What do ENFJ men like in a woman?

How do I entice one in that might be into me.

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>Manic pixie dream girl

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Oh no! Not what I want to hear! I'm ENTJ, I know I obviously have to be better and sharing my emotions.

This made me laugh quite a bit thank you

Suicidal memelord reporting for duty

who else /virginanddontcare/

I HATE apathetic people in general or those with no general opinion. I want someone who can talk about almost anything and show a strong interest in something. And le sarcasm is good but too much of it is just annoying. I love girls with ambition and strive for a goal. + good looking girls lol

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Fuck I unironically type lol without being aware of it

I have the same question for INTJ anons.

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I believe they might like SJ girls. They just want caretaking girls

Nah they are usually too boring and you cant have good and fun conversations with them.

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I would consider myself pretty care taking/domestic for an ENTJ. Its just that initial first part of trusting somebody enough to show our emotional side as we see it pointless investing time and love into somebody when it won't last long.

>care taking
Any Ni dom is fucking retarded. I never understand their ways. You can literally say something not nice to them and they might consider it as you are flirting with them.

>"says they read more than actually do
guilty as charged

The fuck are you smoking? That's not true at all lmao. Ni dom doesn't stop you from taking things at face value.

I am INTJ. Probably the single most important trait in good a woman is that she is fictional. After that it's all window dressing really. I don't really go for flesh and blood women these days. In general they're too easily offended by personal questions, resent honest advice, and can't make up their minds about whether they want my attention or not. Fictional women don't see aloofness as bad, they're not even aware I exist, and I am able to learn everything about them at my leisure. It's an ideal relationship real women can't hope to match.

>"hitler did nothing wrong!"
>"excuse me?"
>"you are boring to talk. Goodbye then m'lady"

>tfw need to undo your existence to get the attention of an intj

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First become an obedient little sex kitten that freely offers her own leash to him
But be yet able to hold some intelligent conversation once you sucked his dick dry.

>need to undo your existence
Not too far off the truth, honestly.

Please, please, PLEASE just don't justify behavior with "I feel," be able to explain. Have your own opinions, I don't care if they're like mine but be able to back your shit up. A good sense of humor is equally important.

That's all. But seriously if somebody can elicit gut laughter from me I want to be around them.

A nice body, face, pussy and hair. Idgf about your personality since I'm already extremely controlling

ENFJs in general are social butterflies that are also are like slaves of society. They are as talkative as ENTPs and love talking a lot, but also are likely Chads/Stacies like ESTPs or ESFPs because of their tert Se, and they care too much about everything surrounding them too much, which is why they get burned out very quickly and become cynical, violent (like SPs), or are prone to sadness and depression (just like IxFJs)