Mental illness general

mental illness general

share what you're diagnosed with, vent, cry, make friends, discuss coping strategies

no bully

>gender dysphoria

what a ride it has been

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I'm completely normal ama

What is it like user? Do you feel content? What does contentment feel like?

my only question is why are you here when its a nice warm summer day and a friday no less

It's not too bad though. Frens make everything a little better.

Bipolar type II
it has its ups and downs hahahaaa...

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you just reminded me of a funny meme user

take care

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Autism, ocd, schizoid dude from other thread.
Forgot ADHD.
>nice warm summer day
Where the fuck do you live? Only place I want to be is at home.

its good to hear that you have some support user! ptsd is trash i hate it

sometimes patterns and numbers flash through my mind, I get stuck on weird beliefs and thought patterns, I hear voices and see things sometimes and have bouts of extreme paranoia. I'm not turning schizo, am I?

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thanks fren. I'm on a low-moderate dose of ((lithium)) and it doesn't suck as much as I thought it would. It really helps

its 81 degrees f where i live but im a NEET so i just sit inside or go to parks. maybe i'll put on some headphones and go for a bike ride. is it cold where you live? in ohio its cold like 7 months out of every year

Go out for what reason? I already got beer and smokes and food. Some fat hog at Walmart was hitting on me disgusting cow

No it's horrible living in a world where everyone is crazy

it sounds like it. thats a hard fate to be dealt. ive known a few schizophrenics personally and theyre all very mentally fragmented and difficult to maintain relationships with. i think i may also have it but to a smaller degree. than a lot of people.

>substance abuse

Yall don't know the road I've been down and back and down and back over and over again, it's a fucking loop that never stops

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>using imperial system
27C on an afternoon, not that bad.
I have 25C and it's 22:45, fucking sucks.
t. kraut

im glad to hear it. enjoy functioning better.

idk, id just expect normal people to either be at work or out doing normal people things. i have a hard time believing neurotypicals actually even come to this board let alone post here, i dont see why they would want to

sounds like hell. be strong, whatever that means.

im an ignorant american sorry i dont know any better.

i dont mind the heat at all but i avoid the sun like a vampire because of what it does to your skin. my eyes are light colored and therefore sensitive to light as well



because it goes a lot deeper than just autism and schizos, and trauma is literally capable of rewiring your brain to be less functional

THE FEAR OF BEING LABELLED "MENTALLY ILL" MAKES IT SCARIER TO EXPRESS YOURSELF. You can't talk about wacky ideas, in fear that someone will label you as having lost touched with reality, and recommend you go to a mental hospital. When you express misanthropic views, instead of just being seen as a naturally grouchy person like Oscar the Grouch, you get told to "Get help". When you enjoy flapping your hands, you get labelled as "autistic".

>clinical depression
>possible schizo they said

>schizoid personality disorder
i'm not counting the occasional depression and anxiety since it seems like everyone on this board has it.

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The human mind has no bounds, yet any deviation is labelled as "mental illness". You can think anything, rewire your brain, etc. I've found some beautiful ways to perceive the world, such as noticing that humans are adorable apes who make all sorts of cute movements when they socialize. But if I tell anyone that, they'll think i'm "crazy" and tell me to "get help".

I have Asperger's and I can't work anymore because 2+2 is no longer 4. Everyone being a phoney retard doesn't make me defective. Y'all are more interesting than normies

This. I wanted to use the internet to talk about taboo or silly ideas I couldn't with family and friends but kikes and glowniggers had to ruin everything with their baseless ad hominems.

yikes. meds are a last resort for me but depending on your level of function it might be an option for you

ASPERGERS IS NOT A REAL CONDITION. It just means you're a SPOILED BRAT who doesn't want to put in the effort to BE NORMAL.

Guess what. no one actually enjoys making eye contact with a job interviewer, or answering "how are you" with "good". We all wish we could do what we want, but we have to conform with how the world works. it's called SOCIAL NORMS. YOU JUST GOTTA DO IT, WHETEHR YOU LIEK IT OR NOT, I dont care if you hate looking at a job interviewers eyes, we all gotta do it or else we're gonna starve under the bridge.

>Intrusive thoughts

Does inceldom count as an mental illness BTW?

ive always thought schizoids were interesting, as someone with BPD. complete polar opposites

i have friends who ive known since i was 7 years old who i am still completely unable to maintain prolonged eye contact with because of how uncomfortable it makes me. you have no ides what youre talking about.

>2+2 is no longer 4

i am honestly so disgusted with where the education system is going

no, lol, its just another symptom. you're probably a volcel anyway

THIS "MENTAL ILLNESS" CRAP IS SO FRIKIN GAY. "Ermagerd i totes have ocd, bpd, asd, ptsd, fbi, cia, nsa". I think everyone can learn to appreciate the way their brain is wired, stop thinking theres something wrong with you.,

i have no mental illness adhd. can i still be part of your gang or am i just a faggot?

What makes you think that?

Actually kill yourself


coincidentally, there's an overrepresentation in schizoid-BPD relationships.
i don't know why someone would find us interesting though since on the surface we appear as if we are the most boring people on earth

Please fucking kill yourself. The world is better off without you

I made that post because people say I am "aspergers" or "autistic", even had psychologists say it verbally. but Im not so sure it's real. I suspect i might just be a spoiled brat because my parents gave me a very easy life and never made me do chores. I think everyone hates answering "How are you" with "good" and making eye contact and faces and talking, but we all do it because we HAVE TO, while i'm just a spoiled brat who doesn't want to do anything i dont want to do.

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we've got a wild one here.

i always love when some random dude who probably barely managed to pass high school comes into these threads thinking he has any authority or credentials on this subject

probably an undiagnosed schizophrenic, clinging to delusional beliefs

I typically do pretty good at maintaining myself for the most part

>parents gave me an easy life

must have been nice. my parents used me as a punching bag and emotionally abused the shit out of me.

guess what the result was? now i have BPD and PTSD and my ability to trust other human beings and form normal relationships with them is severely impaired.

just because you grew up a spoiled brat doesnt mean everyone else did

You will never be happy until you accept yourself as healthy and the world as sick.

Maybe i'm not a spoiled brat because i'm aware that i have a very easy life. Spoiled brats are always upper middle class kids who think they have hard lives.

autistic schizo

Received a bunch of manga but I'm not even gonna read it. Selling everything to help bolster my NEET fund. Selling all my video games. Not sure if I would go so far as to sell my Steam account. Things bring me no joy aside from the safety and security of money and investments. I have been here for between 8 and 10 years and I feel like I do not belong here just like everywhere else.

I have had to quit caffeine because of an infection and I feel like I am slipping away from reality.

ive been very depressed lately and i think im autistic. i want help but i never go out and get it, so i just use drugs and cut myself. i do as many things as i can to harm myself. life feels too difficult for me to try and keep up with, i think its time for me to kill myself soon.

i didnt even have health insurance until i was 24 years old, and it was fucking medicaid. i grew up on ass whoopings and kool aid packets, and i had to ask other kids at school for the food they didnt want at lunch because despite being on welfare and food stamps, my mother was too dumb and proud to sign me up for the free lunch program

tell me more about class user, enlighten me

Back in my day, we called autistic kids "spoiled brats" and a good whippin always straightened them up!

spoiled brat manchild starterpack

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back in your day they pulled peoples teeth out without any painkillers or numbing agents. you are an outdated caveman feeling scared because the world has moved forward without you

from here on out we will just ignore the retarded boomer astroturfer since he cant play nice

what kind of infection? whats your gameplan for NEET life?

get help user. i'll be the first to admit that the path is arduous, but calm waters never made a skilled sailor, as they say.
you have a chance, you just need to persevere.

nothing would help me at this point. advice, drugs, and people are worthless to me.

>what kind of infection? whats your gameplan for NEET life?
Bladder. I just intend to have enough money to afford to stay alive until I feel like I have a reason to exist or the world ends. I'm probably going to go the wagecuck route soon to increase my odds of surviving into old age. I want to see what kind of futuristic nightmare dystopia this planet is going to turn into before I die.

maybe you should change your environment. figure out what makes you want to hurt yourself and attack it furiously until it stops coming back.

you lack the will required to make it happen, if you dont find it you probably actually will end up dead

same plan, though once NEETbux dries out i plan on just living as a vagabond in the woods away from everyone

>PTSD (diagnosed)
>Avoidant personality disorder (diagnosed)
I don't know if I have more than that.

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>Survivor syndrome
I don't know what there is to say. I drink a lot, helps me "cope" if you can call it that.

normalfags are what makes me isolate myself, leaving me to introspect and obbsess over my bad qualities.


I feel like an alien

I don't know what's wrong with me
I'm depressed maybe that's it

adhd counts, bro. literally in the DSM since the 60's

also, hello fellow adhder