>finally finally finally a girl is interested in me
>comes over to my house
>put on netflix
>eventually after kissing she wants to give me a blowjob
>erectile dysfunction
Finally finally finally a girl is interested in me
Are you sure? Could just be performance anxiety. Have you had erectile dysfunction before?
wh-why did it happen the two times she was over then
no, but then again she's the first girl i've been with
Was she a girl or a ((girl))? Also do you have porn addiction? If you do then you did this to yourself
Because you were nervous? Dude chill out i give you a tip don't wank for a few days you will be horny as fuck everything will turn you on and then your tool will work.
I remember once I tried to show my boner to my friends and I could get hard in front of them and took a while for me to do so (we were teenagers ok ? everyone was experiencing at the time and did homosexual things sometimes )
I watch porn never had a problem in fact keeping my erection away is sometimes my problem, holding my breath works
Blowjob on the first date is a pretty big red flag, you should count yourself lucky.
she is a girl (female), yeah i didn't realize, but apparently i do have a porn addiction, it difficult for me to get hard without it
we both don't want a relationship (i'd be a terrible boyfriend i think), she's just interested in fucking
How did you feel during kissing?
when that happens just eat her out so at least she gets something out of it
how do u not have a half chub just watching netflix next to your crush?
>we both don't want a relationship
casual sex is overrated
still tho you should be getting boners at the prospect of potential sex because your body doesnt know its casual sex or beginning of a relationship
Some people aren't normies and have social anxiety. Anxiety makes it literally impossible to achieve an erection. Socially anxious male = genetic dead end.
it's not as amazing as i thought it would be
still nice though, she was my first
was planning to but she was on her period, gross
Agreed, I just can't understand why it doesn't seem to turn me on like crazy
I bought a few viagra pills and I've tested one of them
this shit should hopefully help
With my first girlfriend it took like 5 tries. And every girl that wasn't a hookup it's taken 3 tries or so since. You're scared because you actually care for her and want to do your best, completely normal.
Meant to respond to op but I'm a boomer phoneposting.
Sounds like bs
I only ever had three serious gfs, a few casual hookups and I never had trouble getting it up
OP here
Do you get pretty bad anxiety? i feel like this might be the cause, but i wasn't really even that anxious with her so idk
Its anxiety. I assume your a virgin? Next time If your having trouble getting it up I advise you makeout with her and play around with her ass and tits until you feel your dick hard. Then ask her to suck it
thanks senpai, and yeah
did all that, and was wondering why i still couldn't seem to get it up
oh well we'll see how the viagra works when im with her lol
>I'm one way so everyone is
Can sound like whatever you want it to sound like.
go see doctor and get some Viagra mate.
Same thing happened to me the first time.
It's because there's probably not enough chemistry between you two, or you havent made yourself fully comfortable with her yet. Like, things went too quickly. You dont have erectile dysfunction if you can otherwise have a boner by looking at porn or something.
My first time with a girl, things just went too quickly, I didnt have a boner. Things were a bit awkward to begin with and yeah.
My first stripper, Ive had several dances and didnt get a boner. Didnt like the girl enough.
Second time I went to the strippers, it was a petite white girl who didnt have a foreign accent, I could easily joke around with her, plus I liked her ass. I grew a boner, and I was glad I finally did.
You need to evaluate what exactly went wrong. Listen to your guts.