>majority (over 70%) of so called incels say they're nonwhite
>have an extreme dislike for capitalism and hierarchies
>hate trump and conservachads
Why do leftwingers think that incels are right wing extremists? Being a misogynist doesn't automatically make you right wing.
Majority (over 70%) of so called incels say they're nonwhite
Other urls found in this thread:
>majority (over 70%) of so called incels say they're nonwhite
>have an extreme dislike for capitalism and hierarchies
>hate trump and conservachads
But Jow Forums is crawling with incels
pol is also crawling with mutts
Where do you even find these numbers. Incels are hated by all because they have taken the black pill, yet refuse to do anything about it. They have given up on life and society which scares the left and right
Jow Forums is full of boomer retards from reddit
the incels wiki, had a miserable day reading that dumb shit
because that's bullshit and incels tend to be reactionary who don't connect the dot between their plight and the societal decay from neoliberalism.
If they did they wouldn't target innocent men and women when they go nuclear.
They literally do, they shit on neoliberals on the regular
>they have taken the black pill, yet refuse to do anything about it
You're repeating yourself, refusing to do anything is the very point of the blackpill
just took a look at it. looks like it's mostly currycels.
>had a miserable day reading that dumb shit
>they shit on neoliberals on the regular
but keep falling for them
Jow Forums is full of nonwhites.
Jow Forums hates jewish multinationals.
Jow Forums doesn't like trimp anymore.
wingers are retarded
right wingers are still dipshits who send MAGAthots money in the hopes one will flash her titties on cam for them in a private skype call, they're nowhere near as far gone as incels despite being pathetic virgin losers. They're pretty much in the same vein as the findom cucks who bought belle delphine's bathwater so they could whack off with it
The real white nationalists on Jow Forums are Jow Forums brazilians and japanese
Lauren "The coal-burner" Southern. How can republicans claim to want traditionalism while not being racist? America was the Best when exploiting other races
I love how weebs living in japan are so adamantly against racemixing but won't leave the country and desperately want a 3/10 gaijinhunter to show manko and have his hapa babies
I remember her doner tiers list. 1000 dollars got you a skype convo IIRC and at the lowest tier she said you can pretend she's your gf and she'll neither confirm nor deny it
That's women taking advantage of their assets under capitalism but at least they care more about having a country instead of letting the world's problems overwhelm the system
>Again wingers are retarded
Because they're in denial about their own inceldom
But at least they're not misogynists, that's the only thing that matters
>yes I've never seen a pussy but at least I don't hate women!
Non-whites and 3rd worlders absolutely crave for white women. They're not what you would call incels because they could still easily get non-white women but choose not to.
Imagine that, there is somebody out there who donated to her, and went out and told people they knew irl that they were dating dog_face_head.
Makes me feel a bit better about my life
Almost as if non-whites are subconsciously white supremacist in their own projection towards whites
thinking of Shoe lol, not Southern, should clarify
OKC stats say nonwhite women hate nonwhite men
>majority (over 70%) of so called incels say they're nonwhite
Imagine unironically believing this
nonwhite men get it pretty bad in the dating game, broski
JBW is an incel theory for a reason
Nah, they hate whites. It's just that white women are the most desirable in the world, along with Asian. Just check how their hatred shows when they discover white women actually prefer their own race.
It's the opposite actually. But no doubt some non-white women still prefer white men as whites as a whole are the most desirable.
Maybe if they try and assimilate but nonwhites sticking with their own group have it the least difficult dating because most of them come from cultures that are feminized up that ass and men are more masculine and aggressive
That arent feminized*
>They hate whites
>White women are the most desirable
Not questioning some of the hatred because it isn't fair to generalise but white women preferring their own race is a natural instinct just as it should be for any other race.
You're a hater of your own race if you choose to mix once again showing non-whites to prefer white women because they don't like their own women like they should
Meh, they have nothing to lose, their offspring comes out as non-white anyway. Whites who mix with non-whites are the true traitors.
>white women are the most desirable in the world
>'It's just that white women are the most desirable in the world
White men dont even find white women attractive anymore, and they age worse than any other group of women. Im seeing a lot of this inferiority complex shit from a lot of you in this thread trying to convince yourselves or others that whites are these special desirable people when the overwhelming vast majority of you are clearly not.
>both of these points are generalisations
The inferiority complex comes from the clear hatred of non-whites towards whites as mentioned here
It's true though.
I'm white and i naturally prefer white. You are ignorant if you think the rest of the world doesn't drool after white women.
I'm with you on this one honestly. As if non-whites don't have a jealousy complex the language clearly shows and the more you speak the truth the angrier some of them get
>It's so obvious
Because most incels are flirting with white nationalists ideals that are under the disguise of traditionalism because some of dumb enough to think that incels/loners never existed in the glorious American 50s era, like come on some of them actually believes that minorities by default cannot be incels because of this weird notion that they're the most valuable race. You don't have to hold on to right winged ideals to be a misogynist but right winged ideals do stem from misogyny, basically what I'm saying is that the left on the long run are doing a better favor to incels than the right
>It's true though
i think its true to a degree. majority of people prefer their own because of cultural and racial similarities. people who seek out other races are a minority, with the exception of asian women.
>You are ignorant if you think the rest of the world doesn't drool after white women.
Youve created that perception in your own mind just like anyone else that believes that from different forms of media shilling whites as the most desired for generations. Theyre doing that now with blacks in all forms of media and you see the effect it has had with blacks becoming more desired
I'd do anything to fondle Faith Goldy's tits
Poll are also racist fuckers
i strongly doubt all of these numbers. i think the majority are conservative or alt-right, because self-proclaimed incels project their failures onto women and blame women having increased freedom for their shitty life. people doing terribly in life always have people to blame for why they're in the situation they're in, and construct a whole world-encompassing narrative around it
>drool after white women.
sounds like a coping white women desu
>There's a problem with this
Technology had it's foundations in white countries therefore timeline and circumstances whereas blacks being pushed as desirable in media is mostly forced and doesn't reflect the opinions of rational minded people.
You have retards thinking that the ideals pushed in the media is the norm when it is not
>You are ignorant if you think the rest of the world doesn't drool after white women.
But why is that? It's not because white woman have some sort of supreme magical genes, more so to do with how white women are presented in the media in the past how many decades.
>Explain mass immigration into only white countries
did you grow up in a majority white area? you'll like what you're conditioned to and exposed to. just as chinese people born in china won't see or interact with many non-chinese, so they'll be biologically conditioned to find chinese women more attractive than others
people born in an area with a lot of ethnicities will usually feel attracted to many different kinds of people. there are some culture clash issues like non-black people sometimes considering black women more masculine on average than the women of their ethnicity, and non-asian people sometimes considering asian men more feminine on average than the men of their ethnicity, but in general if you're around a lot of different kinds of people from a young age you have a good chance of not having any racial preferences, and if you're around one race from a young age, you'll probably have a strong preference for only that race
Should have thought about that when you left Europe and fucked with everyone elses land
>Multiculturalism is a good idea because?
Seems like killing off diversity rather than spreading and increasing birth rates
>Once again what happened to climate change?
>Not an argument
I'm not American retard
Well, if we're talking about America, it was never a "only white country" blacks and natives have been living the country since the beginning. Also mass immigration has nothing to do with what I said, but okay.
Most people have no idea what they're talking about, mass immigration has everything to do with what you're talking about because it proves your hypocrisy
>Blacks and natives have been living the country since the beginning
Sure natives but not blacks, once again showing that it's okay when non-whites do it
You literally made all of that shit up. And the perception that all incels are right wingers is that nearly every single incel mass shooter has
been racist and white or some form of mutt white
Most "whites" currently in the US (roughly 60%) are German invaders that came over 2-3 generations ago, Trump himself is only second generation American and of German ancestry
most non white "incels" are brown shitskins that are mad they don't get to fuck white girls and rage at white people constantly, but they refuse to fuck their own subhuman girls
safer, better economic opportunities, more freedom. it's not solely for white women.
What hypocrisy? Where did I go back on my word or mentioned anything about mass immigration? Mass immigration has nothing to do with the notion of people drooling over white women, if so please explain. Blacks has been living in the country involuntarily as slaves even before America got it's independence, so yes technically they been in the country since the beginning.
The only one you can even name that was obsessed with white women was Elliot Rodger and he was a hapa pasty white gook
Most incel fourms are arabIn a a hyper capitalist world they can just use a hooker
>Going back to the N.E.E.T thing they won't do the work meaning they would be a drain on a socialist one
>Normies would just say fuck a ugly chick or improve yourself
Somehow I doubt this being 100% accurate given that it's the settlers whom laid down the foundations of what America is today, not only that but it's not like the natives weren't innocent of genocides the only difference is they had human sacrifices also
>Sort of a big difference
Complaints only come from the losing side in any competition and we're in a different age where people should be more tolerant but well many are still stuck in the past.
As for Trump idc he's currently in charge and I'm not American so he's certainly going to raise the competition between the other countries
Better quality of life in white countries that was originally designed for Europeans, people coming in are either legitimately there for honest work or the majority for free shit and housing
Niggers are literally in America because some white southerners wanted to be aristocracy. Too lazy to pick their own cotton, too cheap to pay other white men a working wage to do it. So they imported a bunch of niggers to do it for them, and then convinced all the other white men to die for the same system that was keeping them down and poor under the guise of "patriotism" and other shit.
This is the same shit that corporations are doing today. Instead of paying citizens a decent wage, they just keep importing browns to do it for them via illegal immigration. Then you chucklefucks scream about "leftists" and "liberals", not realizing it's the same rich people that keep you fighting each other instead going after them.
>inb4 le centrist meme
Half the people on Jow Forums are nonwhite trolls
So basically white people are the problem
The problem with leftists and liberals is that they work for the establishment, if you look the objectives of the WB(World Bank) and theirs, they are so similar that it's clear that they are the usefull idiots of the corporations that want to end the state-nation and the family
How long did it take you to come full circle? White people been fucking themselves over by putting wanting economic convenience over race lol
In context to talking about Europe whereas you're talking about America. It wasn't a personal attack but rather pointing out the hypocrisy of European inventions being used as social constructs within society
>I get that America and Europe are not the same
If you want an easy way out sure
>Blacks wouldn't be in America otherwise
>people coming in are either legitimately there for honest work or the majority for free shit and housing
yes, you're just reiterating my point
But wait a minute I thought lefties fundamentally hated the establishment and wanted to take down capitalism and corporations isn't that the reason so many people call them commies and marxist? Libertarians and Ancaps are the useful idiots.
White people dont exist, white as a race is a social construct. No other people group themselves as some monolithic group like European diaspora. Do you see Korean and Japs go us yellow people?
explain? multiculturalism heavily increases genetic diversity, which is usually what is naturally selected. it hedges against environmental changes and also the proliferation of bad recessive traits (e.g. hemophilia in the inbred Romanov royal family)
Jow Forums pretends like eugenics means only fucking white people, when odds are the genetic quality of the people actually posting there is completely awful, and the few who do procreate are also probably procreating with people with low-quality genetics. that's what this whole thing is: a big shield they can use to convince themselves they're part of a superior master race when a true eugenics program would actually have most of them sterilized
if you want to encourage the spread of good genes (the definition of eugenics), individualism and humanism are the best methods for that. you reproduce with an individual with good genes, because that's what actually matters, not that they and millions of other people share some genes with you (people in the same ethnic group). good genetics is extremely variable by individual. that's the entire point of dating: you find a person who you think would be good to reproduce with. it doesn't matter if they're white or not. you will find countless non-white women who are far genetically superior to many white woman in your area. and non-white men will also find countless white women who are far genetically superior to many women in their area. and the reverse is also true for both. you just find a person you think has good traits, that's literally it. the racial supremacy stuff is a complete red herring even if one assumes things like HBD are essentially true (which remains to be definitively proven, despite what some imageboard users may think; of course some definition of HBD is true, but not necessarily the one you're all hoping for)
>because that's bullshit and incels tend to be reactionary who don't connect the dot between their plight and the societal decay from neoliberalism.
The welfare state created incels.
Ah my bad dude, I thought you were specifically talking about America.
I already know that, I'm refuting that anons post
Laurens facial expression got me kekd.
>No other people group themselves as some monolithic group
what about black people. they don't know their tribe or what part of africa they come from
>Jow Forums pretends like eugenics means only fucking white people, when odds are the genetic quality of the people actually posting there is completely awful, and the few who do procreate are also probably procreating with people with low-quality genetics. that's what this whole thing is: a big shield they can use to convince themselves they're part of a superior master race when a true eugenics program would actually have most of them sterilized
Fucking this!
>what about black people. they don't know their tribe or what part of africa they come from
You just answered your own question. In Africa they don't call each other black, they categorize by their tribes. The term black came from outsiders
>Explain good genes
Evidence shows European countries have had lots of success as long as it is racial based. Just as the Greeks invented democracy and the primary philosophers democracy outlined that democracy is racially based. Multicultural democracy is in fact exploited by tyrants and oligarchs which is exactly what America is.
If you want to describe higher melanin levels as better genes then explain why in Vedic scripture the Shrimad Bhagavatam written over 5000 years ago the first "Black" or Nishada as they were first called came from the corpse of a deceased person who was power hungry and jealous of civilised societies and reanimated essentially having his pigment changed to black. Described as having a corrupted soul for living a sinful life previously, eventually breeding with the native population they were thrown deep into Africa for their own sake and because the Vedas were compassionate enough not to kill them they were thrown out for trying to overthrow the established order they couldn't control themselves. It is recorded the Vedas didn't consider them civilised and only caused corruption and degraded the gene pool it has nothing to do with strength, Vedas had spiritual knowledge this talk in "stronger" genes has more to do with materialism than it does with the truth. Blacks were not the original people but according to history of the Vedas destroyed culture
>breeding inside your own race = inbreeding
Nice logic, dumb shitskin.
Everyone knows miscegenation is disgusting and that it creates disgusting, ugly monsters who hate themselves and their parents. We don't need anymore ugly half niglets in this world, who somehow manage to look even uglier than actual niggers. Breed with your own ugly sheboons.
The most lasting empire and arguably the most successful was a civic nationalist multiracial empire, the Roman Empire
No, the wealthy are. And by wealthy, I don't mean the senior engineer, surgeon, or lawyer making 6 or even 7 figures. I'm not talking about the guy who owns a construction firm and is pulling in the big bucks. I'm talking about the billionaires and plutocrats, the people who run multinational corporations and have excessive govt. influence. The southern wannabe aristocracy were the billionaires of their time.
What the fuck are you on? Leftists are the ones who want to take out capitalism and the establishment and replace it with communism/socialism or whatever they want to label it. Keep blaming the other side for your problems, because you're playing right into the plutocrats' hands.
When I kept seeing the rich get richer while fucking over everyone else. The bankers that fucked America around 2008 got light sentences for their role in financial crisis. Here's a few years in a cushy white collar minimal security prison. Can't run your business because you were incompetent? Bail them out at the expense of the taxpayer.
If you count that Romans were still primarily Roman and made slaves out of the multiracial groups, sure they exploited them as any Empire that wants to preserve itself would.
Multiculturalism is also what destroyed the Roman Empire
>Coping this hard
Some of the best athletes are all a product of race mixing. Obama is a product of race mixing and despite what right wingers think of him he's still far more respected around the world than our current president.
>Pivoting the argument to physical looks rather than genetics
Before 1968 you would have been right, now the left is part of the system and can't live without it, communist revolutions happedned in a time when people were still poor farmers and industrial workers, people with a predisposition to colectivism, modern left is autistically individualist and basically couldn't exist outside our "modern" societies, old socialist said that those who doesn't work shouldn't eat, can you imagine modern left supporting someone that said work hard, don't do drugs, have children... and kill, socialist flag is red because it represents that those people were going to fight... meanwhile modern left is pacifist.
The modern left is a joke, and has the same beliefs that the system, they cry: more system, more system!!! as said by Ted Kaczynski in his manifesto. you believe that they want to destroy the system but the truth is that the system is self-destructive.
>Multiculturalism is also what destroyed the Roman Empire
You're implying that racially homogeneous societies are weak. This is also revisionist garbage. There's no singular focal point that cause the fall of the Roman Empire. It was a succession of fuck ups by leadership. The rampant corruption didn't help either.
But the point still stands that the most lasting empire and successful empire was a multiracial one.
I'm not American but even i think Obama was a joke, his only legacy is the further geopolitical weakening of America and the further racial divide within America. Thanks to Obama the Dems fucked themselves in the ass by becoming exclusively a party of non-whites, which is why they continue to push for mass illegal immigration and anti white rhetoric to desperately gain more votes.
Cope, nigger.
One can say it's because of the mainstream media swaying retard's opinions which actually
Does not represent the opinions of rational minded people, Obama was a Communist and I won't forget what Communism has done.
>Evil is good to retards
I'm not implying anything. Reports of people who were there does the speaking for me
>How dense are you
>Not an argument
All I'm reading is a bunch of hurt feelings and coping.
>his only legacy is the further geopolitical weakening of America and the further racial divide within America
Trumps has done literally 10x more to contribute to that and in half the time than Obama ever did
>Except it wasn't the way you're saying it is nationalities lived separately.
Those who embraced Roman culture could walk the Bazaars and engage within the cities but as Mutt hordes do they escalated Rome's decline.
my point is to disprove the claim
>No other people group themselves as some monolithic group like European diaspora
black people do this as well
Shut up, ugly abomination.
Trump is an idiot but he's still immeasurably better than anti-white fucks who want to turn America and the rest of the western world into 3rd world.
Actually Obama was a joke a sick joke to Americans. America should be a Republic not a Communist state
The fall of the Roman empire is complicated and nuanced, there's no one main issue for why it fell when there was so many