what do zoomer doomers listen to
What do zoomer doomers listen to
lil pump and Tupac
2 years older than that but i fit the rest, do I still count?
i obsessively listen to literally any genre for a few days at a time but i keep going back to late romantic/20th century classical. Shostakovich prokofiev and mahler are unfairly good.
lil peep originally
Death grips but only in an original way
18 zoomer doomer. Listen to hardstyle psytrance and liquid dnb
Cried today listening to 1916 motorhead if that helps?
I just listen to anime shit and chopin
Daft punk. Owl city. Black eyed peas
I try to listen to vaporwave and outrun music but get gatekeeped
was lil pump the gucci gang guy? these names sound more retarded everytime i hear them.
Kino was a good band
nyan 10hour youtube
I would kill you if I met you
Dumbass fagg
>17 yo
the idea that people 17 and under browse here and are talking to me at any given time is terrifying when you're 26
/mu/core obviously
third eye blind, smashing pumpkins, weezer, sublime, radiohead, soad, some older artists like nick drake and george harrison
You fags are the worst
Your image made me crack up user, thanks.
sound like bladee but if he took a bunch of pcp an never came down
Underage nigger faggot
Twenty One Pilots, Buckethead's Colma album, and Earl Sweatshirt's I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside album.
King Crimson, The Doors, Dire Straits, Kino, that's all I've been listening to nowadays.