Thanks, janny. I know you couldn't ignore the rules, even if it's for my benefit. You tool.
Thanks, janny. I know you couldn't ignore the rules, even if it's for my benefit. You tool
Other urls found in this thread:
c-cute, CUUUTTTTEEE! :3
I unironically look forward to your posts, penis or not
>he will never have a cute nasheed-loving gf just because he was too quick to judge
Anyway, what do you guys think of Naruto's ending? I think Madara should've been the final villain. But what do I know, I'm just a stupid girl.
This is always the point of contention.
Jesus, even your anime taste is garbage. I'm kind of disappointed again. I hope you don't talk about movies or mangas.
How long have you been larping again? Just kill yourself already you schizoid cuck.
Aiste can I be your cia agent spy bf?
Listen to some epic hardbass adidas and chill out, you pretentious French fuck.
Not based.
>ywn be killed by your aiste gf because she thinks you're a government spy
I love your threads, they're very cute!!!
please be my euroneet gf
I'm new here, who tf is this? What is this thred?
>What is this thred?
the only redeemable thing on this board
Sorry, only Thunderdrome for me.
I'm just a nice (albeit somewhat awkward haha) gal from Norway. I'm looking forward to being friends!
WTF is this noise? Where's the calm melody? If it isn't at least 200 years old, don't post that shit.
Well, the feeling is mutual, i don't like your taste.
Maybe you will like this one a bit more.
Not him and idk if it's 200 years old but here is some nice song
Janny why are you so lazy? Delete this thread NOW
Just stop using an avatar and everything will be fine.
Its a guy larping as a girl
>ywn be a proud 13th century mongolian warrior galloping over the fields of defeated enemies
that's turkic senpai
this poster is a male who's acting like a girl because he doesnt like that he's failed as an avatar fag because he was too confrontational. Do NOT allow him to try and act kind because he is a very shit poster who does this because he's desperate for attention and because he's bored. Also do not give him your adress or where you live or your name because he will post it here because he doesn't like orbiters
At least you're playing it safe again. But still too noisy and modern.
Way too upbeat and modern. You have terrible taste, anons.
Please post this in every one of my threads from now on.
What's your endgame user ?
Genuinely curious.
Wait, so you really like that pagan/ritualistic/shamanic stuff? Only european related or from other cultures?
His endgame is to be a liked avatarfag
He probably started doing this so he could get attention but he started to generate controversy by acting like a schizo and by pretending to be a chick so everyone started hating on him. Obviously this pissed him off but it was some form of attention and entertainment. After the hate became too much he burned out and now he wants things to be normal.
But his personality isn't entertaining enough to be an avatarfag
>too noisy and modern.
I think I have you figured out.
Nonetheless, he has a similar music taste to me, so these threads are fruitful.
I see. Thanks for the lore user.
Ritalinbot/Kierkegaard hasn't posted ever since his "suicide". What more could I want?
Yes. For example:
This is almost as cringe as the user who writes paragraphs about how he "exposed" me as a roastie. Your choice of pictures doesn't help either. I bet you feel very smug right now.
>But his personality isn't entertaining enough to be an avatarfag
You certainly seem entertained every time I see you in my threads. Again and again and again...
Inside classical music is hard to find something older than this.
About Kierkefag, idk. Seems dude has 'left' Jow Forums many times before in a similar manner to you. Didn't know about his many old handles. Why do you hate him so much?
aiste threads have become so boring lately
Telling other anons about why they shouldn't consume your content isn't entertaining is draining just like someone who spends their time ranting on YouTube about how a video game is bad.
I'm just here to tell them about how you think and why you do what you do.
>using cringe
you cant defeat your enemies while listening depressing songs
i know, the song is a tribute to the Altaic
I'm here trying to be nice for once and you come up with that bullshit.
He shifted the attention away from this faggot, of course. Getting him to "kill himself" was probably aiste's greatest life achievement, at least until aiste kills himself too, for real ofc.
It's because she needs other attentionwhores to mesh with, her by herself is pretty bland honestly.
Pretentious, attention whore, pseud, hates women (just because he gets rejected, but claims otherwise), a wreck, a loser. In other words, I just hate namefags/avatarfags. But he was a special case.
No. You gain self-satisfaction from acting superior to someone who is a pseudo e-celebrity. That's all there is to it. If it didn't benefit your ego, you wouldn't bother. Are you seriously trying to make me believe you're doing charity work or something? Please continue revealing my true nature to save everyone though. Attention whores take whatever they can get. But I'm sure you already knew that about me.
>calling out people for using cringe unironically
user, keep posting.
Are you afraid of losing something here?
just post your tits with timestamp already so we can stop calling you a tranny (or maybe post your dick)
aiste I think we'd all give you more attention if you posted your tiddies
I can tell you'd rather she posts a dick.
>Are you afraid of losing something here?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Yes, because you get the best of both worlds.
>tfw the only winning move is not to play
She isn't 2D so I'm afraid it isn't.
Unless Futas become real of course.
You will never be a girl, man.
>ywn be a retired horse lord of the siberian steppe living out the rest of your days in your trusty war horse as a yak-herding nomad in the cold siberian mountains
Yes i honestly think that by making my posts im helping to let some anons relive that annoying pressuring feeling from having to see your posts constantly. You being knocked down a peg by someone would probably make them go "AHA! Finally someone said it,phew" then they leave so they dont have to deal with you. Attention whores are terrible because they dont create any tangible content and you don't even create anything entertaining to a select few because you only every created controversy and annoyed people.
Yes, continue bumping her thread to tell her this.
Both of you please fuck off. I just want to see her pretty penis.
I'm defending her though.
> she
> penis
I don't even know anymore. I'm just sad. If I literally went a few days of making threads without getting any (you)s, I'd most likely give up. I've tried t on other people and it works very well. I assume it would work on me too.
But you're creating controversy by making these posts. It really is more about your own entertainment than helping anyone. It won't ever happen the way you say it will and you know it. You're really not saying anything that hasn't been said already a million times in my threads. At least you're having fun too, I suppose. People like you are preferable to "uWu Aiste be my wife".
You were right all along. That sixth sense thing was pure cringe. That means you've been following him way before you avatarfagged though. He was a victim of the psych industry, sad. We are all loser wrecks here btw, bit hypocrite to hate someone for that.
I wish I knew where you live so I could curbstomp your ugly faggot face.
I've been using sage constantly you idiot, remember that you can sort threads by methods other than bumping like last reply time. Also he's a male you dumb orbiter
I'll probably be sad when you inevitability disappear and get bored with this place.
Someone else will take their place, that's how it goes.
>still thinks aiste is a male
>he hasn't caught up with the lore
Guys, she has a daddy kink and wants to be talked down to like a child.
I guess so. But the time I've spent in her threads I'll never get back, its become a ritual I do before waging. I'm going to be nostalgic for these days at some point.
He's male and you need to stop being an orbiter.
You're like a tumor that's grown to a size that can't be ignored. You are a problem and you need to be dealt with. I'm here to create controversy so people know you're bad and the only people who "like" you anymore are people who want you to be a girl because they're lonely but you aren't male
I kind of knew of him (and already disliked him) before avatarfagging, but no I didn't follow him much. Even when I avatarfagged, I rarely paid attention to him, until the very end, when I became notable enough for him to try and become friends with me.
Trondheim, Norway. Come meet me by Olavsstatuen, faggot. I'll wait.
>I've been using sage constantly
To sage or to give my posts that extra punch they need with smug anime girls? Tough choice, user. I see you chose wisely.
Give the full lore dump, I wanna know.
Why can't you assume someone is a girl without being called an orbiter or desperate and lonely?
I get you.
I don't really care if someone disappears but there are some people I like to see every so often on other boards.
Like on /v/:
! poster, Reisen user...
I tend to only lurk Jow Forums lately because threads are kinda bad, or Anons don't really need help. Doesn't help it's faggottry infused.
>didn't get a (you)
literally gonna kms tbqh senpai
>ywn get to practice your throat singing alone while you sit over the hill watching your herd graze over the pasture
Is he still a male if he's on hormones and his limp dick is only a decoration?
When does "he" become a "she"?
I like your taste vv
you should start making playlists like gunjy used to do
>her threads
Aiste is a male who apparently doxed someone because he was an orbiter who gave him his general area of where he lived.
He's an avatarfag who acts like a schizo(probably isn't one) and wants to pretend to be a girl so people stop hating on him
I have like 200 playslist lol but i don't want to give/post them since they are related to my personal account.
Personal favorite by Prurient for me is this
I just know that when I'm gone, you'll take credit for it. I can't let myself be humiliated like that. The threads go on!
Please don't. You're not one of the people I want dying.
Have you seen the Russian movie "Mongol"? It's pretty good.
>wants to pretend to be a girl so people stop hating on him
Is that what you've been getting at this whole time? So you know literally nothing about me? Not only does being a girl not stop any hate, I've been known as a tranny for months now. I never ever minded any hate. If I did, I would have continued making my old saccharine threads from days past.
You were discord buddies or something am I wrong? I'm just curious how you could hate someone so much. He was very, very fake, a walking lie like you.
>the only people who "like" you anymore are people who want you to be a girl because they're lonely but you aren't male
>want you to be a girl because they're lonely but you aren't male
Oh no not this again. When a well respected avatarfag called her out she freaked out and made many many mistakes. And why does she care that anons want a new Bianca, huh?
>apparently doxed someone because he was an orbiter who gave him his general area of where he lived.
She catfished a neet, look up Pierre-Marc on the archives.
>He's an avatarfag who acts like a schizo(probably isn't one)
>acts like a schizo(probably isn't one)
Not sure about that, it wrote a schizo book. Too much effort for a larp don't you agree?
>wants to pretend to be a girl so people stop hating on him
lmao no, user hates women. incels don't ironically
When you're gone i hope its like a match being blown out. A quick extinguishing with a bit of smoke lingering than fading out immediately when someone waves their hand.
Your posts show the power of plausible deniability because you can just say that everything i say is wrong because you refuse to reveal any information about yourself which also harms your ability to connect with the audience you desperately want. I can also tell that you absolutely do mind the hatred to a certain extent because you're a human.
Do you even recognize me? I've posted in your threads pretty much daily these past weeks. Also I'm probably the only user who is actually convinced you are a girl as I've studied you quite intensely.
>inb4 hur dur you only stay in my threads because you think im a girl >:((
I know what you're going to say because you never stop saying it. I'm just fascinated by avatarfags, just like you were before you decided to become one.
Why are there so many e-girls now? Even if it's a real girl on the other end it's just going to be a 3D pig.
Also she happens to be the only poster on this entire board who cares about the treatment of women in an unironic fashion, and she hands out numerous (you)s to even the weakest shitposts.
She is almost definitely a girl. sorry aiste
She doesn't but I do if it means anything, anone :^)
Actually I bet she does, she's not stupid. Think hard why she pretends not to
>think hard why he is ignored
Because he is a faggot
No. I don't use Discord. Just hate namefags and people who try to appear smart here. He's the perfect combination. I'm a luddite haha.
Based (she) poster.
I don't mind the sort of hatred you display. I've seen it many many times before. The difference is that others were being honest with their hatred. Unlike you, they didn't try to score any points from it. You say I'm not entertaining, but this must be the most fun you've had here in a while. Is it?
>Also I'm probably the only user who is actually convinced you are a girl as I've studied you quite intensely
Study more. You'll fail the exam.
no i havent, i'll put it on my to do list and try to watch it later today
Because you're wrong, and you're giving this gay fucker validation he doesn't deserve by continuing to do so.
Okay but here's a question.
What's the point of larping as a girl ?
>I have like 200 playslist lol
Pretty cool man, hope you can make at least one for user as user if you ever feel like 'giving back' to the board. I'll listen it. I'm just getting into all this personally so I'm only scratching the surface.
Unrelated genre but its a music thread
Also aiste if you want proof that you're a niche creator look at the fact that fucking 27 original posters are in this thread and think about how many of them either made one post and left or how many are just the same people who constantly reply to your threads making several responses because of a false hope that you turn out to be a girl when you aren't. Your personality isn't entertaining enough to rope people in who haven't gotten invested.
Here you go again assuming that everyone is as egotistical as you. You're projecting how you are onto me and trying to insult me with things that would truly annoy you to hear. Like i said im doing this so others can know that you aren't fun and so they can know how you think and what not to do when interacting with you. If they decide to in the first place. I'm not enjoying myself having to correct a bunch of idiots who keep parroting nonsense about you being a chick when you are a male.
What will you do when the other avatarfag who appeared earlier takes your spot? She seems nice.
Aiste i dont care if you're a girl or not i just want to cuddle you.
Orbiters of course. Constant personal attention from idiots who don't know any better.
>27 original posters are in this thread
Ahahahaha I guarantee 15 of those are Aiste himself from his auto rotating proxy.
Attention from thirsty beta men, dummy.
>I'm not enjoying myself having to correct a bunch of idiots
That's all I had to read. You're pretty tsundere, aren't you? If you truly aren't enjoying this, if you think I'm boring or not entertaining enough for you or those poor poor 27 poster I somehow manage to lure into my threads, then you only look so much more like a moron, since I at least get that sweet sweet validation from this. Yet you get nothing, but suffering. At least according to your claims.
If she's really a girl, then I've lost already.
And I don't know if I want anything anymore.
Perfect example of your post
>Your personality isn't entertaining enough to rope people in who haven't gotten invested.
Exactly, you know why? Because she's a goddamn roastie.
Why do you care so much about popularity on this site. It means nothing to be the most popular person here, its stupid to base your self esteem on it. Nobody really cares about this site or the people on it, its just a dumping ground for things people cant say anywhere else. Everything here is transient anyways, the Jow Forums of today is not the Jow Forums of even a year ago, people leave just as quicklyas they come here. There is nothing to be gained here but a false sense of superiority when some newfag falls for your facade and thinks you're a cool Jow Forums man.
Consider the possibility that a lot of your problems arise from taking this site too seriously and building your personality around appealing to the "people" here.