Waifu Weekender edition
Link to old thread coming soon
Waifu Weekender edition
Link to old thread coming soon
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Good night
I hate faggots
Olderino Threaderino
Finally here for a new thread (first post maybe?)
I do have a question
Has your waifu died in her anime? If you watched Naruto you know what happens to Konan. I wish she didn't die but she lives on in my heart. I know in the future we will be reunited in the afterlife.
Thanks for taking the time to respond
Alright, it's straight to the questions.
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most? (A certain accomplishment, catchphrase, etc.)
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
Aren't we moving to this one?
Claiming this post for Misaki Shokuhou, #5, Mental Out, and The Queen of Tokiwadai
>Question 1
When she helps Nagato up and smiles, its so cute
>Question 2
Honestly since she doesn't talk much in the anime I can't say I do. That doesn't mean anything to me though I still love her
>Question 3
Even though she was a member of the Akatsuki I know she truly has a good heart. It's a shame she has had to go through so much pain. I wish I could be there to hug her and comfort her until the day I die. One day
Dr. Angela Ziegler is my guiding light, the fire in my soul and the one person I've ever wanted to be with until the end of my days. I'll fight to never see her smile leave her marvelous face. I want to be the best for her because she deserves nothing less. I love her.
Hello, I believe you were looking for me last night?
My husbando isn't from an anime. He hasn't canonically died in lore, but he gets killed sometimes in gameplay.
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most? (A certain accomplishment, catchphrase, etc.)
There's a moment in his backstory when kid Kayn starts murdering the shit out of everyone and I love it so much.
Also I like imagining he gets off on going inside people.
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
No, I love everything he says. His voice is perfection.
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
Both? Honestly, everything attracts me to Kayn.
Yes I was actually, do you play League of Legends on NA?
W-Would you like to add me? :)
Maybe join my Konan club as well
**** Forgot to include obligatory Konan picture
My faith in humanity may dwindle but my love for this Scottish princess burns as brightly as her hair. Also, I scored a Brave sticker book today.
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most? (A certain accomplishment, catchphrase, etc.)
The entirety of the "I am Merida" scene makes me smile every time. Merida standing up for herself and taking matters into her own hands is great, inspiring even.
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
>"There are those that say fate is beyond our command, that destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it."
I want to have long conversations about fate and destiny with her.
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
The similarities, but that's not to say I don't appreciate the differences. I just think we have a lot in common.
Oh my fucking god. What are you going to do with it?
>Has your waifu died in her anime?
No, she's alive and well.
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most? (A certain accomplishment, catchphrase, etc.)
Just her speaking, moving, even just existing makes me smile, sometimes even giggle. I need to go through her anime more often.
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
A few.
>"I want you to express yourself in a way that only you can."
>"Why you ask? Because that's just how I am."
>"I want to be with him forever and ever."
>"You want to have a monopoly on my legs, right?"
>"Are you okay?"
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
Both play a big role. I relate to her a lot in some ways, but she's just a much better person.
I do in fact. I'm kind of shit at the game but we could always shit around in norms or something.
Who do you play?
>Has your waifu died in her anime?
Technically yes, she had a pretty gruesome death, but she was reborn later.
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most? (A certain accomplishment, catchphrase, etc.)
I think, in most situations, she's cute or funny when she gets angry, and, while its not really smiling, I think some of her fight scenes are pretty badass.
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
Anta baka?! No, not particularly.
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
The similarities we shared initially attracted me to her, so I guess that's my answer. I wouldn't really want to be in a relationship with someone that different from me.
Asuka, I get lost in those sapphire eyes like the blue sky, and your glistening hair like stars in the night. And upon your lovely figure flows the red of lava, but when I touch you, my flesh is not the thing burning, rather my heart. My heart burns with desire, desire to be the one who holds you and calms you when you're down, the one who raises you higher when you're happy. I want to be the one who supports you like great pillars and fills you when there is only sorrow and emptiness. And when we're both gone, may we dance in the abyss, with interlinked fingers and a warm embrace, but for now let us lock our gaze, staring beyond the confines of the computer screen.
Honestly anyone lol
What's your summoner name? Mine has an accent so I can't post it here
just ice with the c having the accent on the top
Feel free to add me whenever, let me know when you want to play :)
The possibilities are endless, user.
Not either of you but I main jungle (Lenny face)
You wanna get in on this, friend?
What's your name I'll add you
Holy kek. Willing to bet you can get some wicked waifu soft-side school lunch boxes
Name is Ciaphas Kayn before anyone asks, yes it's a 40k reference
I main Kayn, obviously, since he's why I got back into the game in the first place. But I'll play anything in norms
wow nigger that is a BASED waifu there. fucking all of the niggers in onions high and salt city get fukt since your literally married to that school hottie.
wait- you are married to her right? just dating?
>Has your waifu died in her anime?
Does japanese folklore count as anime? She killed herself by drowning on a river at the end of her legend. I do also hope that we get reunited on some kind of afterlife when I die as well hopefuly not in the same way she did
>If you watched Naruto you know what happens to Konan.
She totally won the fight Kishimoto is a dumb hack
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most? (A certain accomplishment, catchphrase, etc.)
A lot of things, her silly moments when she shows her affection to mc being as clingy as she is, the little serious moments or development she shows or just on gameplay listening to her calm berserker's voice or her cheery lancer's one. Along with murdering everyone by pressing the red cards and watching her die after two crits
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
When she confronted a shadow version of herself which represented her negative thoughts about herself, stating that she'd prove that person wrong about all she things she said and become a better person for her love's sake
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
The similarities probably, How similar our personalities can be regarding the people we care about and how we'd do anything to make them happy and improve ourselves for them, wish I had her confidence.
>soft-side school lunch boxes
Please, I'm not a child.
Even with three houses coming out today, Claude, Dmitiri, and Edelgard will never be as good of a lord as Lucina. I cant post anything meaningful right now. I'm busy prepping for my recital. But here's a cool Lucina I found. This guy draws her just the way I like. Tall, slender, and boyish. Her noble demeanor emanates from these pixels.
Welcome to the thread. Please enjoy your stay and have a nice day!
And most of all, remember to take it easy, everyone.
>I see no reason she can't be a demon of Grandfather Nurgle. Imperial dog
I meant drunk not pissed.
>pissed or annoyed to be the most productive times of my life.
Can't say I don't relate. Nothing gets me going harder than sticking it up to someone. I used to spend an entire weekend studying, drawing and crafting a 6 hour exposition just to make a twat bleed.
>You pass up an opportunity to finally strike me down? I'm not sure if this is a display of weakness or strength.
More like "I do what the fuck I want and now I want to mope around".
>Don't you think Urabe would prefer to be hugged with, you know, two arms?
Yeah. But I tend to get really self-destructive when I see stupid things.
Stupid things that remind me of what I used to firmly believe in.
Stupid things that used to make me feel happy.
Stupid things that used to insidiously amaze me in tales and epics.
Stupid things that make me feel amazing in a vicariously way through romcoms and dramas.
Stupid things that I still hope with a tiny and stubborn piece of my heart that they still exist and I will have a chance to experience some day.
I wasn't expecting to be reminded of that beautifully horrible thing by you, our resident pharmafag. You don't speak lots of this soft side of love, yet once you do you manage to score a critical heat and the beast lies dazzled, stunned and frightened.
>I'm more of a "love conquers all" type of person, but not in a sappy way. More of a "the world is going to/has collapsed in on itself, but through love we will survive". The love itself isn't the tragedy, but the world the lovers live in is.
Oh, the couple who embrace each other at the end of the world. Nothing in their possessions but what they can carry on their backs and the undying love they have for each other, how romantic.
>It always comes out wrong.
Added youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
This comment, believe it or not. Is not actually original
>Nothing in their possessions but what they can carry on their backs and the undying love they have for each other, how romantic.
It is. You guys probably know I talk about The Night Land a lot, but there's many reasons for that. It's objectively one of the most depressing settings in fiction, and even then the moral of the story is "love conquers all". I dream about Merida and I motivating each other to press on, no matter what becomes of the world we live in.
You still haven't told me what you meant by "fag music".
I'm glad Alleyne user and Mikoto user are finally getting along. It warms my heart to read your posts.
What are three different weekend plans you'd love to have with your waifu?
I often wonder if she truly is out there somewhere. That being said, I try not to think about the fact that she could be cognizant of my posts yet unable to contact me
or unwilling to do so
In any case, I'll still be living my life as I normall would: for her. Every time she glances into the camera and the illusion of her piercing violet eyes meeting mine presents itself, my heart stops for a moment; her voice soothes the deepest elements of my soul and her actions of kidness and compassion motivate me to, quite simply, be better. My only dream is that I can do for her a tenth of what she's already done for me.
Say her first name again and I will rip your tongue off. She is MRS OF URABEFAG FOR YOU. joking
Is there anything more romantic than eloping? Than two against the whole world? Than being the entire universe for each other? To face any adversity knowing full well that a really special someone has your back, that the one you love is there to pick you up, that no matter how shit things can get there is always someone willing to fight at your side? Patrician taste. How fitting for you to fall for the 2nd most rebellious disney princess.
>fag music
NMH, popshit, idolshit, pretentious shit, literally cancer, etc.
You know damn well that I like your music tastes barring the niggernoise
>or unwilling to do so
She might think you are in the same boat as those who atrociously defile her. You have to do something to really set yourself apart. Something big maybe.
>I just want to hold her hand desu.
Sometimes I feel like flying during a quite loud midnight rant until a tiny voice reminds me that I am just a lunatic idiot screaming while holding a fist over his heart.
Holding hands sounds nice.
Holding her tight with interlocked fingers would be quite something.
Feeling our sweat pooling up between our palms as it creates a nasty sauna of love would be intoxicating.
Feeling our grip growing looser because of the salty mess making us slide away from each other would be maddening.
Hearing a loud pop whenever the air-tight seal between our hands starts to falter from the violent writhing of our fingers as they engage in a viscious and sloppy dance would make us burn.
>thick pants and thick belts
Damn, now that is what I call patrician taste.
>Has your waifu died in her anime?
>death anniversary soon
I'm not ready lads
So this is the correct Asuka then right?
What do you guys do for your waifu's birthday?
Mine has no birthday, only a death day.
Feels bad man
What was this?
I messed up reposting originally friend
That's Shikinami, you can tell by the eyepatch (and the suit maybe?)
I just remembered the one thing I do like about retail work: Helping someone and them saying thank you with a smile. It's surprisingly encouraging. Too bad for every one decent person I get, there's three or four assholes waiting to test my patience. Also, I hate it when people leave their kids unattended and the kids look at me like I'm the fucking boogeyman.
>Going to a park or the countryside with her.
>Going to the beach with her.
>Saying "fuck it" and staying in bed with her.
I don't like complex plans and neither does she.
>Is there anything more romantic than eloping? Than two against the whole world? Than being the entire universe for each other? To face any adversity knowing full well that a really special someone has your back, that the one you love is there to pick you up, that no matter how shit things can get there is always someone willing to fight at your side?
Nope, I can't think of anything more romantic.
>2nd most rebellious disney princess.
Who's the first? Jasmine? Mulan?
>NMH, popshit, idolshit, pretentious shit, literally cancer, etc.
I have guilty pleasures, but I see where you're coming from. Anime music is a big no-no though, unless it's something like GitS and SEL.
>barring the niggernoise
Like this?
I'm just sitting here in the middle of the night and thinking about her.
I don't know how to reach her.
>dis be merica
>migos / marshmello
zoom zoom
>Post Malone
Today is my first anniversary with my waifu!
Still relatively happy with Kotori here. Sleeping with her was a bit weird since this daki is made out of a different material than all of my other ones. It's supposedly two-way tricot, so it's much softer than the peach skin that I was used to. My spirits are lifted still, so I'm hoping this can at least continue for another week or so, so that I can be happy for her on her birthday. I don't hold much confidence though. My heart is filled, and my body is whole, but whispers splinter the mind. I hope most of you are doing better than I am.
Somebody asked for a picture of my daki, and I'll post it in a minute, Going to have to phonepost it, since using my actual camera and cropping the picture down would be more headache than it is worth.
>Has your waifu died in her anime?
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most? (A certain accomplishment, catchphrase, etc.)
I always enjoy seeing her talk down to pretty much everyone around her. They really don't deserve her. I derive little to no joy from watching DaL usually.
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
A bit of both. The similarities help me to empathize with her, and make me feel closer to her. Our differences help me to respect and look up to her a bit more.
Congratulations. Who is she
Yeah, alright, here's a mediocre picture of my daki. Hopefully it is deemed sufficient
Is that a fucking pikmin?
hey kotori or whatever poster, daki looks really great!
i hope she brings you even more happiness desu
Yeah, why do you ask?
>i hope she brings you even more happiness desu
I appreciate it.
Cute daki.
I love Konan
Have you guys ever commissioned art for your waifu/husbando?
How'd it turn out?
>Have you guys ever commissioned art for your waifu/husbando?
>How'd it turn out?
Pretty great, hot two daki sides commissioned, though I've only ever posted this one part of the art before.
also, I guess I posted that too, but whatever, you know what I meant.
>hot two daki sides
meant to say "got two daki sides"
Admittedly, some of those are guilty pleasures. It took a while for "This Is America" and that Migos song to grow on me, and there's just something about that Post Malone song that I really like. Here's some more "nigger noise", some of which I'm amazed I actually like. Also, don't sleep on Anonymuz.
Cute! Cuddle with it frequently!
>Have you guys ever commissioned art for your waifu?
I got a delivery in a /co/ drawthread.
>How'd it turn out?
Great! It was Merida as a centaur.
>Do you have your Alice as your phone wallpaper or something, or you are still afraid of people's thoughts over it?
I don't. But she's so fucking beautiful. I will get my beloved Alice Liddell when I will improve my life enough for her. I just don't want to associate such perfect girl with some fucking loser. I will become the best for her and then I'll reveal my power level.
>what do they do within it that makes you smile the most?
In certain moment in her Wonderland my Alice seeme to be a bit happy. I wish she could feel that moment for the rest of her life.
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
Both at the same time. Her fucking beauty and incredibly sad story is something that makes me wish I could take of her.
>exploring an abandoned buildings
>watching spooky videos together
>goimg to a rave party
I fucking hope you feel really close to her, Kotoriposter.
Happy fucking anniversary. Hopefully you will find her in dreams.
It looks really good. Hopefully you are happy.
No. I prefer to do it myself.
Is the image you posted what you drew? That's awesome
I wish I could get someone to draw Konan but i'm a NEET with no money haha
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most?
anything he does. he's always so sinister, it puts bats in my stomach. though, i do have a particular fondness for seeing him in labcoats. they don't tend to show the scientist side of the scarecrow in animation.
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
i'm awfully fond of his fear monologues. i've.. been known to go on about it if i don't stop myself.
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
the differences. jonathan is a tall, gangly, sinister wendigo of a man and i'm a small, inoffensive, and frankly nonthreatening blonde. but we want the same thing, and that's how we work.
i'm going to after i buy this new phone i've been wanting. it'll be the two of us.
I don't even know any of these artists lol, the only rappers i listen to are Ghostemane (sometimes), Bones, and $uicideboys$. Other than that I just listen to game music or some rock here and there.
Thanks for making me reveal my power level then. I can already see Urabefag's tirade coming.
>I can already see Urabefag's tirade coming.
Looking forward to it
>Convince me to do what?
Nevermind. It seems you've answered what I was going to ask in the last thread.
>I motivate myself with similar thoughts, albeit I rationalize it in a way that isn't very emotionally satisfying.
I think all waifufags are just as selfless. Aside from "working towards her" there's another "compromise" I use to avoid the lesser desired rationalizing.
I answer the first two too much.
>What steps did they take to never be in situations like that?
She avoids establishing bonds. Mostly because she isn't the most social but I also feel like it's because of a fear of being wronged. And sadly enough, avoiding is what got her trapped and stuck in the forest alone.
>Is your waifu or husbando the type of person to dwell on their mistakes or do they move on as quickly as they can?
She's mostly able to move on from them. Dwelling on things such things would be counter-productive and she knows that very well.
>Are you similar to them in that regard?
Opposite. I'll overthink and dwell on some of the most stupid shit.
>Is your waifu or husbando the kind of person to stick to a daily routine?
She is a Jow Forumsizen. She's shown exercising and training every morning of the day.
>No matter how sad things will look like for a while, the intense fire will be reignited and passion will be back eventually.
Just don't kill yourself because of it. I remember benching far over my limit because of that high. I got two reps in before setting of the Lunk Alarm screaming like a madman.
>She made feel a bit more human as
Answering each question in these's threads make me feel the same way. It almost makes me want to laugh. Experiencing so many feelings and learning yourself from a fictional girl.
Exactly once a month. Most of the time, I'm easily distracted just thinking about hanging out with each other but that one day in a month, I'll crave to embrace every inch of my woman.
>Linking the worst song from DAMN
I am tired to shit. I don't even want to remember that I still have projects to do.
I am just waiting for the elffucker and the nurglite before dying for 6 hours.
Talk of the devil.
I am also waiting for the pharmafag. I wanted to ask him something but I forgot where I left that damn paper.
Where is the goddamn gladosfag, by the way?
>Where is the goddamn gladosfag, by the way?
Was thinking this exact thing.
>Replyin' tae me wit yer shite elf-fucker opinions agin.
Fair enough.
>If you appreciate Raiden's game then I don't understand why you dislike MGS4's story.
My main problem with MGS4's story was the twist with the patriots being the side cast that helped naked snake from ms3 the whole time just really rubbed me the wrong way. It just ruins the mystery of the patriots for me, more or less. But that's just my opinion. MGR is just a self contain story/new storyline for Raiden and they can do whatever crazy shit they want with it since Solid Snake's story has been concluded.
>That weird ass ride with Skull-Face while he tells you his plans, and then killing him off before further developing him.
Don't forget that they use Sins of The Father in the ride, making even worse than it already is.
>Has your waifu died in her anime?
1. When Tharja was married to Robin.
2. "Because you're my fated one"
3. Both differences and similarities.
>Has your waifu died in her anime?
No, hardly anyone with a name and a face attached to them has actually died in Toaru. I can only think of Frenda, Rakko, Helmet Boy, and one of the Magic Gods off the top of my head.
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most?
I think it's hard to properly say what I want to say, but it's probably whenever Misaki becomes big sister. Despite what she may seem like to someone on the outside looking in, she's a very kind and caring person. Whether she's sitting with Yuri, watching her eat a fat stack of pancakes, asking her if she's getting used to life at Tokiwadai, and smiling at Yuri's general innocence. Or seeing her right hand girl Junko having issues, and reassuring her that whatever problems Junko has, that she will share them too. Or when she becomes biggest sister and personally going after those who threaten the lives of those in her clique. It shows off a side of her that I really enjoy seeing. Where she's not just Academy City's strongest mental esper. The laugh she has when sitting with Yuri is something I wish I could recreate for her day after day.
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
A few favorites. Most of them have to do with my answer to the first question.
"You're part of my clique, which means everything you own, I own. Pain, suffering, and despair are no exception."
"No matter what happens, you belong to me. My clique will never discriminate against someone who had the courage to see through what was right. You will always have a place here. Never forget that."
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
We're similar in ways, definitely. But what attracts me more are the differences between us. It took me until recently to really understand it, but I want to work to bridge the gap between us. As much as that gap can be bridged, at least.
I did consider that. Diavolo wouldn't have been the most forgiving person had he won. KCR could have easily been the one to do something just as fucked up. More selfishly, I want a long married life together. Of course, there's something nice in seeing most of the people who intend to kill him end up with such grisly deaths
Give her a good time
Arriving so soon to her birthday is sweet in its own way. I hope you pull through for it
I made a dessert last year, left a small gift, and had him on the mind most of the day. I want to make an actual cake this year and eat somewhere I'd want to take him if we were visiting. Nothing the first birthday together out of hoping this was a fluke
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most?
He's fairly expressive throughout the part. Whether it's in a fight or not, I notice his face and stop to look and save. Cuter moments, like when most of the group is talking about how they haven't had a real meal in a while or frog catching get to me
>Do you have a favorite quote from your waifu?
It's difficult to decide. He has some nicer ones when he's being more aggressive
>The differences? Or the similarities?
I started to really think about some of the similarities after I accepted, probably those
I almost did recently. One of these days I'll crack and pay for a drawing that isn't for the daki I have planned. I'm interested in the point of view
>Has your waifu died in her anime?
No. But she gets two non-canon pieces from the writers and she dies in both. God, I hate those bastards.
>When you go through your waifu's source material, what do they do within it that makes you smile the most?
She's a bit of a sperg. She judges everything with her own little points system. Anything someone does, she might give a response like "30 points.". It's silly but a cute quirk. Another is whenever she stops being so reserved. It seems so out of character for her I just can't help but smile and feel so proud of her.
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
CHRIST. I'll get back to this one later.
Then I'll give you half of an apology.
>Nothing gets me going harder than sticking it up to someone. I used to spend an entire weekend studying, drawing and crafting a 6 hour exposition just to make a twat bleed
Well said, Fool. I find it a childish and silly resolve but I'm just as guilty. Going through hell and back just to be able to throw the bird at someone.
True. The album was shit in comparison with M.A.A.D City.
>exploring an abandoned buildings
Based. Can certainly confirm it's fun as fuck just as it is spooky wandering in all that SOUL.
>watching spooky videos together
>Cuddling with each other because you're too scared to goto bed
>the twist with the patriots being the side cast that helped naked snake from ms3 the whole time just really rubbed me the wrong way. It just ruins the mystery of the patriots for me
I enjoyed that reveal though. It's such an "Oh shit" moment. You learn Snake was naught but a pawn and after all those years, you were helping the bad guy.
>Don't forget that they use Sins of The Father in the ride, making even worse than it already is.
It was a mess. After zombies invaded Mother Base, I just stopped playing.
>I am just waiting for the elffucker and the nurglite before dying for 6 hours.
And what in the absolute fuck- What in the goddamn would YOU want from me?
hello Alicjafriend, wszystko w porzadku?
Very nice, Konanposter. However, I don't normally point this out but I'm not quite sure that you answered the third question. Anyway, I was a fan of Konan when I watched Naruto. So, what do you think of how she died? I was honestly completely ticked off about how it went down.
Very nice.
Very nice, Meridaposter. Do you have a link to the scene? I love inspiring moments in movies. Vybz Kartel is a name I never thought I'd see again
Very nice.
Very nice Asukaposter. I wasn't aware Evangelion had fight scenes. You're not the only person here learning new things today.
Very nice, Kiyoposter. Is her personal progression for her loves sake ever shown? Judging from what you've told me in the past, it's a no, but still worth asking, I think.
Very nice Kotoriposter, good to see you're in a good mood.
Very nice Aliceposter, do you mind sharing what that quote is?
Very nice, Scarecrowposter.
Very nice, Tharjaposter. Do you have context on the post?
Very nice.
Very nice, Alleyneposter. I hope that "CHRIST" wasn't in annoyance. I know those weren't exactly the best of questions.
>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
Both. All questions regarding my thoughts on our features will always be answered in "Both". Positive or negative, the answer is always Both.
My waifu is my favorite fantasy race of all time, and the best sub-race of that race. The hippie elves, dryads. I love how different she is from me because the majority of that difference is all but positive traits I NEED to synthesize in my life. And our similarities is the hook. It's what will unite us so closely. I will go on an intoxicated patrol If no one answered "Both" then you're in due for JUDGEMENT.
>Fair enough.
No you fucking jigaboo. It isn't fair.
Why should I get enrolled into a 16 hour death march just to be able to enjoy some taquitos every thursday while my peers get to enjoy one blast of a normalfag life?
Only things keeping me going right now are
>Becoming financially sound enough to be able to live somewhere else and rub it on their bitch faces
>Funding my world domination plans and having my dick cast a shadow all the way to canada.
>I find it a childish and silly resolve but I'm just as guilty. Going through hell and back just to be able to throw the bird at someone.
We all are slaves to something or someone. You should be proud that your purpose is to whack your enemies with your chains instead of dilligently carrying them around.
>>watching spooky videos together
>>Cuddling with each other because you're too scared to goto bed
My knife-eared fucker.
Listen here you knife-eared piece of shit.
I spend 20 hours a day amidst "people" I dislike ranging from "Goddamn I wish I weren't here" and "Becoming a Khornite doesn't sound that bad".
I have to play the nice guy part and keep my rants to myself, stop growling like an animal whenever I misuse a class or having to tolerate some normalfags speaking about GoT or whatever jewish feed they have put in their muzzle for this season.
I like it here, as in this site in general and this specific hellhole too. I don't have to play the nice guy act and I can go full schizo to my heart's content.
I met people actually sentient and with knowledge in serious and vast fields to such degree that it makes me feel jealous, but it also makes me feel DETERMINED to learn their craft and interests until I can stand shoulder to shoulder with them, growing ever so steadily.
I can talk of almost anything with at least someone here and it gives me that saccharine social drip feed that my mind needs to keep me from speaking with myself for 6 hours a day, again.
That first question is hard to answer. I smile perpetually through almost every scene of the girls together. I will just special mention the part in episode 5 where the girls are being chased by faceless ghouls, terrified, then wake up in a bathtub together and get dried off and given new uniforms by the ghoul girls. Papika's instant 180 degree shift in attitude upon receiving a pretty dress from the ghouls never fails to put a big smile on my face. The whole episode is probably my favourite though, delightfully comfy and spooky with a lot of intimacy between the girls. Webm related.
It's hard to think of a quote.
I love the dynamic between them, the way they compliment each other. Each girl, individually, commands a side of my heart and a hemisphere of my brain. We're like a water molecule, me the oxygen and they the hydrogens. It's perfect. You can remove me from the picture and they still make a H2 molecule together. That's how it will have to be eventually. I'm getting older, these girls are forever 14.
My english was fucking atrocious because I have slept maybe 4 hours a day this entire week and I feel like absolute shite. It is no excuse but rather a mediocre attempt at defending myself.
>b-but that is an excuse
And you know what? I spend every single fucking day all the goddamn day wishing that they could shut up.
My coworkers are turbo normalfags or turbo autists who even make someone like myself feel "off".
My classmates are turbo zoomers who can't talk about anything but footie or stupid shit culture and the moment I get close to them I get assaulted with requests to help them have a chance at passing this semester.
My family are beeping bombs capable of making pitbulls look like zen buddhists and I would prfer to stay the hell away from them
I NEED the social interaction before going insane once more and this shithole in general sates it for the most part.
I spend most of the day putting my face in auto-pilot while I think of what I am going to ask to a bunch of schizos who made the great idea of falling in love with a cartoon.
Why are you posting a flustered elf? It almost seems like you are doing it on purpose.
I only listen to meme rap and only ironically when I'm with my little brother.
Oh, I remembered my business with the pharmafag.
Tell me, pharmafag, if you don't mind. How would you console Elizabeth after she murdered that niggress?
If anyone feels like answering.
>How would you console your beloved after a really traumatic event?
>I like it here, as in this site in general and this specific hellhole too. I don't have to play the nice guy act and I can go full schizo to my heart's content.
Just keep a journal. I have folders of text documents full of schizo ramblings and emotional breakdowns that I can just tuck away into my harddrive rather than archiving in this website for all eternity.
>GoT or whatever jewish feed
All things considered, GoT is pretty based, nonwhites portrayed as savages and less developed, almost full white main cast, I agree that its peak normalfaggotry, but I don't think the Jews have quite a hold on this one. I'm probably wrong though, the Jews seem to infest anything they can.
>My coworkers are turbo normalfags or turbo autists who even make someone like myself feel "off".
>My classmates are turbo zoomers who can't talk about anything but footie or stupid shit culture and the moment
Goddamn Urabefag, you deserve a purple heart, I couldn't take this shit.
>So, what do you think of how she died?
I will always believe she was stronger than Obito, Kishimoto already knew what he wanted to do with Tobi so of course he had him use Izanagi. In a perfect world he would have died then and there and Konan would carry on and make the Rain village a safer and better place. She is an angel after all
i've.. been spending more time than i'd like to admit watching those ooky spooky "REAL GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA" videos. at least half of them are surely fabricated, but they're pretty fun.
Tell him its shit and say he's rotting his brain with this trash.
I get on that rabbithole quite frequently, especially the dude with the weird ass voice who does the top 10s.
Which is harder to learn: drawing or Japanese?
Those are both disciplines with extremely high ceilings for achievement.
Dont be a fucking nigger and instead of "planning" get to it.
>raven thread on /co/
>mostly lewdposting
Depends on the iteration, but I typically love how compassionate she is towards her friends. The dichotomy of being apparently standoffish and reclusive yet coming to the defense of those close to you with vigor just gets to me. Her commitment to her personal ethos is refreshing too. In terms of one off, minor, cute things, I enjoy too many to reasonably list. One of the ones that happens to be higher on the list is from the show:
It, once again, depends on the iteration. She's typically more serious and naive in the comics. Inversely, she's more witty in the show. She plays both games pretty well.
If not both equally, the similarities a little more. One might say we are rather similar and, in the areas that we're not, complementary
Definitely, first and foremost, a small weekend trip into nature. Some reasonably secluded but breathtaking place where we could spend a night or two under the stars. Second, a weekend in some city of historical importance with narrow, winding roads and a river that snakes through it. A homey feel and some gothic architecture are both an absolute must. Not dissimilar to Prague. I love the city, but I don't know if I would take her there specifically . Finally, a weekend in a small town deep in the forests somewhere near which one can visit monuments to an era lost to time. Showing her something like the Rakotzbruecke in the fall would be nice.
My online presence isn't significant, I don't quite know how one would do that here. You're definitely correct though, once she hypothetically saw what the internet holds it's an automatic "everyone is x" feel. I try and circumvent that potentiality by rarely posting her and never - truly never - lewding her. I wish others felt the same.
>never - truly never - lewding her
Do you think she might enjoy being lewded though in appropriate amounts? Has she no sexuality?
I went on a drawing request thread on /co/ and this dude called me a moron for asking if someone could draw me a picture of Konan
Also I know it might not matter to you guys but I passed the language arts test for my GED. I consider you all friends so I thought I should tell you guys as well
Going to the beach and swimming till night falls, then dancing on the shore for the rest of the night
Going camping out in the woods
Binging movies and vidya
Shame I don't know her birthday. I would cook up a meal that I think she'd like and get her something cute.
I haven't commissioned anything, and don't plan to. I'd like to draw her myself.
>How would you console your beloved after a really traumatic event?
I would do anything, anything to make her feel better. I'd talk to her, hug her, help her with chores, make her favorite foods, take her someplace nice, give her space if I have to, whatever I need to do to take her mind off of it and make her feel comfortable, loved, and safe.
well that wasnt very nice of him
also, congratulations! i'm proud of you lad
O Captain! My Captain!
>>What would you say attracts you to your waifu more? The differences? Or the similarities?
I feel as if we contrast each other in some of the best ways possible. I haven't considered our similarities enough to really comment on them. How myopic of me.
1. Beach date and/or sailing
2. Stargazing
3. Cuddling together while doing anything else.
I wrote a poem for her this year. Dunno what I'll do next year.
Oh, she's as half human as anyone and as such she mostly certainly does. Something just doesn't feel right about lewding her. For me, it's almost analogous to viewing someone's leaked nudes. Except, one, they never took them, and, two, they most certainly didn't give you them. It just doesn't sit will with me, I don't know why. Naturally, it follows that soliciting lewds is completely off the table.
That being said, don't get me wrong. Her body is like a marble sculpture of exquisite and sublime quality. She is beautiful; every inch is perfection, and she drives me wild. She is, however, a proponent of discipline. When the time is right, the sparks shall fly magnificently. Until then...
What did he mean by this. Surely this is overdoing it. I'll be able to afford my own plane with this funding.
>We all are slaves to something or someone.
In some negative and twisted way, you're partially correct. No one is truly free.
>You should be proud that your purpose is to whack your enemies with your chains instead of diligently carrying them around.
I never exactly said I wasn't. Still, I envy the ""cattle"" that don't need to cling onto such petty behavior to find the drive they need.
>I can go full schizo to my heart's content.
And I sure as hell despise that you feel as if we're nothing but subjects meant to deal with your bullshit.
>I met people actually sentient
Good Lord, don't tell me you subscribe to that repulsive "NPC" meme too.
> but it also makes me feel DETERMINED to learn their craft and interests until I can stand shoulder to shoulder with them, growing ever so steadily.
>turbo normalfags or turbo autists who even make someone like myself feel "off".
You should know by now I share that sentiment, but again, why me. I'm not exactly sure what you're playing at, but if it isn't obvious already, I disdain your entire existence. Sure, I'll sympathize with you but I will never ever on any means be "cool" with you. I'm nodding my head and agreeing with clenched teeth gritting at every point you raise.
They're interesting sometimes. I hate how I only feel like watching them at night. It's damn near like I'm doing it on purpose.
> especially the dude with the weird ass voice
Nah. The overdone commentary always makes me laugh and completely ruins it for me.
You should watch some Chills without context
Also shut up you turbohomo imagine thinking you have rights xx. Stay frosty