which side are you on user?
Which side are you on user?
The girl on the left looks pregnant
The side that can kick both of their asses.
This one in origano.
Right cant even afford pants without holes lol
Skinny and petite, all day every day.
Only a self hating incel would fuck the fattie
low test beta males detected
Hol(chun)li FUCK that's thicc
small tiddies are superior. small women with small tiddies and fat asses are absolutely beautiful. big tiddies get saggy and wrinkly but women with small tiddies dont habe to deal with that. you marry a girl with big tiddies and in 20-30 years, there on the fucking floor
The side of the union. You wouldn't be a scab now would you user?
It never fails to amuse me how wanting to fuck fat girls has suddenly become socially acceptable.
thiccness has been a symbol of fertility since the dawn of man you fucking gayboy
The correct answer is obvious
Both sides, though right honestly looks better.
noooooooooooo, iwant ot feed the girl on the left so bad. ;-;
Obviously the fat one on the right.
this is peak female attractiveness
So this is the same woman, but the left is before pregnancy and right is late pregnancy, right?!
It's just a hick thing.
It never fails to amuse me how wanting to fuck women who look like twigs has been the social norm for years
Far to the right. That girl on the right isn't fat enough.
She needs to gain 50lbs at least
Check this goddess here out
Beautiful, obese, flabby, jiggly, wobbling fat
Can't say it wasn't predictable.
please post more if you have it, user
healthy women have always been desirable, its only recent that malnourished women are promoted as sexy
I got a few brapcows
i wish porn of this existed, or i knew the right term, but i cant ever seem to find anything, its always skiinny skeletors or absoltely obese women, never in between
Optimum is soft and curvy but not fat
the one on the left looks almost extra terrestrial. The one on the right is the cutest fat girl I have ever seen,.how did she keep her face thin?
If she got lipo on her belly she would look perfect.
Big boobs and small hips is my pet peeve. Would take a chubby girl with a nice waist to hip ratio over a surfboard with double Ds.
>he doesn't like a comfy belly
I wouldnt say her hips were small
wtf, she has a thing girl's face
How is that even possible?
Still fucking weird she posts here instead of going and getting fucked
I've seen fat guys without man boobs, but huge hanging guts. I've seen one lady with dis proportionally fat arms. Some girls have double belly, some have single. Some gain in belly with skinny legs, some are evenly distributed.
the alternative
No it hasnt you fucking queerfag.
Chubby girls was a desire of prissy elite french faggots who wore tights because it meant they had money to buy food.
That was until real men cut their fucking heads off.
Aside from that, men (who arent autistic and fall for "thicc" propaganda like you) like fit in shape women who can show a semblance of self discipline when it comes to not shoveling shit in their mouths 24/7
I could never go back to a skinny girl, I'm just too used to soft bits everywhere
Both are far too big
You can find that body type with a combined search of "chubby" and "small tits". You're welcome.
>Beautiful, obese, flabby, jiggly, wobbling fat
Agreed, user
Although I would replace "beautiful" with "repulsive"
Cowgirl with chicks like this is godly if you survive.
and facesitting. the rush of legitimately not being able to breathe and just desperately eating out your pigslut and waiting for her to lift up to give you a breath makes me rock fucking hard.
I assume fembots are fat like this. Does that mean that in a few years fembots will become the new standard of staceys?