How much of a "nice guy" beta orbiting cuck simp cringelord were/are you? What's the worst pathetic thing you've ever done because of it?
How much of a "nice guy" beta orbiting cuck simp cringelord were/are you...
I was a nice guy orbiter when I was a teenager because I was never taught about women. Now I have wised up and don't really give a shit about them.
Okay I'll level with you. I am an unironic beta orbiter who pays a girl's patreon account just because she's hot. She even spoke to me once, it was incredible. Pic related, it's her.
maintained an online relationship for 8 years with someone I never ended up meeting irl, while knowing she was fucking other guys the entire time.
i once bought a girl a drink after i spilled her drink accidentally. i don't really do things for anybody unless i really have to. i will do most work in group projects just because i don't trust normies to a good job since they do nothing most of the time and get by somehow still. fuck niggers
That's not being a 'nice guy' or beta though it's just called being a decent civilized person?
All I've ever done is talking to my crushes with only a glimpse of hope that they like me. But what I found out with time is that thei either have a boyfriend or don't see me as a fitting partner. Too bad.
nah thats a simp move moralfag though a necessary one.
Pay her meal and don't give her shit for it.
Back on high school there was one girl I fell in love. We became kinda close and soon it evolved in hugs everytime we met, walking out together, talking about everything etc.
Later on I found I'm the biggest pussy cringelord on the school. I mean, my brain usually works exceptionally well but admiting my feels towards her had same effects like throwing a wrench in cogs.
So I resorted to messaging her close friend (by SMS, no Facebook or even phone internet back then), obviously hinting my feels. I had to be the best laughing stock that time. Luckily she stopped talking to me after that which kinda saved me from escalating the shit apocalypse-level.
Can someone tell me what the fuck "nice guy" even means? to this day I don't understand what roasties are implying when they say it. Does it just mean someone being a nice person or someone who bends over backwards for others to an extreme or something? Or is it just a buzzword for betas?
I let a prostitute live in my house rent-free for about 2 years because I felt bad for her.
Some shit like massage a girl's neck just to show off how good I'm at it. Nowadays I don't do that unless I get something out of it.
>i don't really do things for anybody unless i really have to.
>i will do most work in group projects
>fuck niggers
looks like we have a totally BASED and redpilled user among us.
They think that nice people only act nice so that they deserve to get throat cancer from a slut who fucked a1000 chads
It got pretty bad. I posted cringe and lost many subscribers.
I'd like to go out that way.
I holded the purse of a girl and helped her with some schoolwork, but she invited me for a lunch two times
I apparently was so bad of a creepy stalker (after the relationship had ended, mind) that she felt the need to send me a message saying "If you try to contact me again, I'll fucking kill you".
So, whatever I did there is probably where the nice guy shit ended. I've blocked it from my memory but I remember a lot of tumblr sadposting.
It means someone who has to say they're a nice guy, instead of it being obvious from their actions and demeanor. Typically the "nice guy" label refers to horny bastards who do skeezy shit to hit on women and, when their advances are rightfully rejected, go off like little children.
>"I'm a nice guy! You should go out with me because I'm nice!"
And shit like that.
Date a roastie they all have 1000s of strains of hpv for your munching pleasure
That's pretty alpha honestly. In my teenage years I once straddled a hot female friend while she was laying on my bed and massaged her back, my dick was hardest its ever been
Found the virgin male feminst.lmao
i just bought an edible for a girl who has a boyfriend and a child
doing favors for women is not "cuck" it's called being a human. You think chad only does favors for men? thats gay as fuck
I bought a girl a few pairs of cute socks she wanted
They were absurdly expensive, like $100, cause they're being imported from nippon
It was a very low point in my life
A few days ago
spoke to you in as " THwankzZz Very muChzz For Da $$$ mr. Faggot Orbiter teeehee byebye"
>goddess-tier ass
>10/10 face
i need the sauce right now
Cant think of anything really. At work some underage girls who were below average in looks asked me to sit with them during break but I declined cause fuck them
I'm a nice guy in the sense that I don't bully people or talk crap about others. I've never really even spoken to a woman outside school work or customer service so I wouldn't consider myself a beta orbiter.
Am I wrong though? Is that not how the label is used?
Even your mom calls you a cuck you disgusting cuck
3/10 boring ass fat slut with STDs you dweeb
Wasn't taught about women growing up
My dad would tell me things like "if a girl talks to you, she likes you"
It took me way too long to realize how fucking false that is. But it resulted in me obsessing over any girl that paid even the smallist amount of attention to me.
I wasted three years of my life orbiting a girl with gifts and make a lot of her homework
The other user pointed out the book definition but usually it just refers to ugly/beta people who are nice to them.
Did you get to fuck her atleast? Orino
A girl at work was walking around the office asking if anyone had a spare pen. I picked up the one pen I had on my desk off the bits of scrap paper I'd been scribbling notes on and offered it to her.
She looked down at me in that pitying but disdainful way you might a child who has done something particularly stupid they didn't know better than to do and said "That isn't really a spare pen though, is it, user?"
I looked at her, looked at the pen, then put it back on my desk and went back to my work.
Your dad was right faggot, APPOLOGIZE!
i used to idealize women so much in the past, never was a full on orbiter but I thought of women as the ultimate prize/validation of me as a person (man). nowadays i realize it was this very outlook that made me so repugnant to women. sure if you have this outlook, in the 10% chance you get a gf it will be amazing, but most of the time it will just cuck you for life since women can sense the power they have over you if you have this mindset and take advantage of you/never see you as a legitimate dating prospect.
My gf's fat neckbeard orbiter sent her a link about current affairs at 2:30am (her phone's vibration woke me up) in a desperate attempt to engage in conversation
>had shy gf for years
>went up and down
>met stacy when she was in my computer science class halfway through college
>had been with gf about 5 years then
>started orbiting stacy immediately
>I was/am acquaintances with 6 people she fucked.
>senior year gf and I live together, but she is always distant, her work is more important than me
>stacy sees me, for me
>she sees my apartment
>she decides she wants me
>I can't say no, I fuck her a few times, she sits on my face
>so fucking hot
>eventually I have to pick stacy or gf, I think history and true hard work overtake stacy
>I pick gf, I tell gf when I'm blackout, she is mad, she and I overcome it
>fast-forward out of college
>me and stacy still talk, unfortunate
>I post open house at work
>gamer stacy comes through and grabs that job by the balls, everyone loves her
>I have to see stacy everyday for the rest of my foreseeable future.
>she has new bf, I can't stop orbiting
>eventually fuck up stacy stop talking to me
>eventually fuck up gf stop talking to me, she takes our dog
>completely alone, work, excercise, drink, thats all I do
>still see stacy smiling at me randomly
I hope I get into a car accident, fly through the windshield and die.
I never was. I was just absolutely oblivious to signals from girls and accidentally btfo'd them more than once. I cringe looking back at the opportunities I burned.
Sounds like a complete unoriginal cunt.
>gf cheated on me
>took her back because desperate beta
>cheated on me again
>took her back again because desperate beta
>dumped me for a chad shes been fucking
>i cried like a bitch
>found out later on that she was jobless the whole time and selling nudes behind my back
kinda grateful it happened desu because it woke me up from my betaness, looking back on it i was such a spineless cuck and its embarassing to know that was me at one point
>paid for oneitis a ticket to see her ex-bf
>gave her a couple of gifts
>let her stay at my place for a couple of days when said ex-bf dumped her again
Nah she's just a grown adult woman of above average intelligence and i'm a pathetic servile manchild and she sees right through me. She's usually quite kind to me, not that she was really being unkind then. We're the same age but you would never know.
pffff ahahahahahahah
hown just how. Have some self respect goddam sonny
Reminds me of the one time in highschool I lightly choked out this girl and had to stop before my boner grew bigger.
they claim to want a 'nice, sweet guy' to cope with the fact that humans are superficial and just want to fuck. that or they just got blasted by chad and he didn't call them back so they're salty about it.
Isn't she hinting at you?
>11th grade moved to a new high school
>ate alone in stairwell
>a girl starts joining me
>she makes a huge deal out of befriending me
>im already full anti-social so mostly just do bare minimum
>she invites me out on a weekend
>say lll go but then ignore her calls and messages
>im home alone jerking off and she knocks on front door
>she introduces me to other girls who all hit on me etc
>still somehow too autistic to figure it out
>our friendship continues like this. holidays arrive
>she invites me to her relatives new years eve party
>i want to get drunk but her parents say im too young
>they say if i want to drink i have to go to their house
>her cousin or whatever drives me and all her (absolutely gorgeous 10/10) sisters to their house and leaves
>im here alone with just her and her sisters and they gave us the OK to drink
>cuddle on the couch drinking and watching spongebob
>she tells me to come to her room
>straight up tells me lets have sex
>i start stuttering and asking "a-are you sure?"
>she seems annoyed but keeps urging me to hurry up
>im nervous as fuck ive never really done this before
>i awkwardly finger her, doing an absolutely awful job
>i can sense her getting more and more disappointed
>she tells me stick it in
>i keep asking if she really "wants to do this" eventually she says never mind
my senior year i held hands with her to a hotel room where 2 other guys i knew showed up, told me they're about to spitroast her, and kicked me out. she pretty much just brought me along as a comforter/security net. year after i graduated, i ended up stranded downtown and ran into her and her friends. the bus wasnt running anymore, she offered a hotel room said i could stay with her, a guy came in and they began loudly fooling around/fucking on the couch all night. she later outright asked me to give her money so her and her friends could go out drinking. i said yes id meet them at the bars. she texted me asking where im at, i blocked her number.
Jesus Christ, user. This is pretty bad. I can only cringe so hard.
You could have saved her user.
desu probably would have done the same.
I gave this butch dyke rides and bought her meals despite having zero interest in her, thinking that was how you were friends with a girl.
i got involved with this girl when i was a drug addict. i would give her free xanax and she would hang out cuddle and watch a movie or two with me while we were high. it was like this unspoken thing we did. i was very lonely and the company and touching was nice. i was too much of a pussy to ask her to do something sexual for the pills. truth is i didnt really want that though, i just wanted to cuddle. so yea thats pretty pathetic i guess.
>i just wanted to cuddle
maybe that's all she wanted too
>tried to fuck a girl once, got rejected
>tried again a year later, got rejected
>tried again last year, got rejected
>now i just call her to get high with me so i dont lose contact with her
i almost understand this to a degree
I let some slut swallow my glob and got nothing in return