I can identify all the philosophers by name. Do I have the autism?

I can identify all the philosophers by name. Do I have the autism?

Attached: gxcfjah95c231.png (683x572, 224K)

no that's normal I can also.

Then again I have actual autism

>tfw was studying phil in college but quit because there wasnt a point since philosophy has no influence

you are a silly goose, u no that?

I don't know the guy furthest right in the 'poor' category, the woman next the Marx or the guy to the right of Sartre

>Rand at the top
Yes you do

I can only name Ayn Rand, however you spell Nitchze, Karl Marx and Freud

plato and camus, respectively.


I know all but the 2 female ones lmao

Ayn Rand
Psychopathic thought patterns is philosophy now
Wew bot-lad

If this is your genuine opinion on philosophy you're very autistic.

Where the fuck is Julius Evola?

this looks some 16-year-old libertarian's opinions on philosophy after reading the wikipedia page of the people he had about in history class at high school.

>he doesn't like Chamus

Attached: camus 3.jpg (1321x900, 160K)

If you had autism you'd probably had studied a useful subject.

Neitzche, Socrates, hegel, Locke, hume Kant, Plato
Marx, de beaver, arndt, freud, sarte, Camus
You do have autism, not me I only came here to disparage incels. Don't come back to lit creep

Simone de Beauvoir

Have sex weirdos, please stay away from lit

>he thinks Ayn Rand is a dude

Attached: Download (4).jpg (228x221, 11K)

100% this
I like a lot of them, him especially

>Freud is a philosopher

>No diogenese


Who puts my boy Camus at the bottom of a normalnigger tier list?

Attached: AlbertCamusTheOutsider.jpg (703x1080, 35K)

Imagine putting pic related at the bottom. We won't see the likes of Marx ever again, and that is a very sad thing.

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I can name most philosophers but I cannot tell the Greeks apart because they all look the same

Me too except the girl between De Beauvoir and Freud
I don't think I have the tisms though

no. you learn these at 14. th

That means you're a hyper follower aka sheep.

If by "libertarian" you mean "totalitarian" as people somehow seem to nowadays, then yeah

inironically fuck ayn rand and her cucked retard fans. she was sociopath and a 100% hypocrite leeching taxpayer money while screeching "GABITALISM GOOD, GOBERNMENT BAD, TAXES IS GOMMUNISM" like a fucking 14 year old Jow Forums autist. bland, boring and uninspired writing, literally garbage-tier """"philosophy"""".

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>AynRand at the top

Excellent bait op well done. I am indeed triggered.

ayn rand should not be considered a philosopher