27 years old

>27 years old
>80kg, fit, lean
>above average face, people from /soc/ and r/rateme said im 6-9/10
>18-19cm long dick.

Why girls doesnt want to fuck me every time they see me walking down the street? I mean there was few times when random teen girls ~15-16 years old from the street were hitting on me asking for my number. Why my age girls doesnt hit on me? i mean, im kinda socialy retarded and never had girl and have no friends, idk what to do. Im lost. I mean that probably explains why im here.

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bring up my post
original. Why other boards doesnt have that mute shit for not being original? why Jow Forums is most retarded board on this website?

>im kinda retarded
Fixed that for you. It's obvious you're not very smart. Ask your dad or whoever how to be a decent person and stick exclusively to what he says.

is that dick supposed to be big or something?

why you offensive to me? arent we all the same on Jow Forums? i mean we all are equaly doomed, so why hate one on another?

I don't hate you, I gave you advice. Take it or leave it.

no, it shouldnt suppse to be like big or small, its just picture. I dont know why you only focusing on the size tho. Is that the only thing you notice in this post?

Maybe you are boring? i dunno.From what it sounds like you are above average at best and if you wanna get by on your looks as a guy you have to be exceptionally attractive

>above average at best?
190 is teller than like 90% of population, 19cm dick is longer than like 95% from all males. Iv been hit on my random girls that i never seen before? What the fuck are you talking about im above average at best? are you implying i might be even below average?

>people from /soc/ and r/rateme said im 6-9/10

No offense but that literally means nothing

Oh, hi Brandon. Youre still alive?
Youre silly. This isn't /soc/. You should FUCKING LEAVE.

Yet your still not good enough to cost by on looks,again try being a bit likable it will do wonder!

So you are too retarded to just have sex with a girl?
I mean, to be too fucked up to have a relationship, alright. But just having sex with a girl (not with a specific one btw) is the damn easiest thing in the world, either you are doing something very wrong or you are just retarded.

how about part where random hot girls from the street were hitting on me while they were talking oposite direction.

Fembot here. I dont know how your face looks but from that pic you posted, I have a sudden urge to hop on your dick.

im not doing anything at all, i never hit on girl, i never approached girl in my life. I never go to parties since i have no friends, i never meet new people. Only girls that i meet are some woman from my job. I had many oportunities to fuck some older women from my job, why were obviously flirting with me and showing sexual interest in me. But i dont know, i just passed it. I want to have healthy relationship with girl that is around same age as me

Amazing how genetics are wasted on some absolute retards.

and i mean since i never go out, that is quite obviouse why i never have sex, because i never have oportunity to meet drunk girls that would want random sex. And im not even considering to go for prostitutes.

>how about part where random hot girls from the street were hitting on me while they were talking oposite direction.

That's obviously a good thing.

My point is don't take anything on /soc/ seriously. Ugly retards are consistnetly praised there. Same as reddit.

Attached: soc.png (940x996, 720K)

your entire character/personality is based around trying to look and act like a person someone should want to spend time with but you don't actually provide anything interesting to want people to spend time with you.

you are like a robot

So you don't do shit to get to know women your age. The most notable thing about yourself is your looks and other than that you are totally boring (at least that is implied). And you present yourself by just posting a nude pic instead of talking about yourself and making it possible to at least think that you are not completely onedimensional.

Ok, yeah, just opt out of life.

What should I provide them with if my personality is already like you saying?
Thanks. I have more for you.

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You're supposed to hit on them retard

I posted many times here without nude even with more detailed information. But no1 has ever replied.

You just said yourself that you are completely uninteresting. Like I said just opt out of life, a livestream of it would be cool though.

I never said I'm uninterested in changing my self. And I don't have any suicidal thoughts. I always believe that things will turn out to better for me.

>Ugly retards are consistnetly praised there
Ugly women*

>Who the fuck need suicidal thoughts to commit suicide, just do it.
But whatever, completely changing yourself won't help you either, just get a fucking hobby.
And I'm not talking about: Uh, yeah so I hit the gym 5 times a week. I'm talking about something that you could actually talk about, and that would genuinely make you interesting. If you wanna do it on super easy, read books, classic shit is always good, but this really comes down to the target group, you can't hit on a sci-fi chick whilst talking about Nietzche and so on.

Get hobbies, get interesting, learn how to game, stop asking yourself questions, men are active, you don't need much to be a total Chad.

I swear to God this is pasta or you posted this like a year or two ago. Same image and everything.

>Who the fuck need suicidal thoughts to commit suicide, just do it.
Dont think anyone ever suicided out of nowhere, without even thinking about it before
>Get hobbies
srsly? get hobbies? since you both are on this board i think you realise that answer is one of biggest meme here. What hobbies should i get? read books? you think i never tried reading books when i was in school? you think i wouldnt have sticked with that if i liked it enougth? Or should i force my self to keep doing something just so i could be more intiresting to other people?

Yeah Im pretty much the same as you, at this point Im just convinced that majority of girls dont like sex and they just do it for the emotional reasons

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Assuming this isn't a shitpost. Despite what people on this board or lookism/incel circles would have you believe, acquiring friends and girls is mostly a social ordeal. Right now you're just a high value male without means to realize his worth in the sexual market. High value girls generally never initiate anything and if you're actually as good looking as you say, your high looks status is probably making you look out of everybody's league, unapproachable.

Form a social circle first, start with just one person you can meet online/at work/anywhere, and just snowball from there. Once you join a group with females, you can pursue them that way.

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>Dont think anyone ever suicided out of nowhere, without even thinking about it before
You are new to this internet thing, right?

>I tried reading books and disliked it.
Fkn kek, if you are that damn retarded use audible. And yes there are things you will like, it is impossible for such a colossal medium like books to not be interesting in the slightest.

It was btw a fucking example, I don't know what he or you could be interested in, get into Comics, Astronomy, K-Pop, something like that.

Ok let me rephrase: get a life, you're focused on women and it's becoming your only focus in life. You have two choices: either get in PUA or understand that women are nothing more than a side-effect of you having a life and being happy with yourself.

So yeah, "get hobbies" is just another way of saying "get out of your comfort zone", go try BJJ, go get your ass kicked, read something that's going to change your views on life (which, for now, consists mostly of "how do I get pussy?"), the world is a playground, that's especially true when you're a 1m90 tall white guy.

amazing dick and body. really, really nice dick desu

thanks bro, i really appreciate it

also bit of advice man, unless you are legit 9.9/10+ women won't come to you. you have to make the approach. you are very good looking but unless you want to have sex with guys you're going to need to change tactics.
if you want women to come to you, you will need an amazing personality or be rich. men are more interested in sex appeal, women is face/money/personality.

teens are retarded.
nobody knows you better than you, insecurity is a big red flag especially when you look ok on the outside. you need to get comfortable being in your own skin.

OP here
bring up my post

I would be your gf but you probably arent into fembots soooo...

I'll fuck you bro. Originallyallioly

>29 yo
>87kg fit
>Above average face, green eyes, dark hairs
>17cm dick

After 25 women only chase status, I'm in the same position as you, you can attract young women but over 25 they only want a man for the high status he can provide to show off with her friends, so they often go for older men.
They have lost their capacity to truly love someone anyway after all the dicks they've taken, their search of a partner is completely calculated.But most of them wil end up alone with cats because men don't go to Uni anymore and their are not enough 35 yo high status men for all of them.
You should seek younger women.

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How did you get this 6 packs?

lol, in gym man, 5mins six pack exerices 4 times a week did it to me, i already was lean to start on.
actualy im into fembots

You do crunches?

I'm the 195 guy, I'm fit but I don't have a defined 6 packs and I think it's time to get that

>unless you are legit 9.9/10+ women won't come to you
This isn't true. I'm 30 years old, balding, and average looking (6/10 on a good day, which is rare). I went out by myself last night (as usual) and had 3 girls and one older woman, who was taken, approach me. The biggest problem that I've observed a lot of robots have is that they can't read the nonverbal cues. By not responding to the nonverbal remarks women emit, robots come across as if they're snubbing them. They'll immediately trick themselves into losing interest in you because you have "clearly demonstrated" (in their mind) you're not interested. Women don't handle rejection well, so they'll shutdown. Keep your body language open, smile, and talk to everyone. It's literally as easy as just standing there if you can read nonverbal cues.

ye, mostly them

ugly drunk roasties don't count

They weren't ugly, but if it helps you cope, sure.

>as posted by the guy bragging on Jow Forums

>women only approach 9/10 gigachad!
>no they don't
>nice bragging faggot lmao

>still desperate for validation
fuckin LOL stop trying to derail OP's thread because he is better looking than you s m h

You type like an autist so I can imagine you sound similar and therein lies your problem

>ugly drunk roasties don't count
>lmaooo bragging faggot
>stop trying to derail OP!

>still replying to me
literally speechless... I don't think I have ever made anyone this ass flustered before LoL

this shouldn't have to be said, but girls don't just jump on your dick immediately after becoming aware of your existence.
if you want hookups you need to be fucking swiping right

>projection: the post
I'm sorry women don't want to fuck you user.

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english is not my first lenguage

why this shouldnt have to be said?

Here's what I think you're problems are, honestly:
You're both somewhat below the Chad cutoff - you're
>tall, but lanky (assuming from weight, 6'3, 80kg is a lanklet by anyone's definition)
>not very facially attractive
>not high status

Therefore women generally don't care for you, except for the really young women (like OP said) who have raging hormones are the only ones who would go out of their way to talk to you.

You sound like an autistic moron, which would be the reason why girls don't fuck you.

Your inability to accept this self-evident truth even after being told it multiple times from multiple people providing detailed evidence leads me to believe you're also some variety of clinical narcissist.

You are an incomplete human being with a malfunctioning brain, and you're not smart enough to hide it. Other humans can sense that you are incomplete and stay away from you to protect themselves from your manipulative behaviour and tendency to drag others down.

You are the problem, and you will need to change. You won't accept that, though, because that's what it means to have brain problems.

Are you in a country were your native tongue is the language?

your deluting urself m8
your deluting urself m8[spoiler/]

You do hate me. Why are you so mean to me? It makes me want to leave this board forever.

I'm not boring. I hit the gym, I watch Netflix, and I go to baseball games just like ve everyone.

well, im not really trying to sound smart, and problem is not that girls doesnt wants to fuck me, if they wouldnt want to fuck me, they wouldnt be hitting on me and flirting with me even tho the only girls i met are girls in job or randoms from street. So if you telling me i have brain problem, how i suppose to change that? And at other sentence you say that real problem is that im manipulative? make up your mind you nigga

big dick bump original

>problem is not that girls doesnt wants to fuck me
>Why girls doesnt want to fuck me every time they see me walking down the street?

>So if you telling me i have brain problem, how i suppose to change that?
You learn how to trick neurotypicals into thinking you're also one. You have to be able to talk convincing bullshit when interacting with them, also called a conversation. It's probably annoying to you, but either endure it or learn to accept being alone, or just fuck prostitutes if you just want sex. Chances are, you won't meet a fellow aspie girl, unless you have some sort of strategy.

u type like a disgusting bullrunner, just take the bull as ur wife and get the fuck off my board fucking imbecile

That question was sarcastic jesus man. How could someone who actually have asperg fake it as he don't have it. Nvm ur just a troll.

Ok nigger, state your problem clearly then.
> How could someone who actually have asperg fake it as he don't have it
Different for everyone, check out people who did and read how.

Well how do I contact you then

Have discord?

I'm going to sleep guys. But tomorrow morning I want to find here more comments with good advices and answers. Have a good night's lads.

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You are not a man, but a whiny bitch, that's why. Woman want man, if a person is a man dick size or looks or whatever just become symbols of his manliness. If he is a man but is lacking in those things he has to put in extra effort to make the woman know he's a man.

You are just a whiny boy, so that's why you don't magically attract woman.