this is a femanon right now. shes very depress. say something nice to cheer her up
This is a femanon right now. shes very depress. say something nice to cheer her up
deglove your face and post pics before you bleed out
I'm sorry Chad fucked you only four times today and that out of the five parties you went to, only three had orgies. Yas queen SLAYY.
wtf look at what you just did you mad her sadder
wtf is wrong with you
yoU aRe MaGniFiCeNt
I am a product of my environment.
the apocalypse is coming, you'll be able to kill someone without worrying about the consequences
I'm sorry Stacy will never fuck you and you're just a stupid depressed man who never achieved anything in his life and he blames others for it
But, what if I don't want Stacy to fuck me?
femanon with the bants, nice
Well, what If I don't want Chad?
describe what you want and i will explain why that guy is a chad
Original who you replied to, and I second this Women don't realize that their expectations are artificially high, and when they say "oh i'm modern in my expectations", they're simply lowering the bar from a 9/10 to an 8/10. You still want what's objectively a Chad, a Chad Lite at most.
Modest, not modern, I'm retarded.
Someone nice, who I can have good discussions with, makes me laugh and with a personality that clicks with mine. "Now describe what you want and i will explain to you why that girl is a Stacy"
You didn't mention anything regarding looks, which makes me think that you just listed the parts which don't involve 'em, to make it sound better. Something makes me doubt that you'd marry even a well-groomed DYEL 5-6/10 poorfag even with all of those traits.
P.S. Joke's on you, I don't fucking want anything anymore.
>Someone nice, who I can have good discussions with, makes me laugh and with a personality that clicks with mine.
what you actually want is someone who looks nice rather than actually is nice. we know your code words
Sure your womb is barren but at least you got to be used like a free whore
Atleast feel a little better your not nearly as depressed as I am.
Sure you're right keep putting words into my mouth to make your narrative true. Appereance is not a priority at all for me.
Both males and females are superficial as fuck and don't try to deny it, just look at the board.
It's all about what you find attractive and what you don't. If someone Is nice to me and I like their personality they're attractive to me no matter what.
But sure keep thinking all women are whores that want Chad i don't care
you're just pissed off because you know this is right and you didn't even realize it
The fact that you are venting and getting defensive just shows that you know we're right. Everyone might be superficial, yes; however, women are, and always will be, more superficial than men.
>Well, what If I don't want Chad?
If you're didn't want Chad, you'd be in a relationship and wouldn't be depressed.
OP specified a DEPRESSED femanon. Maybe not all femanons want Chad...but all the depressed ones sure do.
>say something nice to cheer her up
If you're under 25, white, and not overweight, I will happily play with your clitoris for an hour until you feel better.
I don't want a relationship, it would just make me more depressed. Loneliness is not why I'm depressed, I'm very introverted i can deal with not having someone, it's actually better for me right now.
Yeah you got me omg queen slay
All I want is a gf who loves me i don't care about anything else, hell ill even settle for a tranny or sissy or femboy as long as they love me