If gaslighting is such a horrible thing, then why is manipulating and gaslighting others so much fun...

If gaslighting is such a horrible thing, then why is manipulating and gaslighting others so much fun? I've gaslit a lot of people over the years; it's actually pretty astonishing and a fascinating psychological experiment, the kinds of things you can get people to believe even though you yourself don't believe anything that you're saying.

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Other urls found in this thread:


non-sequitur, being fun does not imply something is not horrible. You might have fun torturing an animal, for example, but it would still be horrible.

People who torture animals are wasting their time when they could be having fun psychologically torturing humans instead. Seriously, user, give it a shot. Sometimes I crank up the abuse so high that I think "Surely even the person I'm fucking around with can't stand for this?", but nope, they're so slavishly devoted to me and have been so thoroughly beaten down that they blame themselves for everything I say or do to them. I personally think you can't truly understand the human condition unless you go through such extreme circumstances. Both being the abused and being the abuser grants special insight into what it means to be human.

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How is gaslighting a bad thing again? Blindly believing things is pretty stupid. How can you be rational if you refuse to accept the fact your mind feeds whatever it wants to you, real or not?

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>If gaslighting is such a horrible thing, then why is manipulating and gaslighting others so much fun?
Because you're a sociopath

You didnt even adress his point you peabrain

Another non sequitur. Just because a person does not defend against something doesnt mean its ok to do that thing against them.

>being so socially detached from the world you brag about being a fat abuser to an anime image board
>abusing people to activate your permanently fucked dopamine receptors
god you're so fucking edgy and cool user please let me suck your dick holy shit hearing how you stick it to the roasties who won't touch your sweaty penis is so hot
desu go on a bender and huff computer duster till you turn blue, you apparently have no brain cells or life to worry about ruining

No, I'm pretty attractive. 8 out of 10, maybe a 9. It's part of how I'm able to ensnare people in the first place.

>Both being the abused and being the abuser grants special insight into what it means to be human.
Wrong, it grants insight into what it is to be an animal. The thing that separates humans from animals is the ability to control animalistic drives, one of the most significant of those drives being that of predator and victim.

All you did was reduce yourself to an animal. You stripped yourself of your dignity and declared youself unworthy of being human.

They got drawn into an abusive relationship because they're weak minded, easily impressionable, and unable to think for themselves.
If you refuse to examine you own perspective reality and try to better it for yourself, then you are only going to continue suffering. Life is about survival, it's not a Romantic Comedy

>part of
Lmao. You realize the only reason people even stick around is because they just want to fuck you, right? You didnt "gaslight" anyone, everyone knows what you're doing they just put up with it for pussy.

Fucking retard lol

congrats, you're the physical embodiment of what happens when an r9k user fixes what they think separates from them society, looks and basic social skills, until they realize the real autism and societal separation was inside them the whole time
manipulation isn't hard user, anyone slightly intelligent can do it, grow up and move on

You just repeated yourself and again failed to address the point. Just because someone cant/wont defend against something doesnt mean its ok to do that to them

I'm a male... I prey on girls, gay men, and Joshuasexuals (a lot of people say they're attracted only to me and nobody else).

Animals don't emotionally abuse each other. They arguably lack the mental capacity to abuse each other at all. That doesn't matter either way, though. Even if all of Earth's creatures abused each other, human beings would still respond in their own unique way. You have to be dragged down to the deepest reaches of Hell itself in order to appreciate the beauty of the world above. That is, in part, what I try to do with my victims. I put them through the shredder of love, confusion, and desire. I show them how cold-hearted people can be and the poison that a human soul can possess. Once they break free from me, they appreciate other human beings so much more for the simple fact that they don't possess my darkness. I dragged them down to Hell, and they will forever cherish the beauty of the world above so much more.

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What is and isn't "okay" is irrelevent to your survival.
Does nature care about what is "okay"? Humans are causing a mass extinction, is that okay? Nature doesn't care, nature doesn't have the capacity for caring, it just does.

Yes they do lol. Animals regularly abuse other animals just for the hell of it and to show their domimance over them. The dynamic of victim and predator is one of the most base level and primal there is. Its so animalistic its the only thing all cultures across the world universally condemn and punish.

You are completely missing the point. It doesnt matter what you can or can not do, or what someone can or can not survive. Just because you can do something doesnt mean that its okay to do so.

Ah i see you are going the same path i did, but im sorry to spoil your fun but this wont last much longer ( and thats a good thing), the sooner you realize that there is a false virtue at play in your decision making the better and sooner you will awaken from its grip
Dont be a slave to your own desires

Why won't it last much longer? I'm only 20. I can stay in this business a long time.

And just because you and many others hold the opinion it's "not okay" doesn't prevent it from happening. What does prevent it from happening is challenging your most strongly held beliefs, even ones on reality, existence, identity, or cause and effect.
I hope you never have to suffer chronic trauma, but if you do you'll understand.

Its bad for the people you do it to because it prevents them from acting on the best possible understanding of reality, which inhibits their capacity to achieve their goals. Its bad for you because making others believe in things that are not true makes you trust yourself less, which inhibits your capacity to achieve your goals.

I think you're talking past each other.

I have suffered chronic trauma. It doesn't change my opinion; if anything it reinforces it. Nature might not care, but you aren't nature. You are an individual human being who knows what's right and what's wrong. You can and should be morally condemned if you knowingly do what's wrong.

OP will burn in hell for this, this is domestic abuse.

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Where did you get the idea I want to do it to others? I'm saying it's going to happen, and it will be good for the person in the end, so long as they actually survive.

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This thread made me feel weird in an uncomfortable way... :O

>Why won't it last much longer?
You may call it destiny, or if you're religious you may think its God's will.
I see it as the natural process of things.
You cannot live in delusion forever, the longer it goes on the more doubts will grow, the path is one of confusion and suffering, but the end result is worth everything: a smarter you

Sometimes i gaslight my friends into beleiving certian movies are real that I've just made up. Ive never gone further with it though cause thats fugged bro

>why is hurting people "bad"
>>people call it bad because they don't like it
>but it can't be bad if it's possible to do
>>bad just means they don't like it
>but it's possible!
You aren't actually this retarded.

What kind of way is that? lol

Why should anyone care what you think is right and wrong? How comfortable do you think the people who built your phone are right now?
It doesn't change anything though, if you allow this abuse to happen to you, then you were too weak to survive in the first place. Nature decides what is just.

No it doesnt. You dont become stronger in the broken places, you remain strong by preventing the breaking in the first place.

But this is completely irrelevent to the morality of the action. Infact, generally, the more helpless a being is the more wrong it is to harm them. Babies for example are the most vulnerable beings and it is exactly for that reason that its wrong to do them even the smallest amount of harm.

I-it's hard to explain, especially without ruining this thread...

Have you experienced ego death? Deep trauma combined with questioning your sanity can lead to a more accurate perspective on your existence.
Treating victims like victims only harms them. They need support to learn to deal with their problems. Not have others support them and their problems.
People treating me like a victim was worse for me than the abuse I suffered.
The people in these situations can learn to let go of their baseless preconceptions and actually think to themselves "is this situation really good for my life?" I've never not lived in an abusive household, and having the realization that my secondary home was also abusive was extremely beneficial.

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>Nature decides what is just.
If you believe in this then why do you hide behind the law and the safety that society offers you to post this? Doesnt it make you the biggest hypocrite of all to claim that nature should decide who survives and who doesnt while you do everything your power to hide from the judgement of nature?

If you werent a hypocrite you'd leave the protections of society and its moral paradigms behind and survive off your own power only. But we both know that would take far more strength and self awareness than you are capable of

Stop cockteasing me and tell me what's on your mind. Does the thread arouse you? Awaken your sadist instincts?

I have certain privileges granted to me by the fact my ancestors were either from, or assimilated into wealthy nations. Not having to worry about physical harm on a daily basis is one of those privileges the state grants to me in order to make me believe they are there to protect me. I don't hide behind anything.
You also seem to think I would want to abuse someone. I don't. But I am not going to feel sorry for them either. They need to help themselves, no one else can do it for them. Even if the police shot and killed the abuser, what then? Heroin addiction? Alcoholism? Isolation? The abuse is the smaller issue than the dealing with the mental trauma that lingers your entire life.
Morals are meaningless fluff. We collectively agree on how things ought to work (for the most part) but that's just a human construct. People still shoot up schools, people still behead teenage girls, and people are being psychologically abused this very second.
What's more beneficial? Continuing to say it's a "bad" thing for people to do? Or trying to get people to learn their situation is bad and do something to get themselves out of it?
It's not much different than anti-bullying campaigns. How well have those been working to stop bullying? The only way to deal with bullying is to prepare for it. Same with abuse and physical harm. You need to be prepared, it can happen to you.

Trauma is known to cause physical braim damage, as well as deep mental blocks that prevent people from realizing truth. A person who has suffered trauma will deny certain things that relate to their trauma because they closed off that part of themselves to protect themselves from their trauma.

Its far easier to accept what happened to you when you can convince yourself that it was just nature going its course and that there is nothing wrong with what happened to you.

Simply put, you arent in the right mental state to make proper judgements on issues like this.

This. "People treating me like a victim was worse for me than the abuse I suffered" makes him sound like an idiot at best. His post basically amounts to "I'm super fucked up but you should listen to me anyway."

That's psychology nonsense. Psychology is a joke science. Trauma is something humans have had to deal with for our entire existence. Animals have to deal with it. You can see it in the eyes of other mammals even. Pic related.
Trauma changes how you view reality. Everything is potentially hostile. And guess what, that's EXACTLY what reality is, hostile.
If you have a brain and don't have something like autism, you have the capacity for recognizing your situation is abusive. You need to change your perspective to recognize your situation as abusive, which obviously is easier said than done.
However that's the only thing that can possibly be done to help people in abusive situations. No one else can fix their problems for them.

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Thats irrelevant. None of that comes from your own power, you were granted that because of certain moral paradigsm we believe in. The protection of the state protects you from nature. You praise nature while you hide from it behind other people. You are a hypocrite.

You still miss the point. It is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT wether someone has the power to do something or not. You can literally be the most powerful person in the universe, but that still wont make it ok for you to say abuse someone.

Of course this doesnt mean that it isnt important to be able to stop immoral actions. Personally id say its the most important thing. But that again changes nothing about wether something is wrong or not.

>Psychology is a joke science.
>btw realty has measurable effects on ur psyche


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>Trauma changes how you view reality. Everything is potentially hostile. And guess what, that's EXACTLY what reality is, hostile.
The problem is that trauma makes you unable to properly distinguish between non-threats and threats. Non-threats do exist.

As for the rest, this all feels like you're just strawmanning user instead of responding to anything that he says.

I can abuse babies if I want to. All of us are physically capable of doing that. Doesn't make it okay.

Nature is everything, including what humans have made. We made nature safer, but it is still going to kill you one way or another.
And again, what's "okay" is meaningless. It doesn't help anyone. It doesn't do anything. It is making the statement "I don't like this and it shouldn't exist" and then patting others on the back for having the same opinion. Meanwhile victims must learn to deal with things all on their own, or get outright told they're "damaged" by "mental health professionals", or posts such as your own That's my point. Saying something is "bad" is worthless. It's fine to collectively identify what is bad as a society, but people seem to think saying something is bad makes bad things go away. That's a sheltered way of thinking.

Reality is constructed by your psyche. Psychologists can't even get that right.

>The problem is that trauma makes you unable to properly distinguish between non-threats and threats. Non-threats do exist.
Yes, that was the point I was trying to make, but didn't do a great job of making.
People who are being gaslighted are already questioning their sanity. The only way out is to go all in, and question every belief they have in, even down to cause and effect. That way you can identify the maladaptive situation you are in and figure out what can be done to escape.

Just world hypothesis is a double edged sword, if taken to heart, it takes away the weight of influence from everyone, first and foremost the speaker. It's as useful as a loud silence.

You're taking what I said too literally. Nature's justice is meaningless. Like you said, loud silence, noise. Nature doesn't have a will, reasons, or desires, the process just continues on.

>And again, what's "okay" is meaningless. It doesn't help anyone.
Not entirely. Some people are deterred from doing 'bad' things by their conscience. If their conscience tells them that doing something is bad - a feeling that can be inspired by outside sources - they might be shamed away from doing those things. That only applies to a certain percentage of people and of situations, but it can still bring down the overall sum of abuse.

>but people seem to think saying something is bad makes bad things go away. That's a sheltered way of thinking.
My guess is that nobody's saying that and you're just misinterpreting us.

I agree, but telling people who violate those morals aren't going to stop doing something just because they're told it's bad. Look at pedophiles. It's one of the most taboo things in the modern world, yet they're extremely common.

>My guess is that nobody's saying that and you're just misinterpreting us.
That's certainly a possibility. Language is a vague form of communication unfortunately.

>Trauma changes how you view reality. Everything is potentially hostile.
You jus reinforced what i said. Trauma distorts your view of everything, of reality itself, and logically especially your view of trauma itself.

Look, your situation is simpler than you think it is. You faced a lot of abuse and pain that you didnt deserve. So much of it infact that you cant accept that it happened to you. Your mind then, being unable to deal with this convinced itself that no one deserves to not suffer and that what happened to you is nothing special, nor is it wrong.

You are in denial. You will never be able to move on unless you accept that what happened to you is wrong. Sometimes bad things happen to people that dont deserve it. Thats just how life is. But that doesnt make it ok.

holy fuck! you're badass as shit...can i suck your dick? will you fuck my wife? gaslighting people is so epic...omg...

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>That's certainly a possibility. Language is a vague form of communication unfortunately.
Or you're just strawmanning people because you have no retort

It's normal to experience trauma. Most traumas are minor, some are more extreme. But we evolved to experience trauma because of how beneficial it is to our survival as a species. It is not a bad thing, it is just hard to understand and deal with in a world where we aren't put in life and death situations on a regular basis.
Everyone will suffer. Suffering is inevitable. Learning to accept it, and prepare for it is the best course of action you can possibly take to avoid as much pain as possible.
I've already accepted what happened to me is wrong. But I could have bettered much situation much sooner if I had realized I wasn't "damaged", a "victim", or whatever other defeatist labels I was constantly being bombarded with by others.
Here's a fantastic talk that does a better job than I ever could at explaining this way of thinking.

If I'm strawmanning it's not intentional. If you think someone is strawmanning, you're better off avoiding their strawman and clarifying the original point even harder. There's no reason to ever argue against a strawman, ever.

>collectively identify what is bad as a society
Which is an accumulation of mild influences from many individuals claiming personally that something is bad.

Yes, and people who willingly violate those morals (abusers) aren't going to stop violating them when people say how bad it is.
There are plenty of people who actually love the idea that others find it bad. They take enjoyment taboo behaviors such as molestation, torture, or even murder.
Would telling John Wayne Gacy that killing children is bad have saved anyone's life? He certainly knew it was bad, seeing as he had to evade being suspected. You don't accidentally kill 33 people and get away with it for so long.

You are intentionally strawmanning and you did it again.

You just keep trying to change the subject and distract from something by talking about all kinds of irrelevant shit whenever you have no retort, which judging by how many times you have done it here is very often.

This is basically an admission of defeat, so at least you are honest in that regard.

>if I had realized I wasn't "damaged"
You aren't?
I've heard people express similar sentiments before, but I've never understood them. Is there anything whiny or defeatist about acknowledging simple facts? If someone breaks their leg, is there anything wrong with acknowledging that they will, at least until their leg heals, have trouble walking and be unable to run?

Some people clearly do have mental issues. Denying this seems to do nothing but obfuscate the issue. "I might be paranoid, frequently enter fits of hysteria, and I have rage spells where I throw things across the room and threaten to kill whoever's with me, but I am NOT damaged!" Keeping in mind that acknowledging a problem does not mean accepting it or being unwilling to try to make things better.

it's actually boring. I do this sometimes just because I'm bored at work but I usually just move on to try to make someone laugh or talk about something interesting.
you're either a sad retarded little autist that one one takes seriously anyway or some kind of emotionless socio

this is a retarded thread
it's pretty apparent that OP is a socially inept autist with delusions of grandeur
like the kind of faggot that'll say something strange and go
>lol gaslighted!!!
when people react

honestly OP a comparably shit thread died for this and you should bite the bullet and commit suicide

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What am I supposed to be retorting here if you think I'm strawmanning?

Humans for our entire existence have had trauma as a part of their lives. Even today most people deal with it. How is that "damaged"? Is it damaging to realize Santa Claus doesn't exist? Why is it "damaged" to realize how close to being harmed you are at any given moment? Because it's not how most people act? It's trauma, not damage. Trauma can be damaging, but only if you don't have the means and information available to understand it.
Sure, you'll never "be the same" and have a higher risk of anxiety, but that's exactly how trauma works, it's a survival mechanism. Not brain damage, not a mental illness (even though it easily leads to it).
I'm not saying mental illnesses aren't real. I also do not go Citizen Kane on my bedroom, and can regulate my emotions well. That is only true because I learned what trauma really is, and what its implications on my life are. Before then I certainly wasn't stable at all. My point is that people who are unstable can become stable, trauma is permanent, the way we deal with it is not.

Plenty of people take me seriously. Four people have tried to commit suicide upon learning I wasn't in love with them and just wanted toys to pass the time with and use as psychology experiments. I've gotten impassioned emails and text messages from people months or even years after we last spoke, saying that they tried to fall out of love with me and forget about me, but they just can't. I've gotten five married women and three married men to cheat on their spouses with me, and even considered leaving them for me altogether. The list goes on and on.

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You have some pretty weird views on the subject and redefine words and concepts at your convenience.

alright this definitely sounds like larp.

This video does a much better job explaining this "weird" view than I ever could.

Either way. what did I redefine? If I had to guess, you don't like that I think trauma isn't a mental illness? Trauma has positive effects on the outcome of your survival as an organism. Is something that helps you survive mental illness?
Thinking of trauma as something that is wrong with you, like you're missing a limb or something is damaging, defeatist, and ignores the nature of trauma in the context of evolution.
Realizing trauma is a survival mechanism allows you to cope with it, learn from it, and even use it to deal with extreme amounts of stress in the future. We're still surviving even if we aren't likely to be eaten or killed these days.

user, i'm pretty bored. do you want to psychologically fuck me up for some fun? lets try it

I really love messing with lonely robots and getting their hopes up, then telling them I was an elaborate catfish and am blocking them for their own good.

I'm not a catfish

All human beings will, over time, become less naive and more discerning. There's no reason that trauma has to reach PTSD/CPTSD levels in order to become beneficial; that's overshooting the mark.

PTSD/CPTSD both have positive outcomes on your overall survival, yes, but they still qualify as mental illnesses because they reduce your quality of life. Anxiety, emotional numbing, muscle armoring, increased aggression, reduced ability to trust or to love, problems with emotional regulation. These are all bad things. The only upside is an improved ability to defend yourself against threats. It's possible for something to be a survival mechanism as well as a mental illness at the same time.

Then in this case I think a redefinition would be more beneficial for the people dealing with trauma. If we can say being gay isn't a mental illness anymore, we can recognize trauma as a catalyst for mental illness, but not a mental illness itself. I wish I had known how my trauma affected my mental illnesses, instead of thinking trauma was my mental illness.
But I think we're not going to convince each other anymore than we have. Thank you for your time user.

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Oh so you're gay

It all makes sense now

Worse than that even, I'm a tranny. Though I had wanted to be a girl before I was being traumatized. If anything traumatization just made me put if off longer than I should have.

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>it's another anime avatarfag with delusions of grandeur episode
no, you are not special for making some teen retard on discord sad

>Though I had wanted to be a girl before I was being traumatized.

You're welcome. I might not agree with your opinions, but I do respect you for the way you expressed them and for being calm and receptive.

More like pre-emptive arguing against right-wing projections.
Even if it was caused by being beat around, would the cause matter if the solution was still transitioning?

Thanks, you too!

You mean preemptive arguing against your own projections because you know that what you said isnt true.

>would the cause matter if the solution was still transitioning?
The solution isnt playing dress up

Transitioning isn't about dressing up in different clothes user, it's about learning to accept yourself, the circumstances you were given, and the way you as a person live and act. Are you going to tell me that I want to chop my dick off next?

Telling abusers it's bad usually doesn't work because active abusers are usually those who already were told it was bad, and kept doing it anyways. This doesn't mean that there are no others who were inclined to abuse, but were already influenced to reduce that.
While Gacy heard murder was bad, discovered he liked murder, and proceeded with lots of murder, most other people never tried murder, in part because they heard it was bad. Some who did murder and liked it were surely convinced, forced, or threatened in some way to restrain themselves afterward to some extent, due to the general consensus that murder is very bad.
People telling other people that murder and other things are bad cumulatively resulted in the funding of organizations such as those which investigated, detained, formally judged, and injected lethal poison into Gacy. Problem solved, future victims saved. Eventually.

Well I guess I can't argue against the butterfly effect.

thread is too long, didn't read. but gaslighting is hot i wish someone could gaslight kappu....

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>Effectively all people strongly agreeing that serial killers are bad
>People motivated to pay others to stop serial killers

>One butterfly weeks and miles away moves some air in the process of doing something else
>A tornado

similarly unrelated things

N-no, it's neither of those things!

Do you know the feeling you get when you think you know someone and have a very positive opinion on them, but then you discover they have this really dark side and you realize the person didn't match your expectations? It's... kind of like that, but there's also something uncanny in the whole situation, like a few pieces don't fit in! :(

Or perhaps the person *is* who you thought, but they're just pretending to be somebody they're NOT! :O

pls tell me how do you get people to be emotional invested like that, were do you meet them?

So why do you play dress up then?

Probably not much to chop off anyways

I know the feeling, but I didn't expect anyone would still remember me. I haven't posted on or even visited r9k since things blew up in my face late in 2016. Do you remember me somehow? I guess it shouldn't be much of a surprise, given how much trouble I stirred back in my prime and the way I always avatared with Yuuri. Still a bit disconcerting.

I gaslighted my ex before I broke up with her. She was already showing signs of schizophrenia and was anorexic. After that she broke and I'm not really sure what goes on in her head. Looking back on it I don't really feel anything inside when I think about it.

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how did you do it?
what benefit did you get from it?

I just started calling her out every time she did anything "schizo". I don't really want to go into too much detail because I know she started using this site not too long before we broke up.
As for what benefit I got, there really was none. It was a pointless, spiteful act. It didn't drive her to seek treatment or anything that benefited her either.

People have both feminine and masculine aspects. Everyone. Masculine creativity, feminine emotion. Some of us identify more with our femininity, and want to feel connected to our bodies.
Being biologically male is natural. Having to act in certain ways, do certain things, not do other things, etc. is not natural, it's customary. We're free to break those rules, that's what "transitioning" is, living the life you want regardless of what society thinks you should be doing.

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There you go again with your useless wall of irrelvant shit.

If transitioning is just changing the way you think why do you need to play dress up? Changing the way you think does not require you to put on a dress or chop your little ding dong off.

None of what I said is irrelevent. I choose to live in a way you do not agree with. You say it's wrong because it's not what males are supposed to do. I don't care, I know what I want from my life, and I will realize it. You will continue to adhere to what other people have told you was right and wrong.

Like you them believe something didn't happen? Wow big deal, wow you're such an evil genius

Its totally irrelevant. I didnt ask you to explain why you "transitioned", i asked you, if transitioning is just changing the way you think (your claim), then why do you play dress up? Seems unnecessary, just change the way you think and you're done.

>You say it's wrong because it's not what males are supposed to do.
Quote me where i have said this

I need a reason to want to dress in clothes that are typically feminine? I wear what's comfortable, and sometimes I like to down a gown.
This is like me asking why you stand up when you piss. Do you enjoy making a mess all over the place? Or would you feel emasculated if you had to sit down?
I think the real answer is you do it to feel comfortable. You don't have to justify pissing while standing, I don't have to justify wearing girl clothes sometimes. I do things to be comfortable and happy.

>late in 2016
>how much trouble I stirred back in my prime and the way I always avatared with Yuuri
Ooooh, I see now! O.O
A-and yeah, I'm sure I remember you!

I still feel confused, though...

I'm mostly confused as to why you're confused. Are you larping or baiting? You probably don't even remember me and are just trying to mess with my head.

>Are you larping or baiting?
I'm not doing either of those things! In fact, I could ask you the same question! :P
>You are just trying to mess with my head.
I feel the same way about you, to be honest. ^.^'

Okay, okay... It's just fun to larp and make up extreme scenarios to see how people respond. :( Roleplaying as bad people is especially nice, because it encourages 'good' people to come out of the woodwork and endorse the same morals and beliefs that I subscribe to myself, which makes me happy to see. Also, (You)s.

Haha! I knew it was you all along, but I was genuinely shocked at first! Then I became suspicious and eventually noticed some things that made me realize it was just roleplay~! ^_^'

>People who torture animals are wasting their time when they could be having fun psychologically torturing humans instead.
Ur one sicc fucc