An Austrian triathlete who says she was kidnapped...

>An Austrian triathlete who says she was kidnapped, stripped and threatened with drowning has revealed how she convinced her captor to free her after complimenting him on his orchids.
>Nathalie Birli says she was abducted while cycling near Graz on Tuesday.
>She says her kidnapper - who was "full of hate" - struck her with his van before taking her to his home, where he subjected her to a terrifying ordeal.
>The man hit her over the head with a stick, tied her up and threw her into the back of his car after driving into her as she cycled along the road
>Ms Birli - whose arm was broken in the crash - said she had lost consciousness, and had awoken naked and tied to a chair, in a house she did not recognise.
>The knife-wielding man promised her at first that he would release her the next day, blindfolding her and forcing alcohol into her mouth.
>But he then tried to suffocate her, she said, before forcing her into a bath and telling her he wanted to drown her.
>It was then she noticed his orchids and - after she had complimented him on them - he began to open up about his "dead father, a mother addicted to alcohol and girlfriends who betrayed him".
>This, she said, gave her a chance to beg for her release, suggesting they did a deal.
>"I made a suggestion to the man - let's say it was an accident," she revealed.
>The man agreed, untying his victim and driving her all the way home, where her partner - who was at home with her 14-week-old son - alerted the police.
What's the moral of the story?

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Charisma 18

Don't let her get away next time

N-nice orchids...

Looks like the incel phenomenon has finally reached my country

did you want to leave btw?

>so she goes back on her deal as soon as she feels safe
I must say though this "kidnapper" seems fake
nothing to see here folks

the moral is dont trust women, if you release them they will alert the police.

holy fucking shit what a disgusting piece of garbage, why are women like this?

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>"i'm going to drown you."
>"hey your orchids are nice."
this didn't happen

>woman cheats
>partner finds out
>makes up story to shift blame
>dude gets arrested

The moral of the story is that people are a lot more irrational than even "black pilled" people on Jow Forums are willing to admit to. What she did isn't genius but it was the best move possible. Any other conclusion is a cope.

what a heartwarming story lol

>and girlfriends who betrayed him
Some men just never learn.

What was the race of the kidnapper?

nah, they just retain basic emotional motivations even despite pretending they dont. people like being understood and validated, nothing new about it. anyway, what action could possibly be "genius" in this circumstance anyway? she got out, it's a good outcome

God damn, this is literally one of my sexual fantasies.

The thing is that most of us here have never been scarred by life, never had any real trouble in life, just an ocean of fear and anxiety by the lack of exiting our safe space. That is partly due to maybe overprotective or too indulgent parents that left us all day long with vidya and never pushed us out of our shelter.
This guy had a seriously fucked up life, but you can say he HAD one.
We will never have the courage to rebel against anything, to FEEL anything but the clock ticking in one eternal boring day.

do you guise think he would get caught if he keeped her

She sounds mentally ill. If one of us came here to deliver that story you would n't believe a word of it. There's a girl like that at my work always pretending she got mugged or insulted but no one ever saw any proof of it.

I don't know what you can learn from this story but I think this man will commit suicide now. He has realized how much of a monster he is and how late in life he is to fix it. Sadness all around.

Oh, the lack of any real trouble in life can fuck up your life far more than actual problems. You can fight against cancer, you can grieve for your dead love, you can kill the enemy who attacks you in war, but what do you do if all life has to offer is a shrug?

In the free society of the 21st century, the most crucial skill is the skill to shape your own life. Unfortunately, many people in our society believe that everyone figures out themselves how to do that. That's not even all, they believe that it's a sin to guide other people through their life.

The thing is, some people don't learn by themselves how to shape their life. Some have reasonable parents or teachers so they learn it from them, but others have shitty parents and teachers who only teach how to be a passive person.

When you are stuck in being passive, there are not many things that can pull you out. You either get suggestions from normies who cannot understand why some people don't figure out how to shape their life, or you end up in an incel forum where everyone is stuck in an endless hate depression. Jordan Peterson is certainly so successful because he adresses those problems.

I remember a story like this, where this woman was abducted and raped by this ugly hillbilly incel, and while he was raping her she started telling him how good looking and good at fucking he was and how she would be his gf if he didnt hurt her, it worked and a few hours later she escaped and called the police.

>while he was raping her she started telling him how good looking and good at fucking he was and how she would be his gf if he didnt hurt her, it worked and a few hours later she escaped and called the police.


>unstable psycho does unstable psycho shit
>woman uses her natural manipulative talent to get out of it
Can't make this shit up. Good for her i guess.

>woman is kidnapped
>doesn't report it to the police

I hope his next victim likes orchids.

Don't project your shit.

Ayy she got her arms broken and was subjected to a horrible ordeal.
She lied to save her skin from lethal violence, there is nothing wrong with this.

I can see the point of people trying to shame women for hypergamy and caveman mentality, you can't do this with violence because then you're a caveman too.

hello Jow Forumseddit, how's your day

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Shame about the broken arm, would really have to put her down.

Also why listen to anything a woman says since their brain is like an animal's?

Was the ass fat?

you sound like a gaylord