Tfw born indian

>tfw born indian
>tfw it was over before it even began

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Just get an arranged marriage bro, can't be that hard

At least you have the chance for things in your life and nation to improve, right?

>ywn hook up with a q.t. phone scam indian girl and go on to redeem her and fuck with phone scam centers together with her

the only thing left for you is to not have children so they don't suffer the same fate

you cant tell me you wouldnt tap this though

Consider transitioning I heard lots of you fags become shemales over there and live together

The only country on earth that has a major "trans movement" is America

Hijrah go Google it you street shitting poo

Wrong, India has a third gender you faggot and Germany has the highest % of gays and transexuals per population ratio

He has a micro penis his only option is to become gay and be a bottomboi

A lot of the Indian guys I know online have pretty successful lives. Unless you're some Slumdog or whatever things should go well for you.

how about you stop lusting after white women and instead get a fucking indian chick?
You self-loathing, self-hating shitskin.

All you browns only ever started kvetching after being imported to white countries. Stick with your own, problem solved.

Stop samefagging and seething.

Hijrah is Arabic for the pilgrimage to Meccah. So you are fucking retarded.

He didnt say anything about white women, you're projecting your cuck fetish.

>You self-loathing, self-hating shitskin.
Yeah because nothing says self love like wasting your life screeching about brown people on the internet and fantasizing about the women you love being fucked by foreign men, lol.

You are the one projecting, evidently.

An indian that is fluent in english is most definitely a migrant in a white country. Only males almost exxclusively migrate to white countries.

The shitskin is, thusly, almost definitely lusting after white women, who of course find him revolting, because that's how biology and MHC work.

Let me reiterate: Stick with your own people, shitskins. All problems solved.

No one said he isnt a migrant, peabrain.

>he is a migrant
>that means he wants to fuck the girl i like
As i said, cuck fetishism. Get a therapist.

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You are stumbling all over yourself, nigger.
Make sure you don't chimp out and rape anyone now.

>lose an argument
>nigger rape nigger nigger chimp nigger nigger
Here we see the incredibly high IQ of stormniggers in action once again

I take back what i said, you dont need a therapist you need a rope.

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Go be a nigger somewhere else.
Ideally back to africa.

>be born white
>no one gives a fuck anyways
I fucking hate my life

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Do you have a sister and does she like white guys?

Poo in the loo

Its Hijra

You are both fags its Hijra

That's what they do is rape

At least you dont also have to deal with racism on top of all the bullshit

Kekked tbqhwyfamalampai

Poo-poo Patel alert.

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