why havent you gotten into kpop yet user?
>they have to be nice to you
>constant content
>endless genres to choose from
>all beautiful
whats stopping you?
why havent you gotten into kpop yet user?
>they have to be nice to you
>constant content
>endless genres to choose from
>all beautiful
whats stopping you?
I only like korean girls when they don't get plastic surgery
so you like goblins?
not him but i do
i like gookfaced asians just as much as cutefaced ones, as long as the body is hot i don't care
t. stage 4 terminal yellow fever
im not an insectoid
>i like gookfaced asians just as much as cutefaced ones, as long as the body is hot i don't caret. stage 4 terminal yellow fever
thanks for the honesty
Indeed yellow fever makes you see hideous asians as attractive
It's just a sick fetish like drinking piss or being a pedo
J-pop is superior even if it's less prevalent nowadays. At the very least J-pop gives the illusion of artistry whereas k-pop is blatantly manufactured to appeal/advertise to as many people as possible. They're not even subtle about it being manufactured. Everything is robotic from the rhythms to the performers.
Also the girls aren't as cute and have serious sameface issues.
It's sad that their beauty standards are the way they are. It results in crimes against humanity like pic related.
I like the left one more.
Fucking fite me.
That's exactly what I meant... her face before surgery could be a supermodel in the west.
thats the point gooks are delusional
>It's just a sick fetish like drinking piss or being a p*do
not really but ok
>her face before surgery could be a supermodel in the west.
imagine being this much of a delusional yellow fevered incel
more insane yellow fevered fags
she's not even ugly what the fuck
natural gooks are best gooks
seething wh*te roasties can't compete
>literally every single one of them has extensive plastic surgery
no fuck off
Lot's of surgery, anorexia and misery in that photo sadly.
What are some recommendations? I have heard some twice and I like it, especially likey.
don'tcha just love the smell of SEETHING WHITE MEATFLAPS in the morning
Uhhh i don't like the music I guess.
Shitty music, shallow/vapid/obviously-fake "stars" assembled by MegKPop Co(tm), annoying fans.
Honestly I don't understand what the appeal is, at all. Same with any pop artists of any culture. Why tf do people get so much out of actors who will never know/meet them.
>they have to be nice to you
only because of corporate gun they have pointed to their head
>constant content
doesn't matter if the content is soulless garbage
>endless genres to choose from
>all beautiful
who gives a shit
one-sided relationships mediated by a screen don't interest me much anymore
loona and momoland are really good
also mamamoo can actually sing