im so fucking angry what joy did you punk niggers get out of beating my dog to death with a skateboard . Not to sound like an edgy cringy fag but my dog was my best pal and was probably the best pet id ever had and you shitskin monkies go and pull this. Then you all wonder why people hate you. Fuck you all
Im so fucking angry what joy did you punk niggers get out of beating my dog to death with a skateboard...
sorry to hear that op thats fucked up
why do they feel it was okay to do it
Why didn't you just shoot them?
I was gone and came home and my dog was really hurt I thought I was in a safe place but apparently not
kill them op, seriously
Okay i will , was already planning to
Your dog deserved it. Hopefully you're up next.
Already was planning on it user
based, it will all be worth it
Fuck you nigger face suck on a knife and die faggot
stacy will think im so dark and cool xddd lmaolmao
>someone i didnt see hurt my dog
>must be niggers
This is your brain on racism
>there are redditors here who will unironically moralfag
It's not even moralfaggotry, its that it was painfully obvious you were trying to act edgy just to be edgy.
That's fucked up. You should get a skateboard and learn how to switch tre flip then do it in front of their faces for revenge. They'll be so pissed!
People are despicable pieces of shit. Sorry about your dog OP. I don't want you to go to jail but.. give those kids as traumatizing of a lesson as you can get away with.
How are you sure black skateboarders killed your dog if you weren't there?
take life into your own hands and exact revenge. punks who abuse animals end up getting away with it most of the time. avenge your friend
that'll take while. its not as easy as it seems, can you do it?
It's not like people are blind to what kind of people live near them. I'm guessing he's put his suspicion on kids who have a history of vandalizing/terrorizing the neighborhood, which is fair. The fact that they're black is more like a side ad hominem attack.
No. I know switch varial flips though.
Because I have cameras
Didnt see footage till I got home because I was working