women can get away with it much easier now
>abortion is a legal and widely accepted thing now, basically legalized eugenics programs
>welfare is growing, essentially turning the vast majority of men into cuckolds paying taxes to single mothers and paying to raise other mens kids
alpha fucks beta bucks. it's never going to change. women were always like this and you have to work around it. they are primal retards. they'll always go for the smooth moving sexual beast guy because they are retards. and they are growing more powerful and gaining more control over society and that means you'll be even less to them.
we're headed toward a civilization that's a glorified chad harem for women. just breeding in tents and doing nothing else because that's all they want. to get fucked by a bunch of hot dudes and have them take turns knocking her up until she can't have kids anymore and being a sex slave.
great species.