would you still date someone if you found out they had aspd and was a socio/psychopath?
Would you still date someone if you found out they had aspd and was a socio/psychopath?
yes i would date them
yes i would continue to date them.
fuck i did it again. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Sure. I get to con my brain into feeling love and by time my stupid arse realises its fake she's on top of me with a knife in me neck.
Everybody who says yes is a desperate KHV who thinks they're a psychopath because they're edgy.
Y'all fucks have no single fucking CLUE what it's like dating a psycho.
This. Stop romanticizing mental illness, all it does is make people shittier.
only if she was a virgin and never been in a relationship
I dont even understand WHY someone would WANT to romanticise it?!
Do they think it's cool? "Hey look at me, I'm dating a psycho... yeah!"
Or maybe some people are just that lonely?
hi Jow Forumseddit, nice bait
I am attracted to frat boy jock types and they are usually psychos so unfortunately yeah.
id do my best to safely dump her/him and get the fuck out before shit hits the fan
any other response is retarded
thanks user this makes me feel better:)
Did it ever occur to you that colloquialisms might exist outside of memes too?
The fuck is asps? Like the power rangers?
yes i would that sounds very nice.
maybe because i dont really care about others as well.
Yeah I'd probably still date them
til the money ran out. big pimpin.
Most ASPDs cheat and screw their partners over. Not all though, the ones that have decided to be loyal will be more loyal than a normie, since there will be no "he/she just made me feel special so I cheated"
Can those people even feel love though?
Part of me would find comfort in knowing that I'm more sane/better than her, so it would probably feed my ego to have them around. At the same time, shit would probably get out of hand and we'd end up forming a suicide pact or some shit. Also some daddy complex that would take over and make me want to nurture and care for her. That part of me inside is strong, bros.
Yes, but without empathy.
So you're basically viewed as their property, that they're quite fond of.
look it up. you have google
What are you Cenk Uyger
Yes I'm only attracted to Male sociopaths.
I throw my trash in the recycling
why? is it "le cool murderer" thing. im just a normal bot like you guys
No, sociopaths don't murder. The one's I've dated have just manipulated me to their own ends, and entertained themselves through attempting to mold or break me.
For someone else to eventually pick up and toss away too :)
>would you still date someone if you found out they had aspd and was a socio/psychopath?
I did and boy do I fucking regret it. Still have feelings honestly but not enough to even imagine the idea of messaging her cheating ass. DESU I reckon it was just desperation and ease that I liked her.
Im the trademark high cognitive empathy zero affective low dopamine psycho and all I ever want is to actually be able to give a shit about someone for a reason that isn't that they can talk to me when Im bored.
It's a bit of a headfuck but I've been told I have ASPD but I swear most of the time I'm more moral and more empathetic then most people, but sometimes I just shut down and I can't maintain friendships very well (no point I guess kek).
Then stop being a shit person retarded moron.
Oh ok thanks, the chemical imbalance in my brain is now fixed.
If you don't have the willpower to act like a normal person, commit yourself into an institution.