I grew up in the ghetto with a drug-abusing father and an illness that kept me in constant pain from the age of 3. I was surrounded by angry kids from broken homes and had been stabbed on multiple occasions before the end of middle school. We lived in abject poverty thanks to my dad's drug issues and I had to dumpster dive for rotten food more than once. I saw my first gun fight at 2, my first knife fight at 3, and my first dead body at 4.
I have, for many years now, resented people that had a normal, cushioned childhood. I have a tendency of losing my temper sometimes and telling them off whenever they confide in me their problems. I rip into them and let them know how much it pisses me off that they had a 'normal' childhood, that they're sheltered beyond belief, and that while they were comfortable in their pajamas eating ice cream and watching Sesame Street, there were kids like me that were living in the real world and had problems beyond Mommy being too tired to read me bedtime stories at night.
I have always been a highly physical person that loves being active. I have little patience for introverts or shy people. I'm outgoing and I actually have legitimate reasons to distrust people and be withdrawn. Introverts make me want to punch them in the face and throw their fucking book or laptop or whatever in the ocean. I loved going to arcades and concerts as a kid and my favorite high school memories involve things like jumping from the second floor of a home into a swimming pool at a party, not moe and waifus.
No, dumbass nigger. Fuck off with your ghettonigger childhood garbage.
Jaxson Kelly
damn dude u sound like so tough
Jason Wright
fuck off faggot. im introverted. i don't need some high strung FAGGOT telling me i piss him off. go back to your fucking concrete cage nigger.
Jaxon Morales
You're not a robot.
Just a cunt.
Brandon Myers
How am I a cunt? Explain it to me, user.
Christian Cooper
every robot was born in the fucking burbs bro
Ethan Peterson
punch me faggot i fukkin DARE you bruh
Angel Parker
>No tolerance for anyone different then yourself >No patience >No compassion >Unearned sense of superiority >Arrogant
Dylan Carter
wierd flex but ok
Austin Phillips
Coming from a broken, drugged up, ghetto home isn't the "real world", it was just your world. Life isn't fair so get over it. You say you aren't a pussy but your resentment about other people's childhoods and acting out as an adult is pretty pussy level behavior.
Caleb Robinson
Look, I don't mean to come across as a dick. I just feel isolated sometimes, and that's something r9k should understand, if anyone can.
I'm just wondering where I can find like-minded people. People that played street hockey as a kid; that played Street Fighter II at the arcades against a perfect stranger, before a crowd of dozens, and actually enjoyed it because I'm not a little dork with social anxiety; that instead of going on about how wonderful and beautiful childhood is, actually moved the fuck ON with life and consumed adult media (though I'm ashamed to admit that I did enjoy cartoons when I was 2-3 years old, before finally growing the fuck up at 4). We're becoming a society of introverts and couch potatoes. As someone who VERY much lives and thrives in the real and sensory world - who loves things I can touch, and feel, and see - this world of Facebook, Netflix, and online gaming fucking ENRAGES me on a visceral level words cannot express. Sometimes I wish I could drag these scrawny little dorks who love their MMORPGs so much to an arcade kicking and screaming and tell them to talk to a stranger and develop these crazy fucking things called "social skills." It won't kill you, I promise.
Caleb Carter
Your suffer from envy too much.
Caleb Reyes
you've got the wrong audience here. most people here are introverted and exist more on the internet than irl. people have different ways of getting by, sometimes that's being alone or being online
Nathaniel White
You dont understand people like us. People that you perceive as sheltered get their ass beat too, they get robbed, molested, they live in pain too. Everybody that grew up in a shithole like you are so predictable. Just constantly talking about how shitty your life was as a kid, its like youre proud that your parents are pieces of shit that had no business raising kids. Constantly talking about how hard you are because you were surrounded by braindead niggers and made it out alive. Its unbelievable how you faggots brag about coming from the trenches and selling drugs and shit. Telling everybody else they dont know shit, saying they dont know what pain is, because you come from the third world. Get a grip, you shouldnt be mad at us. Be mad at your shit parents.
i wish i could be social like you. but i could never do what it takes to get there. been trying to improve myself recently though. good on you user, have a nice night.
Blake Thomas
....It's like you retards have absolutely no sense of self-awareness.
Daniel Jackson
exists now
Benjamin Wood
holy shit you sound exactly like one of those stereotypical jock boomer kids from a '90's high school flick
>being abused means you were hardened Yeah, that's why you are such a gangster posting here of all places.
>hate shy introverts >highly physical >>any other robots complete normalfaggots
No. they logically cannot be asshat. Bad bait. Can't believe I bother to even read paragraphs on here anymore.
Liam Harris
Yes but most of us who had shitty abusive lives aren't really interested in talking about it because talking doesn't really help. I know my life was shit, you'd know it was shit, I know yours was shit, you know yours was shit. Nothing else left to say but acknowledging a mutual understanding of shared difficulties and moving on.
You've got to learn to let it go. I used to rage like you at people who had fathers who cried because their dad was a bit of an asshole, at least they had one, etc. It's stupid. Your stupid for doing what you're doing to others and you're only making everything worse. Being a fuckhead won't make your suffering any better, you just relish in the suffering of others.
Justin Cooper
wait shit fuck it don't
Adam Williams
Im a sheltered pussy and I wish i was born into poverty. Well I am poor just a pussy. Ive live a rather boring life, and I find envy in people like you who like you said "have been living"
Like look at this geek. He knows his family life wasn't that bad but he still needs to cling onto a fantastic life of difficulty because his high school life was bad and girls don't want to go near his dick. You're so weak and you don't even realise. Like a kitten that hisses because it doesn't know how bad things could get for it.
Julian Rogers
The brit invasion usually gets it then deletes the post like that to avoid invaders of their circle jerk.
Ian Myers
>Any other robots a narcissist with childhood trauma like me? I'm sure there's a few
Easton Rogers
Yeah, I've gotten in fights in my day. I almost broke this fatass shitskin's finger off in front of the stupid shitskin towelheads brats because I fucking felt like it. Shame I couldn't finish the job.
Samuel Young
How is OP a narcissist?
Ethan Jones
He lashes out at anyone who might be more intellectual or emotionally stable than he is, and codes this tendency in language that implies he's doing them a favor by perpetuating the cycle of abuse that made him what he is today.
Samuel Bell
>me special >me different >me anti-social >me daddy issues >me aggrandise self to strangers on the internet This shit is textbook.
Ryan Perez
He talks about being outgoing and extroverted and having excellent social skills, though. He even hates introverts.
Landon Cruz
Conflict creates men. We are not men because we have never much had resolvable conflict in our lives. You can't understand what it means to be a husk.
Ayden Nelson
no1care faggot
Jeremiah Peterson
I'm sorry to say I mostly had the childhood you hate, even though I got on gaming pretty late, around like 11, and spent most of my time with adults before that. But I'm growing out of my dumbest interests now (19) and realizing you are right, there's so much to this world, and shyness, introversion and other shit just look like narcissism to me now. However I also bear in mind that most people are self unaware idiots, and try not to get overly involved in superficial relationships. Also I'm curious, after that childhood how is life going user?
Charles Allen
>my dad was a nigger so I'm tough
I'd destroy your faggot ass within 3 seconds
Xavier Nguyen
Shyness and introversion aren't narcissism. Please don't buy into that "being shy is low-key narcissism" garbage.
Parker Gutierrez
>introverts make me want to punch them
Fucking kill yourself faggot
Camden Collins
>takes gun and shoots him probably like 1 second desu
Jacob Rivera
1. I am perfect. Anyone dofferent than me is simple and subhuman. 2.If I need something NOW that means I need it NOW 3. slave morality 4. No one "earns" anything. Earning is nonsense. 5. Shut the fuck up
Leo Butler
Anti-social personalities and introverted personalities are completely different things. An introvert sits peacefully, self-absorbed, harming no one. An anti-social is the kind of person who would bully and harass an introvert. An imposing, demanding person who doesn't care about others. Usually a product of troubled childhood, separating them from actual psychopaths.
Jacob Hughes
Where to find people like that? They're most likely dead or overdosing on drugs and presumably so poor they don't have access to the internet anyway. A very small percentage of people make it out of those types of situations.
Logan Adams
Does OP sound like a psychopath?
Justin Jones
No, OP sounds like a narcissist. Narcissists are always sort of cringe. A psychopath wouldn't even be wasting time here, he'd be out in the world getting whatever he wants by any means necessary.
Aiden Green
Dude are you literally me? All this shit, exactly as you said, happened to me as well. What in the fuuuuuuuuck?
Oh man do I hate white picket fence spoiled normies who grew up in a literal house in a good neighborhood. Fuck those soft ass cunts.
Henry Jenkins
i dunno man. i too grew up in poverty with an abusive father. I was also white and went to majority black and Hispanic schools all the way through high school. idk I'm not that tough I honestly haven't been in a fist fight since middle school. but I definitely give off an intimidating vibe most people seem intimated by me. idk what it is I guess its just my facial features and the way I carry myself. bourgeois middle class whites especially seem to be intimidated by me but their honestly scared of their own shadows. the only people I get intimidated by are legit street people who did time in prison but im seeing less and less of them (my Brooklyn neighborhood is almost completely gentrified)
Ethan Reyes
Holy shit your such a fucking pussy
Benjamin Cruz
That's projection. Don't be scared user, I won't hurt you.
Dominic Wood
You dont hate us you hate normies. Most of us suffered some sort of abuse during childhood. I barely suffered any but here is my story. I have tinnitus because mom yelled her throat sore over petty shit every goddamn afternoon she woke up after nigh shifts because she had to do all the work around the house because i was 8 and she never once tried to show me how to do shit she just slapped me if i did it wrong like i obviously did, how was i supposed to know how to wash clothes? Didn't have a computer so no google, how would i know my sister would eat bread all over the entire fucking house after i vaccumed and who the fuck wake up, checks under the sofa and yell at their kid for not vaccuming under the sofa too? Since i got yelled at anyway me and likeminded hung out and stole smokes, shoplifted, fake id all that shit. Still have anxiety because fucking aspbergers. Sad thing is you're just another normie born in the wrong neighborhood, so now you dont fit in anywhere.
Jace Brown
If your defining trait is that you resent several different groups of people just because of your own shitty life, that just means you're a deeply insecure cunt who lacks even the basic human capability to cope. Congrats, you're a narcissist and a turbonormie in the making. You should just kill yourself to seal the deal, you'll be doing the world a favor.
Im glad i found this thread. Its rare for me to find someone so unaware of their own retardation to the point of still bickering, and explaining his backstory as if we are being introduced to the asshole character we'll gain sympathy towards. We don't give a shit, I don't give a shit, and you shouldn't give a shit. We all had some fucked up shit in our lives that inevitably ruined us from social standings, and thus dwell in this void we call r9k. Now stop being a faggot and move on. Or fuck off to reddit idc
>develop these crazy fucking things called "social skills." It won't kill you, I promise. This nails it in. Your boomer personality makes me seethe. You patronize others as if you personally discovered the concept of human interaction. In reality you are the product of your environment and you get somewhat PRIVILEGED in that way yet in every sentence you imply the opposite. Please, point out social problems without pointing so many fingers you rude fuck.
Gavin Harris
At least your dumb fucking drug addict father lived through your childhood. Jesus you tick me off. You piece of shit. You fucker.
Thomas Smith
Sounds like you just need to get your anger and unwarranted self importance in check to me.
Charles Johnson
That's cool and all Tyrone, but then why are you on this board then?
Elijah Williams
wow that sounds so real and not fake you should write a book nintendo hire this man *clap clap*
Matthew Hall
>I saw my first gun fight at 2, >my first knife fight at 3, >and my first dead body at 4. those must've been some shitty fights then
Zachary Reyes
Well, fuck off then, why are you here if you literally can't relate to any of us in any way you god damn idiot
Shut the fuck up man. Despite all this, here you are on Jow Forums/r9k of all places.
Unless we're rubbing it in your face, you have no right to somehow despise the fact that we didnt have such a garbage childhood as yours. You're just seething with envy, and as another user mentioned, you are absolutely the product of your environment.
On a side note, you dont know what an introvert is at all. Chances are, the guy in your picture is an introvert.
On another side note, who gives a fuck about talking to retards. Go walk in a rich neighborhood dude, I can assure you that none of those people would want to "practice their social skills" with absolute mongoloids living in ghettos or some shit. Shut the fuck up you fucking babboon.
>actually moved the fuck ON with life and consumed adult media >this world of Facebook, Netflix, and online gaming fucking ENRAGES me
Get a grip faggot, one or the other
Nathaniel Miller
The sheer amount of fucking asshurt beta faggots in this thread. God damn. I guess when you force a group of people who see themselves as victims to see a REAL life of REAL struggle, they get their tranny panties in a twist. >b-but my dad never hugged me >b-but my house was only 2 stories >b-but I dont have a gf >b-but my anxiety is like so hard
Levi Russell
Look nigger, go back to africa and continue bragging about your shitty life with your peers. Never improve.
Zachary King
Besides, being in pajamas and eating ice cream IS the real world as well, just the side that you've never seen. The side you wish you experienced instead.
Jeremiah Jackson
Wow your bitching about people bitching on Jow Forums's incel board, while theres children arr starving in africa and being eaten by lions. What the fuck do you knkw about life. If you ever talk about scavenging food in the dumpster Ill fucking cut your fucki g head off you fucking pansy ass bitch. African babies resort to eating mosquitoes and your dumbass is bitching about eating a half eaten arbys.
What you know about real life nothing your a kid who knows nothing hahahahahhahahah
larping fag post scars if you want anyone to believe you
Liam Peterson
Lmao this..i bet this nigga has shoes and shit what does he know about th eREAL life
Mason Hughes
Cringe bait, hope this isn't real
Charles Young
>imagine having internet and ac unit and thinking youve had a REEL life
I almost died laughing. This dude sheltered from the sun what does he know about the REEL life. My daughter got eaten by a lion after being auctioned as cat food in the black market. What does he know about the real life
Julian Walker
fucking kill yourself you retarded faggot how is street fighter okay but not cartoons? and people with actual anxiety can't >get over it lmao it's the way the brain is wired fucking kill yourself sub 80 iq nigger
Most people have had horrible things happen to them, OP, at one time or another, myself included. Maybe the reason you don't realize that is because, unlike you, they have truly put the past behind them and dont feel the need to measure dicks all the time. Healthy, well-adjusted people feel no need to make suffering a contest.
Xavier Williams
>Healthy, well-adjusted people feel no need to make suffering a contest No, they just let themselves wallow and feel sorry for themselves without realizing how blessed they really are. Yeah thats what healthy people do.
Elijah Miller
>I have little patience for introverts or shy people. Then you aren't a robot. kys faggot
Matthew Martinez
I've been diagnosed with autism for a long time. If I tried to force myself to socialise like you want I would commit suicide from the sheer stress. Just taking on a full time job was enough social contact to stress me out to the point I stopped being able to eat meals and I lost a ton of weight. I spend a lot of my time in dark quiet rooms and in isolation... including in sensory deprivation tanks... think of how loud an arcade is.
I have processing speed and memory issues which combined with the communication deficits which make meeting new people very difficult. I adapt by knowing fewer people on a deeper level. Parties are bad.
Honestly why are you being such a bitter jealous victim-complex judgemental cunt. It was a drug addict that fucked up your life and here you are angry at the socially awkward and mentally ill like they did ANYTHING to wrong you other than share their normie problems with you. Jealous that they had more comfortable childhoods. If you lived a hard life you'll have to fucking learn to stop being jealous of others because 99% of people will have shit that you don't. Comparison is the thief of joy.
John Morgan
Bro you're the one who is fucking wallowing the most just listen to your damn self ya fucking hypocrite. Just because other people are wallowing too doesn't mean you aren't doing it yourself.
The person you responded to is RIGHT as well. Don't compare your suffering to others. It never ends well. It's a trap. You're right that you shouldn't complain but if you start comparing your suffering to others complaining becomes pretty much inevitable.
Benjamin Young
the level of autistic roleplaying OP is doing is what's been missing from this board have a bump, you retarded star
>Had good, loving, two parent home >Had a good amount of money >Not a fuckup or a virgin >Parents limited computer or TV time so I actually had a childhood
Are you jealous?
Eli Sullivan
You sound like a LARPer. Regardless, what advice do you have for anons after years of living in a rough existence?
Julian Sullivan
You sound like a complete faggot. t. came from a completely broken home
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.