Panic disorder

>Panic disorder
>Anxiety disorder
>Avoidant personality
How fucked am I

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If you're male: grow up. If you're a female you live life in easy mode.

pretty fucked id say. id anhero so as to not drain resources

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I want to slowly approach you to make sure you don't run away, then I'll pat your head once I'm close enough.

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Did you diagnose yourself with those

I try but the worst part is dealing with schizophrenia. I can try covering up my anxiety related disorders but I feel like I'm fucked anyways

>Did you diagnose yourself with those

You can potentially be okay user. I was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder which is nominally similar to your condition, and things are going fine for me and slowly improving. How are you feeling? Were you just diagnosed? Would you like to talk about your day?

I was diagnosed in 2017. Feeling sad as usual. It's all I'm really used to. Today has been the same which was ok. I try to laugh as much as I can at the opportunity. How is life as a schizoid? Isn't that disorder for someone who prefers to be alone?

Supposedly, yes. I don't know if I was wrongly diagnosed or if people on the internet just have the wrong idea about it, but I'm not a total hermit or anything like that. I'm fine talking to people IRL but just prefer to keep my distance. I have a few internet friends who I occasionally play videogames or talk about life with and I find that very fulfilling. I do get lonely, but it seems like it takes far more for me to get lonely and much less to assauge the feeling, if that makes sense. I'm actually very emotionally intimate with the couple friends I do have. It's much easier online because whenever you don't feel like talking you can just pretend not to be around, and also because the people whose company I enjoy know what I'm like they're never offended or worried if I don't want to spend time with them. I don't really make enough time for my family and I feel bad about that, though. But it's just too draining for me. Life demands enough as it is.

What about you? What's your daily life like? Are you NEET? I was NEET for several years myself. Also, what led you to being diagnosed? I was sent to a therapist initially because of depression.

I guess with something like avpd it might be hard to make friends, but at least you have places like Jow Forums where you can reach out and have (occasionally) meaningful interactions with other people, I hope that helps you feel better every now and then!

>everyone can tell you're shy at all times because of nornalfag empathy xray vision reading your mind
How does one deal with the feel

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>crippling ADHD
It's alright I guess. Today's an amphetamine off day and I can't move.
don't think too hard about it. If you don't want to look shy just keep interacting with people until it stops bothering you.

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You might not be schizoid then. Don't know how old you are but if you're young those things could change over time if you're living with family.
I just do kind of the same things as you. Except im a neet currently. I have inattentive adhd too. Brain is basically fucked. The only ways I can be happy are through daydreaming and being an adrenaline junkie

>paranoid schizophrenia
Living life in the insane lane

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Probably schizoid here (don't really care to seek a diagnosis). It can be distressing at times to feel so disconnected from what society considers normal behavior, but I'm fine for the most part if I can just be left to my own devices. This past year has been the happiest of my adult life despite near-total social isolation because I've been keeping myself occupied with personal projects I find rewarding. I rarely feel depressed or lonely when I'm by myself and I'm damned thankful for that. It's only when I'm forced out into society that my shit starts to get fucked up (and as I'll have to get a job again soon, it feels like the good times are coming to an end).
I'm either going to end up happy as a reclusive novelist or miserable as a base wageslave.

I'm in approaching my mid 20s and live alone, I can quite happily go months without talking to family and the like but I tend to end up feeling guilty about it, then when I call them they start wanting to hear from me even more, it's a never ending cycle.
What sort of personal projects? Just writing, or other things too? Having a job sucks. It doesn't help that I'm a skilless plebeian and only ever get shitty retail jobs where I'm essentially paid to talk to people all day. I wanted to maybe become a night security guard but all the security jobs I can ever find are for guarding busy malls or nightclubs, which defeats the whole purpose of the appeal to me.

>What sort of personal projects? Just writing, or other things too?
Writing is the big one, and the one that gives me the most hope, however meager it may be. I've made a project of my own health as well; I changed my diet and starting exercising regularly about a year ago and have lost roughly 60 pounds since. Picked up weightlifting in April and I don't think I've ever been better physically.
Sounds like we're in the same boat when it comes to jobs. Ideally I'll find something where I don't have to deal with people, but I have the world's worst resume and it'll be a minor miracle if I can get hired at all. Two-and-a-half years as a grocery store bagger was the closest I'd ever come to a full-blown depressive episode and I'm terrified a similarly miserable existence is right around the corner. Just wish I could be left the fuck alone.

>made up disorders
Just grow up

I wish I wasn't so attached to my creature comforts so i could just go live in the woods or some shit.

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>high IQ
how fucked are you?

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>high IQ here

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pls user i am high IQ... i beat dr kashinwa's brain training in 2 hours and he said i was a very smart girl!

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>tfw Schizoid
How does love feel like, bros?

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if you're a girl >>>/tumblr/
if you're a "girl"

Dude like thats kinda yikes bro

Can't tell if this is bait
At one point you just don't know anymore. Maybe that's why people confuse avoidants for schizoid people alot

how the fuck do anxious people muster the courage to make an appointment with a doctor and then go meet the stranger and tell them about your personal life

apparently I'm not allowed to say I'm anxious unless a doctor tells me I'm anxious but I'm too scared to make a call or drive to one, so apparently I'm not actually anxious.

>how the fuck do anxious people muster the courage to make an appointment with a doctor and then go meet the stranger and tell them about your personal life
I havent gone to my general practitioner because I am afraid of the sexual activity question! Last thing I'm getting is an Israeli brain probe.

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>scared of the sexual activity question
just lie if it makes you uncomfortable user

it willl go away with time
im 27 and can do groceries all by myself
but no leaving home more than once a day yet

I'm a bad liar and would spill bags of sand everywhere. Also last time I went I had to sit around for like an hour and a half because i couldn't pee in their bathroom and then I peed too much and peed on my hands and pants and smelled like pee and they'd refer me to a psychiatrist and I can't do it.

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do you think everyone is out to get you and that cell towers are hurting you?

is it because they have their parents do it for them?
how the fuck am I supposed to make an appointment myself?

how do i "grow up" user?


It's easy just man up.

pls shut the fuck up i'm trying

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Man the fuck up you pussy ass bitch

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I was nearly avoidant, my social anxiety was so overwhelming that going outside meant I'd be covered in sweat and shaking. Generally as the years passed, I've stopped giving a shit about myself and others. This emotional numbness helps me cope and do what I need to do. Hell sometimes a tinge of happiness breaks through, it's extremely rare though.

I feel you, same situation. You're pretty fucked sorry to say. Get used to being alone my friend

suffering from GAD and OCD currently been on medical leave for 2 years, thank u gubbernment

>Kumiko posting
I say you're alright.

Get out of your comfort zone, trust me it works

I like to call that the "there's definitely something wrong with me but my psychiatrist was too lazy to work out exactly what it was" trifecta of personality disorders

wear a diaper next time you go outside, peepants.

>personality types
fuck yourself and I don't mean by fapping

it's called a personality disorder and it's something that a psychiatrist can potentially diagnose you with, brainlet.

Why are Kumiko posters always trans?

You are legitimately stupid. Please Kurt Cobain yourself

>high iq
>gyari image

dunno but you gave me a new tripcode to filter

Kumiko has great traits to aspire towards.

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Kumiko is nice. She's like a big sister

I have the same shit, it gets better overall but it comes and goes