This should be mandatory viewing to girls before they turn 11. So many women could be happy today if they adopted traditional culture instead of finding eating random Chad's assholes as 'progressive and fun uwu'. Sluts need to learn.
This should be mandatory viewing to girls before they turn 11...
I still don;'t get this comic. Does the guy genuinely believe any girl would actually react that way? Delusional as fuck.
that comic makes no sense. Why would she care she missed out marrying some random dude who woulda married her. She doesn't even know who he is.
what kinda propaganda is this
>Does the guy genuinely believe any girl would actually react that way?
Are you kidding me? Women in their late 20s would do this exactly. They're at the stage they so desperatly want to settle down and be secure but still attractive enough to be Chad's fucktoy for a few months.
Because people want to be HAPPY. Weird right? There's nothing happy about unpersonal hookups that lead to know longterm relationships.
Think of it this way. A traditonal girl that saved herself for her husband will be able to look at a photobook of her Grandchildren when she's 60. What's that hoe going to have? A diary where she wrote how hard Chad nutted on her tits?
>Because people want to be HAPPY. Weird right?
I don't care how happy I want to be. I am not gonna be sad I didn't marry some stranger.
Oh man this is too much cope to handle. Women don't give a shit, they know there's enough desperate ass men out there for them to settle down with.
You idiot. Why save yourself for one man when most men don't even make good money, and the few that do wont commit or are disgusting? It's much easier to just be hot and have dudes literally cashapp you $100 a day for NOTHING
But what if that first guy is the one she ends up marrying? Are virgins so delusional that they think you can have a good marriage without being sexually compatible?
meanwhile in reality, the woman fucks chad in her youth and then still settles down with the beta who made this comic once she's had her fun. women always win, they have their cake and eat it too.
>Women won't be able to marry beta pushovers who they wouldn't have wanted anyway
Is this what rockfling was trying to say?
>settles down with the beta who made this comic once she's had her fun
Stonetoss is thankfully redpilled and not an unironic cuckold like a lot of Jow Forums these days.
nvm this comic writer is just a sad sac
Can't comprehend the amount of hatred you have for white people to dislike that comment, you creepy manlet.
that's what you take away from the comic writer?
He is perpetual victim. All he is doing is so poor me I am white incel whaaa whaaa whaa
They are funny because while true, females are retarded and have no self awareness
That's what Wakandan bvlls are for.
>Women would CRY if they heard that I, a GENTLEMAN, would refuse to date them due to the lascivious deeds she performed with that STINKY CHAD!
based and delusionalpilled
>What's that hoe going to have? A diary where she wrote how hard Chad nutted on her tits?
you joke about this but the truth is that many women would have no problem with that. There is literally a *bestselling* book right now called City of Girls that women all over the english speaking world are reading and loving.
www dot goodreads dot com slash book slash show slash 42135029-city-of-girls
the plot: a girl flunks out of college then proceeds to have as much sex with as many guys as she can for the rest of her life. on her deathbed, she wishes she would have had even more.
can't make this stuff up man
>Women don't give a shit, they know there's enough desperate ass men out there
You would tongue a used female?
Yeah that's why they spend $20,000 to freeze their petrified eggs
right on the money. truth is stinky chad eats gentleman's lunch. but who can blame him? i know i'd do the same if given the opportunity
the number that actually get results from this, much less try it in the first place, is pretty small
about 20,000 in the US of a female population of about 160 million.
this is something only upper class people do.
no not necessarily, I started dating a teenage virgin in my 20s after I got Jow Forums and I married her, but that isn't my point--my point is that bitter nazi incels aren't really a "catch" that women are missing out on by pursuing fun and interesting guys that they're sexually compatible with. If you aren't interesting to women, that's your fault unless you're hideously deformed.
Bragging about marrying a slut who let 100 men cum in her mouth, gross dude have some self respect
discord DgBmtm2 shut up and join fags
shouldn't that guy be black if the meme is done correctly?
>meanwhile in reality, the woman fucks chad in her youth
many such cases, stuff like pic related is easy to find on plebbit
these are hot is this a cuck scenario?
if you were female you would know real men like sluts
This looks so fucking stupid hahahaha holy shit
The problem is this woman lied. I've been talking to this girl recently who has had over 100 partners and she's 20. We're talking legendary epic-level slut here. Thing is, not only is she hot, but dudes send her money constantly which she uses to buy us dinner. It's actually impressive, especially since she was so up-front about it.
>girl in her late teens to early-mid 20s
>sleeps around and has 'fun' with her romantic life jumping from dick to dick 'experimenting', not wanting to get roped down
>girl in her late late mid-late 20s and onwards
>wants to settle down and find 'the one' to marry for security
the point of the post is that the guys who are 'high value' e.g. good jobs/wont cheat/good personality/attractive etc won't want a woman who has used and abused her body (turns out excessive partying/makeup/smoking/drinking) use etc fucks up your skin and ages you like a hag.
Basically to sum it up, the most attractive years of a girl is her late teens-early to mid 20s and for a guy, its a lot older (once he has established himself in his career/maybe started to go to the gym/not a total beta when talking to girls)
it sounds like some sexist bullshit but its undeniably what happens in our society.
Trad culture seems like such an unfulfilling lifestyle though
>who has had over 100 partners and she's 20.
shitty b8. this is basically impossible.
i know polyamorous women in their 30s who haven't taken 100 different dicks
They are taught that it's empowering to be used like a toilet
Far better to have men shit in your mouth, that is fulfillment
implying that most guys would say "NO!" if super hot women want to use them as a toilet... ...
scat play is a very rare and niche fetish.
but a lot of women do find fulfillment in fucking, as noted above there is literally a bestselling chicklit novel right now about this very mindset
you and i might disagree but can we read their minds? they do think it is fulfilling, who are we to disagree?
Can someone explain what this is supposed to mean? Is it supposed to be funny? Whiny? There's literally no point to it.
It's supposed to be making fun of incels and feigning support for them at the same time, genius really.
You must be a millennial if you want a slut to shit I your mouth
I mean, I'm just speaking as a dude here, the whole wife/kids/9-to-5/White Picket Fence bullshit just seems for the birds.
Do I advertise going out and living like a degenerate scumbag? Not necessarily, but I don't judge if you do so long as you keep it behind closed doors. You find your happiness, and I'll find mine.
Stonetoss is either EXTREMELY right-wing or Really good at faking being right wing.
Used females have no value turd
Checked, degenerate thots btfo
You really think it's impossible? Girls start at 13 bro
>EXTREMELY right-wing
pretty sure he's a legit fascist
Are degenerates so delusional that sexual compatibility is a deciding factor in in their marriages?
uh huh sure.
post some kind of proof.
even if she started at 13 that's 7 years of sexual activity, she'd have to average more than 14 different people per year every year. Now, I can easily imagine a college slut banging 14 dicks per year. but a high school student? No way, not unless she has a super fucked up home and no parental supervision.
>my point is that bitter nazi incels aren't really a "catch" that women are missing out on
Prove this objectively or admit defeat, normalfag.
>If you aren't interesting to women, that's your fault
It's the fault of women for valuing interesting men. Wanting things to be "interesting" is the rotten heart of degeneracy.
Jesus Christ faggot quit whiteknighting for whores
that's actually the opposite of what i'm doing brainlet.
i'm saying that other user is b8ing, there's no way some 20 year old has fucked 100 different guys
What girls should know is that being a whore leaves you only two husband options: a feminist or a social loser. Other men will only use them for pump and dump.
So for sluts it's either Settle or Cope: marry a weak guy or become one of those old losers saying "I'm free" as a cope.
what a gay comic. stonetoss is very hit or miss but 90% misses.
>leaves you only two husband options: a feminist or a social loser.
are you aware that there are non-monogamy and polyamorous communities? as long as women don't want an actual marriage certificate, there is absolutely no shortage of men who will be happy to be with them as long as they don't mind the guy also having other people. and this is on top of the whole 'convenient lesbian' thing that many women do. they want companionship and to get off so they date and fuck women until they can find some guy.
>A traditonal girl that saved herself for her husband will be able to look at a photobook of her Grandchildren when she's 60.
Honestly, given how anti-children even most of the traditional Millennials are, a more apt photo album would be of all the pets they treated as children over the years. It's pretty equal to a book of Chad jizz shots in terms of uselessness
You are 50 years too late. It is over and it has always been over.
Poly shit is a loser thing.
It's both a Settle, considering men into these places are always losers (closeted bi/homosexuals, porn addicts past teen age and drug users) and a Cope, as it's a glorified pump and dump.
As for "share the chad", no men with options prefers whores, even as an add on. If, in this specific and rare modality, we're dealing with a man with options, why would he want a whore if he can have cooler girls anyway?
Lesbianism is its own thing, I guess. Yes, a whore can go for a lesbian... if said lesbian wants a whore for partner. And if the whore is lesbian, otherwise it's another Cope.
what alternatives are there to that shitty 9-5, 2 kids, picket fence grind that aren't casual sex every night of the week? i feel like i would not enjoy either
> A traditonal girl that saved herself for her husband will be able to look at a photobook of her Grandchildren when she's 60
My grandparents had that, my mom divorced and almost died on the floor alone and then was resuscitated to be a vegetable in a wheelchair for a few years,my dad will die and rot alone for months my ex wife's parents divorced and her mom will be eaten by cats, my ex will be eaten by cats and I will die alone and rot like my dad
i know this feel user.
I'm in exactly the same situation minus the mom being a vegetable but my family has disintegrated, everyone lives alone and far apart from eachother
Why is having a bunch of kids somehow more useful? To who? You? Why should other people care about what you want?
>Poly shit is a loser thing
is it really though? i'm in California, lots of poly people here (i'm not one of them but work with several and know many more). they all seem pretty happy... ...
Eek. Seeming happy isn't difficult, anyway. Even your average Jow Forums dweller could do it if he really tried.
People in traditional marriages could easily be pretending to be happy too. Weird that you trust one group and not the other.
Yeah we all live alone in 2000 sq ft houses from one end of the country to the other it's fucking ridiculous. Atomized people with no purpose waiting to die each generation worse than the one before
It must be girls here who don't understand the comic. Obviously the point is no one wants to marry a slut.
But its a hundred years too late. The onus is on the guy to get a pure girl early nowadays, the ghost of the comic only has the current culture but also himself to blame
>Obviously the point is no one wants to marry a slut.
And yet plenty of people do.
I don't even disagree that sluts are bad for marriage, but lets not pretend said sluts are suffering. It's the poor sods who inevitably marry them who suffer, and trust me they'll have no problem finding such men.
While sexual promiscuity is a huge problem, I think the fact that there's just the black and white dichotomy of "slut" or "pure girl" in the eyes of all you retards is pretty harmful for both yourselves and others.
Having had sex doesn't make you a slut.
If you fuck around outside of relationships, yeah. You're a slut.
I don't care at all if people have children or not, but I do find it unhealthy people who treat their animals as human children. And that, the poster I responded too, is out of touch as so many don't want kids.
They didn't have a dad to tell them not to marry a slut because their slut mom divorced their dad for not being a chad
Fucking Stonetoss. Come on people, we're better than this.
Indeed, but I didn't glorify marriage as much as I bashed promiscuous women.
Having the minimum decency is the safer option compared to otherwise, as settling (which is marrying) or coping are both undesirable outcomes. A non-slut woman just has the best case scenario open: marrying someone worthy.
A girl told me her number was 50 guys she'd been with. Automatically for me that's a fuck her once or twice and move on. There's no way I'd gf her let alone marry her, garbage girl
>Be me
>24, never touched a girl
>finally grew the balls to go out and meet new people
>meet this girl who seems to enjoy talking with me
>Invite her around to watch star wars
>She pounces me, make out for most of film
>Turns out I'm her first as well, we're both virgins
>She wants to come round again tomorrow
This can be you if you actually get out and meet people like a normal.
>Traduction: If only she would have dated ME instead of anyone else because every choice is bad unless it's ME she chooses.
Stonetoss is a dumbass incel.
For the girl, that outcome is just as emotionally unfulfilling as being a slut. Only the man benefits, emotionally. You're bashing promiscuous women because they don't care about what you want, as far as I can tell.
Wrong, having someone worthy love by one's side is pretty much every human's objective, not just women's.
Of course, the convenient excuse.
>Women should marry ME!
>She'll be miserable with you.
>Who cares? Women are monsters.
That way you can deresponsibilize yourself from the well-being of a person you think should only care about yours. All win no losses. Aren't selfish asshole mental gymnastics convenient?
Says who? You? How is it that you know what other people want better than they do?
Legitmately, someone I know from high school who's the type who posts Jow Forums screenshots, unironically talks about how Hitler was right, and basically any other extreme you'd find here but posting it on normie media.
He does this while dating a girl who got pregnant at 15 and now has two mixed babies. Even with all his redpills he was still willing to put his beliefs aside for pussy.
Roasties gone full seeth, btfo by impeccable logic.
Typical btfo incel response. i aint even made
>having someone worthy love by one's side is pretty much every human's objective, not just women's.
and yet the revealed preference of many women is to not marry and settle for a pet and anyone they can get to smash their pussy off an app or at a bar.
funny that.
>Even with all his redpills he was still willing to put his beliefs aside for pussy.
So many SAD cases!
>I am not gonna be sad I didn't marry some stranger.
Are femnoids incapable of critical thinking?
He's saying a good, ideal man you can start a nice family with, not "some stranger".
>Wanting things to be "interesting" is the rotten heart of degeneracy.
He's not wrong.
I believe that she (thinks) she's totally done with being a slut and really wants to change and settle down but you just know eventually she's going to get weak and cheat. You're already trapped because she lied about everything. You can't divorce because she will just suck you dry of everything you've earned while being with her. What the fuck do you even do here? You're just trapped in impending doom waiting for the day that you catch her fucking some guy or she starts crying and blubbering out shit like 'i j-j-just couldn't resist h-h-im'
I mean, I guess I can understand dating a single mom maybe if it's one kid. But I can't grasp a single mom of two, with two different baby daddies and goofy names.
The main thing promiscuous women need to be bashed for is the long-term effect that their behavior has on their children and the civilization as a whole, not anything to do with men's feelings or anyone's feelings really. Promiscuity has gone hand in hand with the retreat of the father from the family and the apparently unavoidable bad outcomes for the children raised without fathers, who then go on to be less capable members of society and churn out children even worse off than they are. More freedom for women has led directly to weaker families, children being cheated of their futures and civilization as a whole fraying at the seams.
The important question isn't about preferences or happiness or fun or fulfillment, it's about necessity. The civilization needs bodies, those bodies need to be well-educated, well-behaved and ready to go to work for the civilization in question to survive, especially at the high levels of organization we're currently at. There is exceedingly little room in such a society for single-mother households, procrastinating career women and everything else that prevents strong productive people from making babies, yet we find those things on the rise everywhere. There must be a certain level of broad discipline maintained to keep things trucking along like normal. You can always afford a certain percentage of your population being useless jerk-offs, but there's a tipping point where you have too few keeping discipline and too many rocking the boat. Eventually it flips. Especially when everyone aboard thinks it could never flip no matter how high they jump.
>You're just trapped in impending doom waiting for the day that you catch her fucking some guy
right. this is why if you can't get a trad or very chaste woman, you shouldn't marry her.
dating, sure have fun, but marriage? never.
>There is exceedingly little room in such a society for single-mother households, procrastinating career women and everything else that prevents strong productive people from making babies, yet we find those things on the rise everywhere.
google "iq shredder" and bioleninism
This, and they don't do it because they don't think they can find a man, it's because they would rather focus on their careers which ends up leading them to be alone.
>there's no way some 20 year old has fucked 100 different guys
yeah it's closer to 200
>Delusional as fuck.
the amount of cope lmao
Again, post any kind of proof. Until then these type of numbers are b8