Over the past year I spent nearly $12,000 of my parents' money on my findom fetish. This is not a joke. I started out just donating to ethot Patreons so I could get Patron-exclusive lewds/nudes, but eventually I realized I didn't need the nudes, just giving them money was enough to get me rock hard. When I jacked off after sending $100 to a girl's paypal in exchange for her calling me names on Discord, I would cum in less than 10 seconds, and the orgasms were the longest lasting and most intense I ever had. I got competitive with the other paypigs, sending hundreds of dollars per tip so I could get the title of Top Paypig. My parents had a lot of money saved up, so I didn't think they'd care/notice.
Yesterday my Mom barges in with the Credit Card statement. I didn't even know that was a thing. She was pissed, she was asking me wtf these expenses were and even using the F-word which she never does. I was frozen pale, I couldn't say anything. So I start crying and then when she softened up and hugged me I told her about the Findom fetish. Well, now my parents want me to go to therapy and tell me they can't pay for my college anymore, even though I know they can just take some out of their retirement fund. Wtf do I do?
i feel like this is your fault for not knowing how money works
Alexander Nelson
>Wtf do I do? Find a really tall building.
Ethan Reed
lmao jesus christ user. your parents are right though, you need to get your life sorted.
Dylan Wright
>Wtf do I do? You could kill yourself but that would be shitty on your parents (even though they failed ) since they seem to care. So just go to therapy and/or cut your fucking balls off, your disgusting cuck
Elijah Morris
Apply for student loans and grants
Colton Martin
How do I short the male gender
Levi Cooper
Lol I wish this was real, I will go to bed pretending it is
Isaac Bell
>even though I know they can just take some out of their retirement fund
Why the fuck should they do that? You just wasted a whole year of tuition so you could jack off. Asshole.
>Wtf do I do?
Take out loans and pay for them yourself.
>My parents had alot of money saved up, so I didn't think they'd care or notice.
You're lying. You know damn well how much 12,000 dollars is, don't try to play dumb
Leo Walker
>Why the fuck should they do that? My going to college is actually important so that I can study CS and become a programmer. Meanwhile they're going to use their retirement fund to go to Cancun in their silver years or something, who the fuck cares about that?
Christopher Turner
thank you, I had a shitty day and this has cheered me up a bit.
Julian Robinson
I really don't think he knew how much $12k is since he didn't even know about credit card statements.
Matthew Ramirez
>Wtf do I do? You would be less of a burden to them dead
Hudson Diaz
So this is a bait thread. peace
Cooper Price
Going to Cancun is a better investment than giving their idiot son tuition money
Kayden Peterson
lol, cool story bro, totally legit and not a larp.
But honestly, if my son did something like that I would shoot him in the back of the head.
Andrew Hall
Make a post on reddit about it, become the poster child for autism awareness.
if its true, honestly hope your life gets fucked. for all the people out there who don't have shit and cant endlessly suck teats.
Kevin Anderson
Lmfao what a hopeless faggot, kys
Cooper Nguyen
Everytime i see these threads i remember that scene from american psycho when bateman think about his friend card
Kevin Harris
You're a botched human who should be eliminated.
Jose Butler
>they can just take some out of their retirement fund.
I'm out.
Joshua Clark
Faggots want to talk to me about ethics and moral principles like you give a fuck about human decency
Andrew King
>$ 12000 you could literally fuck actual women with $ 12k. top-tier escorts. but nooooooooooo better just give money for ethots for nothing in return. kys you dumb fuck