Is there a term for a job that offers you a room and food for free?

is there a term for a job that offers you a room and food for free?
like working in a farm or a fishing ship or in a boarding school

it seems like the ultimate job for a robot with no social life and no plans to marry, the pay should be high for such a demanding job and you can invest every penny for an early retirement. many of them also seem to be seasonal so you can have a few neet months if you don't want to find another job and work year round.
i'd like to research jobs that fit the description but it's difficult without a proper term.
also i'd appreciate anyone who can share any insight on the matter

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I don't know if there's a term for it but I think in general if you search for free room and board you will find it. Other things you can look for is for remote with travel 90-100% and just stay in a hotel when you aren't traveling and getting paid

Would like to do this while saving up for my own place since I do not want to spend money elsewhere. Do you generally need experience for these positions? I could not afford to relocate without assistance from the employer

Yeah you need to be technically competent for high travel jobs since you will act as a consultant. I have such a job now but I live with my parents when I'm not on the job traveling. For the work you are looking for it seems like it would still require a degree from a trade school so you can service machines on a mining or oil rig type of operation. Or just do the fishing thing which probably would not require anything.

Also every job that would pay room and board would pay for relocation

In Alaska you can go to a work camp for fishing you will either be gutting fish or out on the boats. My dad did it when he was younger they set you up with a place to sleep while your working the catch it you work ridiculously long hours apparently the money is good tho

what is your job? how did you get it?
also is this type of job in high demand? i figured that most people would not want to have such a job since they want to spend time with their family and friends and live in their own apartment rather than live on location with a bunch of dirty workers.
i can see young normies going to work for a few months in hotels and such with the "come work in a young environment! parties every week! woohooo *fire emoji*" slogans i see in hiring platforms but i don't think they would be interested in grayer stuff.
is fishing the only thing that comes to mind that doesn't require technical knowledge? i don't mind learning on the job but i don't really see myself going to school
fishing in alaska seems hard and dangerous in particular, and also it's a bit of a meme so there should be a relatively large chunk of people flocking to it meaning you won't be of high value to the employers and easily replaceable.

Work in a matson freighter. Three minths at sea then one or two months off. Room and board, basically an indoor job. Theres no way you will make it onto a fishing boat.

>Work in a matson freighter
in what exactly? what were your qualifications when you got the job? what is your average day on the job like?
are there any other jobs on the ship that are relevant to the thread?
>Theres no way you will make it onto a fishing boat.
could you elaborate on that?

>matson freighter
>get killed by somali pirates, iraqi operatives, or millionaire overlord

Since I'm currently looking for a job like this myself (albeit in the UK) :

Merchant Navy
Boarding school houseparent
Live-in security
Live-in healthcare assistant
Oil and gas
Woodland firefighter (US only, obvs)
Teacher at international school
Embassy/diplomatic jobs
Security contracting
Cruise ships
Luxury yachts

Hope that helps. Contributions from other anons welcome.

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>Death BAD! Death VERRRY BAD!

Many of these require an outgoing personality and good social skills


oh i misunderstood, i thought you meant that you work on a matson freighter.
why do you believe i won't make it onto a fishing boat?

Work in national parks man. All entry level jobs, can advance if you want too. Ski resorts in the winter. Going on 5 years of this lifestyle. Everything I own fits in 3 suitcases. Coolworks dot com

>job that offers you a room and food for free
Yes but why would you if working? Do you mean without paid work but necessities? Internship does such things I once read. Free housing and food. Though it's not really a job I guess.

They don't make things for robots.

Find a volunteer fire company that offers a live-in program

What type of degree is most desirable for a federal parks job? Parks and rec degree?

Depends on what you do. If you want to be a park ranger, then yeah you need a degree. But all other jobs inside the park from chef to trail management require 0 degree. Hell they will even hire you if you have lower level crimes. All parks have concessionaires that staff all their lodges etc. Xanterra and Aramark are the big ones.

can you share specific details? what companies/places/jobs are best?
also i should add that i've been a neet for almost 5 years now since i finished highschool and i'm pretty weird and socially awkward.
are they thirsty enough for workers to give a chance to someone like me? working in summer and ski resorts seems like a popular thing for young people to do

Interesting. Thanks user. Totally original

deep sea welding

what is the difference between a volunteer and regular fire department? how much can i expect to be paid? will they accept a robot?

Yeah, absolutely. They are so understaffed that unless you have been a felon or something they will give you a shot. You apply, they hire you, you figure out a way to get out there. But if you dont have a car they will still take you to the job, etc.
I was the same user. I had 0 friends, and now I have several friends on every continent in the world. Ive worked in Yellowstone, glacier, tetons, few ski resorts. And during my off time I travel to hang out with friends I've met during my 6-8 week breaks(during which I collect unemployment because my contract ended)
Changed my life man. Currently sitting with my girlfriend in Ukraine after she worked for me 2 years ago and we fell in love. I recommend it to anyone that will listen. Seriously the best place to look for this stuff is a website called coolworks. Has tons of jobs. You can have 5 jobs tomorrow if you want. Just my advice man. Worst case you can come back to the same situation you are in but, I promise you'll never see life the same way after 3 months.

what are some jobs on the site that you would recommend?
what is the usual pay/hours?

Depends what you're interested in. Most start out as your basic job, but the turnover is so high that it's really common to be put into a higher position if you are even decent at your job. Everything from chef, to IT, trail crew, working on boats, maintenance, server, etc. Most national parks have a small town so if you can think of it theres probably an entry point. Hours are normal 8 hours, 5 days a week. With any overtime you want. Pay is not the best. I was making $13 an hour at my last job but I dont pay for anything, so I just bank money and fuck around in my off time.

>Depends what you're interested in.
something with minimum social interaction

how are the living situations in most places? how many in a room? bathroom/shower? wifi/electricity?
and what are people working there like? same as anywhere? what is the average age?

>is there a term for a job that offers you a room and food for free?

honestly i wouldn't mind signing a slave contract for number a years if the pay was good and all my needs were provided.

Sorry for taking so long, but yes, volunteer is volunteer, regular is paid. Volunteer will take pretty much anybody with a not horrible criminal record, give you free training to advance in a paid career, and give you free room and board. You just have to run fire calls. I got into emergency services initially as a volunteer (now paid) because I was fucking autistic and realized I needed to learn how to talk to people. It's worked very well but I still have my robot tendencies in private

Why do you think you would? You seem pretty naive, no offense. What other hard physical labour jobs have you done before? Have you had any experience with cold weather or boats? Have you ever worked, on your feet, non stop, without food or breaks for over 12 hours?

Why wo7ld a captain hire you when there are plenty of experienced candidates waiting in line?

As for the freighter job, research it man. Do some work.

As crew, do you have any certifications or degrees at all? If not there are unskilled crew positions.
You seem autistic so use your powers to do some research online. This is your best option if you are socially retarded want to be away in a not too grueling job with room and board and make decent money.

well i am a clueless autistic neet with no real world experience, but i don't think i'm a pussy.
>Have you ever worked, on your feet, non stop, without food or breaks for over 12 hours?
seems like a bit of an exaggeration but i think i can brave through the adaptation period until i get used to a realistic version of that.
i know "go fishing in alaska" is a bit of meme, but it's a hard and dangerous job so i wasn't sure how thirsty they are for workers.
i figured not many people will want that job but i guess i'm wrong.

if you have personal knowledge and experience working in the field then talking to you is the best research i can do
i have 0 certifications or experience of any kind, and thinking of going to school makes me want to throw up so i think the only knowledge ill be getting is online or on the job
what do you think are good positions for someone like me? will they even bother with my job application?

user you know sites similar to coolworks that are more international anons friendly? I have a tourist visa to the US but to make an employment visa would probably cost me an arm and a dick