How many people have seen your erect cock?
How many people have seen your erect cock?
it's some triple digit number
well over 100
IRL, not on Jow Forums?
In real life? Online? Quite a few in one and quite a few more on the other.
irl maybe around 7 people, online though is in the hundreds
irl 0 online idk like 15 ppl maybe
1, 1 shitty personality and owner.
It's zero, obviously.
Holy shit this brings back memories. Like legit, I haven't thought about this since shortly after it happened almost a decade ago now.
>Be me
>Middle school
>friend invites me and some other boys for a sleepover.
>One is acting very sexual, humping trees, doing truth or dare.
>Nudity comes up, some of us streak.
>ffw a few months, maybe even a few years.
>we have more sleepovers.
>Go from truth or dare to just running around naked in the basement and outside late at night.
>One night I have a boner,dind't even know what a boner was, friend points it out.
>No one seemed to mind, but it was kind of weird.
>If only I would have known I was a faggot back then.
Sorry I mean one. I've seen my own obviously.
Maybe like 5. One girl tried to suck me off and I couldnt get it up.
after the age of 20 its 3. all escorts
Only irl. Well 5 people. Inside my family we've got my mother, father and sister. My first girlfriend, she kinda took it out by force lol she kinda raped me, she was crazy, I dunno how but I was her first. And my now gf.
Two people, my mother and my sister. But my gf has touched it.
in real life? 0
online? a few thousand
0 irl
at least 3,000 from one picture alone posted online
That makes it about 4 in person and plenty of people online.
Irl my mom, sister, aunt and probably my dad aswell. Also, I think some doctor when I was like 8 in a medical examination. Online 0, I'm not an attention whore faggot.
Zero, and hopefully it stays that way. It's not very impressive and I know it. I don't really even know if I'd be able to get it up in front of another person to begin with, I was too fucking nervous to get erect for the only discord trap that asked me for one. Claimed I was too drunk to get it up. I'm pretty sure he knew better.
I hate myself.
one in real life zero on the internet
9 I think. 4 of them were prostitutes.
Remembering it makes me hard, I want to have sex again FUCK
Online probably half a dozen. Real life Not sure, I've flashed a lot of people.
0 online 0 irl you fucking manwhores
What the fuck, OP said erect penis, WHY have your whole family borne witness to it?
post stories faggits
Well, it's not that weird if you think about it. My mom used to change my clothes in the morning when I was really young, so it makes sense that she saw at least one boner. Same goes for my aunt. Also, I used to shower with my sister when we were little and I remember (think, maybe I didn't) having some erections while in the shower (not because of her, but because I used to get them all the time back then). I guess my dad must have been with us one of those times, so he probably saw it at some point (this is an assumption). This all happened before I was 7 or 8, they haven't seen it once since then. Not that I know of at least.
online probably nearly 100 000, in person probably around 5
Like maybe 5-6 people most of them males.
I am not gay
First non prostitute I fucked:
>hang out with a bunch of locals
>one of them introduces me to this girl
>slut with daddy issues
>has literally slept with almost every guy in the gang
>like I literally know 5 other guys that fucked her
>19, not really pretty but attractive due to the sluttyness
>no ass but amazing tits
>she run away from home because her dad hit her or something
>looks for a place to stay for a few days
>tell her to come to my place, she immediately agrees
>tell her we will have to share a double bed cause that's all I have
>the slut doesn't mind of course
>she comes at my house
>first night, nothing happens
>don't even remember, we probably just chilled
>second night, I make my move
>we're lying in bed, talking
>I make her laugh with my stupid jokes
>as she's lmaoing I lean in for a kiss
>she doesn't resist
>we kiss while I grab her tits
>I'm hornier than ever, I'm going all in
>without asking I pull out her tits and start sucking while my hand is in her panties
>she likes it
>I tell her to take her clothes off
>she asks me if I have a condom
>I say yes and she jokes about how all this was premeditated
>she gets naked and we fuck for like 40 minutes because I was on Prozac back then and couldn't cum for the life of me
This was in 2007 iirc. Funny epilogue, couple years ago I saw her on tv on some game show with her boyfriend and some other guys. Last year I tried to contact her and get her to meet but she didn't seem interested. Bummer, I'd fuck her one more time for old times sake.
I already posted my story in this thread ()
irl over 100 since thats my body count.
that's a lot of boys,
>has friends
>has gotten laid
Do I count? If so, 1.