Is drinking a bottle of wine a night considered alcoholic levles

is drinking a bottle of wine a night considered alcoholic levles

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An entire bottle of wine? Yes, I would say so.

Yes. A bottle of wine contains five to six standard drinks. That is considered binge drinking. Doing that on a nightly basis is indicative of a problem.

The USA considers even 7 servings of alcohol PER WEEK to be alcoholism in current year. It was four or more drinks a day being alcoholism though. A drink is defined as 1.5 ounces of vodka type drink. Like one shot. A bottle of wine might only be like 8 ounces of vodka worth, as in 40 percent abv, so that's more than four so yes. 24 ounce bottle at 9 abv is 5.4 or so if my math serves, ounces of 80 proof.

You are not to drink a full bottle of 9 abv, especially not a full one of something like 14-17, per day or you're an alcoholic even by 1990s standards.

Just call yourself a wino instead, it sounds cooler than alcoholic

No wait!

5.4 devided by 1.5 is less than 4 servings.

I derped that. One bottle of 9 abv at 24 ounces is not bad by 90s standard ethics/health. By today though that is bad if you do it like twice more than twice a week. 7 total servings are allowed now days, per week if I recall. No more than 4 servings in a single day though. So designed to cater to the weekend party day, two of which you may drink three drinks on allotted days of recreation.

what the fuck
i have about 12-15 shots a night

a whole fucking bottle? that's not only expensive (unless you are chugging $2 wine lmao) but insane you alcoholic fuck

ye but its cool i do it too

Then if you have bad genes in ten years of doing that you'll die of liver/kidney/pancreatic/etc problems.

The ethic comes from drunk driving though. You cannot survive without a car and booze stays in your system for 24 hours, so you are to drink only on your days off and not to excess as it causes too much damage at once. People bar fight and all.

I think that the seven drinks per week guideline is for women. For men it is no more than 14 drinks in a week and no more than 4 in a given day.

Your body has become numb to the effects over time but that doesn't mean the effects aren't happening. 12 shots is still 12 shots of liquor your body completely processes, even if you feel like you drank 2 shots.

This is how people die, you dumb fuck. Slow it down right now to acceptable levels, like 1 or 2 shots a night. Slowly work to that level though because you seriously could go into shock and die if you stop too fast.

That would be considered high risk drinking I think.

There's too many social, moral, and medical connotations around the word "alcoholic".

The real question is, are you harming yourself by drinking a bottle of wine a night. I think the answer is indisputably yes. Alcohol is extremely, physically bad for you. Eventually it will fuck you up mentally as well.

Yeah but it really aint that bad. Some people are drinking a 12 pack per day, or even like a fifth of liqour.

Not him but the guy throwing the math stats around, the first time I drank 2 shots did literally nothing. I needed a bottle of wine in it's entirety and then some or it was not worth it and I actually just do not drink at all. Even my first time that was. I needed 12 ounces or so 40 abv worth or nothing, that's 8 servings or gtfo.

Some people drink to get actually intoxicated.

i only drink on the weekends. but i feel like its kind of a lot. ill have several glasses of wine and several glasses of like 6-7% abv beer. i feel like i cant get drunk otherwise.

I would suggest losing weight, tubs.

I was 220 and now I'm 290. How does one lose weight when you drink a literal gallon of pruno every day and have been drinking booze for 8 years?

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you can.. you know.. try not drinking a gallon of pruno

no, it's enough to call you a drunkard.
alcoholism is determined by what happens when you try to stop.
but yea, bottle a day cant be good for you.

Then I'd kill myself of which is an even quicker death. The day I decided to start drinking is the day I was going to kill myself and others at 22. Now I'm 30 and it no longer hardly effects me. I might stop drinking user.... I just might..

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o-ok man just kidding, maybe switch to 2 gallons

Weed is a calorie free high and easier on your liver
But it can be harder on your lungs and sanity if you have a fragile mind

I'm a 30 year old forever-neet. I can't get weed. I actually bought hemp seeds and was going to plant them then convert the CBD to THC with acids then ad sodium bicarbonate but they were hulled rather than culled, like they were crushed and skinned alive.

So that's a not been an option for me in the last five years or so. I had a weed source back then but he moved and my BPM pissed off the plasma donation centers too much to be able to have any cash.

I'm emotionally unstable though on weed anyway. If anything is bothering me it sends me over the edge or if I have too much of it it does and I act practically like River but on males such crazy doesn't sit well with people.

I only ever smoked it twice a week or so and it was swing and a miss enjoyable.

You can eat it you know, you don't have to smoke it.


Forgot the reaction.

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>Failed semester of uni
>Out of Valium
>Anxiety and suicidal thoughts literally all the time
>Only alcohol numbs me out
I never thought I'd ever touch alcohol like this in my life but here we are . Literally drank a whole bottle like you last night. Idk how else I'm gonna cope

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Drink maybe half a gallon instead?

that's like 5-6 drinks a night, I would say it's alcoholism but maybe not crippling alcoholism. But it will wreak havoc on your body and it's hard to lose 500-600 extra calories in a day so you're probably fat or getting there.

Any wine suggestions? Why drink wine over other spirits?

It's still bad for you at that level and would be a cock tease.

i recommend starting off with strong chardonnay

> Why drink wine over other spirits?
Lower alcohol content + sugar might actually make it pleasant to drink. Also, abusing spirits daily (nightly) for over a year or so may present issues to your esophagus (acid reflux, GERD, cancer, etc)

Alcoholic here 6 months sober.
>I started by drinking a bottle of wine every night since red wine goes bad pretty fast after opening.
>Then I moved onto whiskey and bourbon. Only 1-2 pours a night.
>Then I started drinking straight from the bottle.
>Then I started buying Booker's bourbon which is very strong for a bourbon
>then I started drinking an entire bottle of bourbon on friday and saturday nights. Even when experiencing a crippling hangover I would still chug a bottle and play vidya all night alone in my room. Sometimes drank with my brother.
>Eventually liver started to hurt, face looked blue, hangovers lasted 3 days.
>Took high dose of mushrooms
>overwhelmed, go take a bath.
>Jesus arrives, baptizes me. Dunks my head in the water and I felt like I was going to drown.
>Tells me to drink some wine
>I drink red wine
>tells me that's the last time I will drink until I am with him again in the Kingdom.
>thank you Jesus I love you
>I love you too
Haven't had a drink since. I also quit weed and psychedelics and cut down on sugar.

Explain the pain of your liver hurting from drinking if you can. Been drinking 8 drinks a night at least for the past 5 years and never experienced that.