Can we get another friend making thread, robots? ^^

Can we get another friend making thread, robots? ^^

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Post your discord nerd

Nice trips there my dude.

If you want user you can give me your discord

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Dilate discord trannies

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>tfw no friend with a feminine voice to play vidya and vc with

Since op is a faggot

all the usual robot stuff yadda yadda. loser with unhealthy fascination over space, fascism and doing nothing at all.

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I have a feminine voice, because I'm a female. I can be your friend

>friend making thread
These are nice, but get moved to /soc/ eventually or just have no traffic to them.
Do you anons just make friends from wherever on the planet or do you try to find someone that lives closer to you? I guess it's timezones and stuff, but i've only ever had good experiences with people that I met here who are from my small country.

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where are you from user? i share those interests but i'm afraid to add before i know our timezones wouldn't be an issue.

Post discord then or something?

Originally oregano

Give yours. I don't want bunch of people adding me

What games do you like to play potential friend user?

fuhrer's land. you better are white.

I usually play single player. But wow and warframe, league. Just some bullshit

Unfortunately I don't play any of those and it's difficult to keep friendships going without a mutual activity.



meant for you Oriori

Hoxworth#5958 We're probably gonna end up ghosting each other, but whatever i'm bored

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i'm white but you scare me user.

how so? it's nothing but a line of text.

McDonald's Hotcake Syrup#5612
i just wanna vc with someone while i play mc. im a grill btw

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I'm moving right now but I'm up for messaging and I'll be on a couple days from now

why do egirls always feel the need to state their gender. fuck off already

No need to be an asshole dude
Fuck Bernie tho