>24 years old
>too old to go backpacking with the 18-21 year old normies finding themselves
>too old to get really good at a skill
>too old to go out and party and have casual sex with young girls
>too old to indulge in weeb hobbies as all the cons are for 16-22 year olds
>too old to get started in any exciting careers
>too old to experience loving relationship as all my peers are jaded from dozens of hookups and relationships
>too old to change my negative mindset as my brain is done developing
>too old to develop any impressive athleticism
>too old to have any meaningful coming of age experience
>too old to make a best friend that is like a brother to me
>too old to ever develop proper social skills
>too autistic to meet a girl and have a family like other boomers
I'm a fossil and I wasted my precious youth. Now all I have is to sit around decaying more by the day in complete stagnation until I die. I can't handle this anymore I hate being such a loser.
24 years old
24 is the perfect age to have casual sex with 14 year old girls.
24 it the perfect age to start a career
Try being 30
What do you do all day? Are you happy? Do you still have goals?
I have a job that I hate to the degree that I have chest pain from stress just thinking about it. It's "decent" money but it's dead end and due to the commute I'm out of the house 12 hours a day. Can't afford to move closer because NYC. I basically do nothing except work, commute, eat, browse YouTube/Jow Forums and sleep.
No, I'm not happy. I want to die. I want cancer. I feel completely hopeless.
Weird I'm the same age as you. I remember the boomers yelling at us to get off the board just a few years ago. Feels like yesterday. I wonder what happened to all of them.
The world is a cruel place. Really angers me that we exist at all sometimes
too old to give a fuck
depends on how you treat yourself
Why on earth would you care if someone thinks you're "too X", "too y", or "too z" to do something?
Jesus, dude, read through your post. The only thing that's holding you back from anything is yourself and your idea that you aren't fulfilling some sort of criterion.
Ive been just working, eating, YouTube or games then sleeping my entire life and I wish for death to come as well, life is so fucking dull
You can still do 90 percent of those things just do them
>"YOU'RE TOO OLD TO BE FUCKING 13 YEAR OLD GIRLS! Well, carry on with your day, sir."
do it retarded faggot. you're fully grown, but you're a baby at being fully grown. you can pretty much do all of that shit but you've been blocking yourself forever and it's only gonna get worse and worse. a few years from now you'll be marveling at how young you were and hating yourself for not doing more, again and again
24 years old and im fhcking balding what the fuck I know people who are 40 years old and stil have hair why is this world so unfair Im already ugly enough as it is fuck duck f\uuuuuuuuuc
>hella filters
>hella makeup
Yea right bucko
what cosmetics products should I get if im.wrinkly and have large pores dawg
Fucking fag
What does that statement have to do with anything that either OP or I said?
Same but 23. Feels so wierd because I was JUST young and now I'm old and it would be weird to hang around the 18-21yo crowd. Yet if feels like j was 18 just 6 months ago.
You're not some grizzled, wise, old burnt-out fuck.
Put a sock in it you fucking baby. You're like 2 years into your actual life.
Depending on how bad it is just shave it all, you won't regret it even if it just makes maintenance way easier
it's sad that i relate to these especially wasn't i just 18 yesterday? what the FUCK happened to 18-21? was that THE time and I fucked up and didn't realize it?
Yeah I spent all those years getting a meme degree and living at home and coming straight home from class to watch anime or fap. And the years just flew by and light speed. Now most of the "prime years" of my life are gone and I'll never get them back. I'm turning things around now but the damage is done. It's unbelievable I've fucked so much of the only life I'll ever get up.
I'm 23 and I am past the point in my life when having potential mattered. I had potential when I was 17 and I should have gotten my G.E.D. and left high school after junior year to go to community college. maybe things would have ended up better but I can't change the past so I don't even think about potential anymore since I'm a fucking loser.
>24 years old
not as old as trolls like to make you think. you're still a baby
>too old to go backpacking with the 18-21 year old normies finding themselves
the only ones going backpacking at 18-21 are richfags. most of the population does fun stuff around 22+
>too old to get really good at a skill
never too old to get good at a skill. keep doing it everyday
>too old to go out and party and have casual sex with young girls
your value only goes up with age as a man
>too old to indulge in weeb hobbies as all the cons are for 16-22 year olds
no one will care about your age
>too old to get started in any exciting careers
you're still young to do that
>too old to experience loving relationship as all my peers are jaded from dozens of hookups and relationships
find new people in your life
>too old to change my negative mindset as my brain is done developing
stop reading Jow Forums and taking every word for fact here. its 99% shitposting and trolling
>too old to develop any impressive athleticism
no you're not
>too old to have any meaningful coming of age experience
not true
>too old to make a best friend that is like a brother to me
not true
>too old to ever develop proper social skills
too lazy*
>too autistic to meet a girl and have a family like other boomers
stop being lazy and work on yourself
Go volunteer or some shit. Join the peace corps or do 1-12 weeks of volunteer work teaching africans english or working in animal sanctuaries. Its cery common for people to be as young as 18 and as old as 40. And if you get a pic with a baby animal in africa you have a dope tinder pic.
Kek I did americorps for 6 months and felt nothing from it. Volunteering is a meme
Unironically this. Especially the backpacking part.
It's gonna get way worse, real fast.
Good news, though. It's definitely not too late to make massive changes. You're not old, yet.
I've actually been considering taking a backpacking trip across the country. Things have gotten so monotonous that lately it's just painful to exist
>30 next month
I'm actually doing quite good but know it could end at any moment.
>your value only goes up with age as a man
this is what incels actually believe
You're going to feel really fucking stupid when you're actually old and look back on the times when you told yourself you were "too old" to do some shit because you were a couple years older than the people you thought were the only ones doing it. You're just making excuses to sit on your ass and avoid taking risks.
>too old
Kill yourself faggot. Your still a fucking baby
faggot yer only 24 im 29 now start worrying when yer 30 , do somethi ng with yer life apply yerself user
if that makes you cope more, you can think that
30 years old is the perfect age to have sex with young girls that have daddy issues...
i'm 29 and i do all of these. Plus i have a job.
years old
>>too old to go backpacking
That's probably the average age
I disagree with 90% of that. I've done or seen most of that stuff done by people generations older than you.
Keep in mind women peak in their 20's. Men keep improving well into their 40's. There are tons of young sluts with Daddy issues that would love to fuck your brains out. Well, except not you. Not someone with zero confidence and motivation that is covered in Cheetos dust. You choose to sit inside and project what you think the outside world is like. It's your choice if you want to improve yourself or not. It sounds like you have excepted your current life. Either embrace being a no life loser, or change it. Your choice, user
I know an 80 year old that didn't pick up a pencil before 60 and has drawn everyday for the past 20 years. She's now a wonderful artist. it's never too late to learn a skill user.
>I was just 24 like yesterday
>Holy fuck time went faster than ever now and I didn't accomplish shit yet
>I could have been solidly into a decent education and job with ease by now if I didn't fuck up when I was 24 like I always do
Enjoy the ride op
Just sex and hentai heree
discord gg/364XF8q
You actually got lucky bro I've been balding since i was in my mid teen's
>You're just making excuses to sit on your ass and avoid taking risks
THIS. I mean i do the same but still THIS
>all my friends have only been old people because something about my mannerisms resonates with boomers
When you're a 30 year old loser you'll beat yourself up for ever thinking it was too late at 24.
Stop making excuses. Do the things you want to do now.
We're still here, youngblood. Most of us just lurk and watch you kids scrap it out amongst yourselves.
how was this place before 2012? That's roughly the time I found Jow Forums
>too old to get really good at a skill
>too old to get started in any exciting careers
>J.K Rowling single mother on welfare until 31
Why am I not surprised?
Stop pretending you don't understand it. Go ahead and fuck underage girls, get told that you're "too old" ("too X", with X=old) to be fucking those girls and then have a "who cares what they say" attitude. That'll make law enforcement to away, right? Just do it. It matters if people think you're too old for something.
and showing that everything OP said is wrong going to help him? just will prove him again that he is a failure