Incels shows genuine desire to improve himself

>incels shows genuine desire to improve himself
>berate him and crush his motivation in its infancy
Had to be done. These people are hopeless.

Attached: Otage.png (600x600, 324K)

this is my fetish


>not helping incel bros make it
cringe and bluepilled aiste

Attached: sniperfrog.png (259x194, 86K)

As you should

Never has there been a more based user

Attached: cutie.jpg (600x600, 33K)

Tie me down and step barefoot on my chest.

Of course it is someone's fetish. How did I not think of that.
I have literally no obligation to help them. Not my fault. All they want is pity. It's extremely unattractive. In the end, they'll just lash out at you for reasons that only make sense to them.

Attached: Flamme.png (600x600, 117K)

you just do it because it reminds you that you have and can try it yourself so it triggers you and you pull everyone down into the misery pit

you don't have to help them true but you don't have to hurt them while theyre trying to escape
Only bully the ones who're hostile

Attached: 1564094853509.png (738x669, 228K)

Incels don't want to improve

have you visited Jow Forums fren? that board is full of incels trying to improve

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imagine getting off by bullying suicidal people

Are those real stats ?

>that board is full of incels trying to improve

Incels are retards and too stupid to realize it's not their appearence making them incel

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the tranny one is

Attached: 1936193621.png (225x224, 23K)

I hope so.

Attached: Ratainicza.png (600x600, 111K)

I want to break into your house while you're alone at night. I want chase you and pull your pants off, then jackhammer your ass while pushing your cheek against the floor, tears and drool pooling around it.

based and bluepilled tranny

Attached: 1564335899355s.jpg (250x250, 5K)

>avatarfag highclassposting

Attached: [UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_15_[BD][h264-720p_AC3][084A1D96].mkv_snapshot_21.37_[2015.03.24_01.09.21].jpg (1280x720, 52K)

What's that?

Attached: Aspelenie.png (370x515, 96K)

you get really weird when you are on your period

Tfw when im that incel, and i will definitely make it. You faggot tranny posters will mire at how a man is supposed to look like, creatura de la mar.

Trannies are unironically more gross than incels

Attached: statistics.png (236x214, 53K)

That's quite sad actually, an unhappy and hateful suicidal tranny that makes things worse for an unhappy and hateful suicidal incel

How are you going to celebrate once Aiste the tranny kills himself?

How do you think bro??

Attached: dab.png (265x191, 38K)

check your email, laura

Absolute moron. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Attached: Ragaine.png (600x600, 310K)

Hello yes you are so right I will now go back in time and be born 6' and cuter face so easy holy shit how could I have been so stupid thanks OP ily so much.

Attached: unknown.png (379x550, 298K)

I swear to fucking god I just hid a thread with these exact tranny anime avatar postings. fuck off with your avatar posting

Post your feet. origi

last month you were just as crazy popping pills

also did you see the cute video :3