Describe your ideal society

Describe your ideal society

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That sewage stream, though.

everyone works together in harmony but not like a hivemind. People genuinely live in peace but dont try to control eachother.
Preferbly against a common threat like aliens, demons or whatever. There is something neat and satisfying about teaming up towards an overwhelming enemy, the camerady and still having independence, you just all have a common goal.

one where people mind their own business and focus on what actually matters, like food, water, etc...

The Jews maybe?

legal drugs, trains everywhere, and trannies are prescribed a .50 bullet to the head instead of hormones

Basically like a fairy tale society where mostly everyone lives in peace and gets along.

Crime and violence still happens, but its very very rare.

Most of its people arent dumb.

Communities work together to solve huge problems and look after each other.

theyre only dangerous because of their manipulation, they divide people and stuff but once you put everyone against them its just a few weak people in high chairs. A genuine war against (((Them))) right now would mean you had to fight your own in the process first and several sides fighting for no reason, which we see in america right now

Village of no more than 200. No internet or modern technology. No connection to the outside world.
The amount of work and effort required to simply survive takes enough of the day to feel fulfilled.

We all work together to go to mars, them go to Europa and see what's under the ice and so on.
Always pushing further.

Futuristic agrarian.
Low density.
Green technology.
Everyone guaranteed a job and a home, wages scales of course but there is no Jeff Bezos like income inequality.
State enforced monogamy, ugly women know there place (with ugly men).
Classical music concerts in the gazebo in the park square require mandatory attendance.
Homosexuality is cured.
Asians and smart black allowed but no miscegenation.
No Jews.

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>fairy tale society where mostly everyone lives in peace and gets along.
doesnt sound like youve read too many fairy tales.

>shits on U*A and CP* ancestors
>whole population is beta nerds
>pacifists with big guns

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I would also like to live inside this painting.

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One where people live in small communities and focus on helping their family, towns, and the environment. People try to live simply while being as self-sufficient as they reasonably can be. People don't rely on international mega-corporations and governments to supply thier needs and wants, as most goods are either made within the community or rarely sought after. Tradition and modesty are respected and the beauty of life and the world is contemplated often. Marriage is not a legalistic mechanism but rather a contract legitimized by God or nature.

Of course, this society has been destroyed.

Where every human being is dead

I'm not talking about those fucked up scandinavian/Slavic fairy tales though.

China but for white people
China but for nerds
actually based average man's dreamland
hates society the most in this thread confirmed
aka the third world
you can just say you want to go to war man

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We already have societies like this.
They are called Amish.
And even they sometimes get sick of living in their communities and venture out the into world.

then what fairy tales are you talking about? the ones where fairys abduct children and replace them with goblins or whatever?

The superior localized ones for my non european sensibilities of course

Just me and a loyal dog in a barren nuclear wasteland.

Are yous seriously having an autistic shitfit over me using the term "fairy tale" to describe and idealized society?
When I say fairy tale I mean Disney like themes, not little kids getting baked into pies and old ladys poisoning hapless princesses.

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>When I say fairy tale I mean Disney like themes
oh ok, so nearly everone's mom is dead. got it.

>trains everywhere
>sensible drug laws
>third world
you've clearly never been to another country, or even left your mother's house

Blacks American culture with the violence removed is my ideal society.

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only one race of people

A scientific focused insular society with tints of isolationism, not too densely populated giving the average person room to breathe. Lawful and peaceful with virtually no corruption, psychedelics and some stimulants and downers are legal, sustainable long term and everyone is decently educated, to the point even HS dropouts outshine other countries dropouts. Everyone works together for one common goal: Meeting an alien civilization one day, or at least being able to create a colony on a habitable planet.

>Everyone work

I'm gonna stop you right there

>no more roasties
And this is bad because...?

unless your society has developed stable clone tech you need them to have babys.

yeah, one race, the human race

humans will be replaced with superior human ayy hybrids

you eventually WILL work because your life depends on it

>The Happening forced us all offworld and we're a nomadic spacefaring race slowly approaching a technological man-machine singularity since extracting resources for our weak human bodies is time-consuming and inefficient.

>brainlet cant into NEETbux

cringe 2bh

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>>trains everywhere
>>sensible drug laws

basically the two combined
it will become a shithole eventually if not because most drugs would be extremely abused and everyone would become a retarded junkie. There's actually a reason why most drugs are illegal. Alcoholism is already a problem, now turn that current state of it up to 100. Thats a legal drug society in reality

there won't be any neetbux if we are fighting aliens. The resources would all be pumped into the war economy
I suggest to kill yourself alternatively in this scenario

Workers democratically control the firms, everyone is well-educated, people follow personal and individualistic takes on deeply spiritual practices ranging from zen to quakerism, hardcore punk, extreme metal, traditional folk, and Baroque orchestral music are popular, exercise is a common outdoor practice, forests are everywhere, everyone lives in villages, lots of hot, thin Middle Eastern and Indian girls.

That was a fun exercise, but I notice I can reduce it to a personal level to see clearly what I want - to live in nature with a hot Indian wife, making money off creative pursuits.

Society where assisted suicide is legal

The ideal society is a dead society

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You guys would like Suicidal Depressive Black Metal

>Genetic engineering splits humanity into a ruling caste and a slave caste
>Ruling caste is made up of brutal geniuses
>Slave caste is bred to subservience to the ruling caste, basically like golden retrievers are to people
>Africa, India and Ceylon, South America east of the Andes, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea have been depopulated and are wilderness again
>Ruling caste devotes itself to art, science, and raping the slave caste
>Slave caste accepts this as the natural order of things

Basically these. Communism basically. We would still have technology and we would still advance but it wouldn't tear our communities apart. People live in small communities of 50-150 people, the environment we evolved to live in. Introverts cease to exist because everybody in a community feels as though they can trust and bond openly with one another. Everybody in these communities have things in common and nobody feels different or like they don't belong. I believe that's the best environment for a human to live in. Its a shame that these things are essentially impossible in the modern era.

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You guys would like Suicidal Depressive Black Metal

not talking about selling heroin in stores to kids, there would obviously be some restrictions, but locking people up just because they choose to consume certain substances is morally wrong and doesn't work. people will do drugs regardless, it's much better if they have a cheap and clean source instead of overdosing, fueling organized crime, and having their lives ruined by the state. also, if everyone mindlessly does drugs just because they're there, then why doesn't everyone smoke tobacco and drink every day? providing accurate information on drugs and their effects does far more to reduce use than futilely attempting to stop the supply

Amish still live like that and you can join them if you really want to

Workers democratically control the firms, everyone is well-educated, people follow personal and individualistic takes on deeply spiritual practices ranging from zen to quakerism, hardcore punk, extreme metal, traditional folk, and Baroque orchestral music are popular, exercise is a common outdoor practice, forests are everywhere, everyone lives in villages, lots of hot, thin Middle Eastern and Indian girls.

That was a fun exercise, but I notice I can reduce it to a personal level to see clearly what I want - to live in nature with a hot Indian wife, making money from creative pursuits, and maybe teaching.

3rd reich if it had been successful


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most people don't consume drugs because they are illegal and hard to get. Intake of substances would increase, the crime waves would go away maybe, but just for drug caused accidents like with cars, junkies becoming jobless/homeless in higher numbers (see how its already happening because of alcohol) and people becoming increasingly ill and problems with addiction rise. Also a huge majority of people already mindlessly indulge in alcohol and cigarette consumption. As I said, the numbers of problems associated with that times 100 would be the result, more substances, more intake

Mostly with law
>Give police in depth background reports
>Criminals can be drafted for military work/community service if they want to decrease their jail time
>Mental health test before you can get a gun
>Make it so certain laws have a harsher/less harsh punishment depending on degree(i.e having a illegal drug would be something like Ibsx0.5= jail time in months and fucking a baby would give 25 years while a 17 year old just a couple of hours of community service)
>Someone can legally euthanize themself if so needed but they would have multiple times to nope out
>Allow the homeless to live in old hotels
>Better education in general

A place whwre women know their place (with a man)
Men and women of lower tier genetics get realistic AI powered sex dolls
Net positive tax payers only get to vote
Veterans or Ready reserve status have the ability to be candidates for the executive branch of the govrnment
AI replaces the court but there is a high council appointed to oversee and vote on issues of higher importance
Net tax payers also can become candodates for a seat in the senate
AI controlls everything from traffic to pollice and emergency service dispatch
Everyone can have a gun and its encouraged
Sexual degeneracy (eg. Being gay, trans or whatever) will be treated as a mental illness
Drug laws are loose, can do whatever you want untill you start an incident or cause trouble
AI that controlls everything has all the info that big tech has just no humans ever get to see that shit (except for high govrnment officials but its anonymised with only an ID number shown).
Also the artificial womb exsists and is available for lower genetic tier people (the AI that is in every sex doll and controlls the nation using some advanced CRSPR tech builds its half of the genome adding genetics that will help the baby have a normal life and not be bullied or anything because of its genes)
And ofcourse a shut down switch for the AI exsists but the president whatever title it is is not encouraged to shut it down and use it only in dire emergency situations
The nation is semi isolationist, and education is held in high regard, where its encouraged to get a degree for the sake of better understanding the world around us and to better yourself and the nation.

A country full of the top % of every nonwhite group, and we just drone and bomb the fuck out of random white countries and take their resources

>>Allow the homeless to live in old hotels
Won't they just trash those hotels?

Not him, but actually there was a project in some city in California where they have the homeless people a free apartment. It was surprisingly effective - most of them found employment, and a lot of them kicked their additions.

Source? I've heard that drug addicts just trash the place they live in

Good thing babies are brought by storks and fall from trees in fairy ones :^)

top% of nonwhites

That would make roughly 200-300,000 of shitskins and niggers with an IQ over 120.

Hardly enough for a society capable of anything whatsoever.

I could get behind a fairy tale yaoi society.

Wrong, half the highest earners as it is are mostly nonwhite

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> Everyone
> Dead

Nobody will be unhappy.

one with way, WAY less people...

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>post 20 people.
this totally disprove user post.

You've clearly never read a fairy tale kek

England 500AD

>affirmative action
>roughly 1/3 of the list can even be considered non-white

Keep living in lalaland, nigger. How much do these shitskins earn in their home countries? Why is it that they earn more in white countries? Let that marinate.

>20 people
Please tell me you're pretending to be retarded user.

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>defeat the overwhelming enemy is fun scenario

Brainwashed tier.

>trains eveywhere
You have a problem sir, seek help.

get an imagination. This is gay.


>annoying memes of a poltard autist virgin

>capped the word god
Skipping this one too.

Oh shit an actual nice one except that doens't count as a society faggot.

nigger leave

Predictably some random tripfaggot actually tries to be genuine. Thanks but until we are all trips it's wasted.

so what would you like user?

London without the excessive immigration of the past 40 years

>no jail, no money, no toruture
>segregation into compatible personality types via districts
>no district over 500 in it's sum to keep things personal
>AI overlord and drones kill people that get out of order
>unkind people that cause more pain than pleasure in the villa are executed by AI and it's hive of drones
>the AI and drones are advanced enough to replicate indefinitely
>people do what they want in a republic of the many personalty type villas, each district with a representative of the highest abilty to solve abstract puzzles goes ot the republic as senator
>the senators collaborate with the AI overlord to insure more fun is had than efficiency as the AI is souly responsible for the cruel efficiency humans once had
>they are elected to scientific experimentation of biology and computer tech and chemistry
>the rest are happy cattle that play games whilst the automation keeps them alive and happy
>the AI kills any scientist elected senator(s) that attempt to change it's programming
>AI bot segregates to keep happy and kills anyone that creates civil unrest
>if needed the drones will instruct the humans to make appropriate work based on ability vs needs during drone malfunction
>laws of things like drugs, copyrights/patents, ages of consent, speeding, all things of the past
>people just live and let live in an old world tier of fun being allowed
>anyone ruins nice thing kill person with AI rather than trade freedom for safety
>there are no cars, we are local in body and use only VR to travel
>no one is allowed to travel as that could danger segregation so villas stay safe
>the villas are allowed to sparingly communicate online merely to trade media for the purpose of entertainment
>lost of indie game makers of 8bit games like cave story and such
>lots of indie manga makers
>lots of indie writers
>anything monopoly tier or very organized happens and it's killbot time
>full body VR via trackball you run on while standing

[comment long]

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while standing inside the ball with rounded shoes. I won't bother to draw a picture of the AI machine. Ancient in origin. Part of the societal construct. Every villa has one and they take turns. It is part of replication AI technology as re the villas themselves.


An emotionless society based on morals and worth ethic. No normalfag shit in the workplace, just straight work. No normalfag shit in the schools, just straight work. Work hard for a few hours a day so you can relax fully for the rest. There is no currency. Everything is free so long as you contribute to society in a way. One world government etc

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>live in abhorrent dystopia on a track to fall
>someone makes up imaginary world of peace
>laugh at it with no real retort in mind

Don't give me aids.


you mean japan?


how is it brainwashed? I love the camarady of a good challenge, and people are individuals who'd only join if an obstacle is great enough and affects all

Oh boy another fairy tale autist
You arent special r clever because you saw a watch mojo video about the original Pinocchio or rapunzel.

Pure meritocracy, in which people are tested by their physical fitness. aesthetic appearance, and mental agility. The top 10% of these (considered holistically) get to live in an interplanetary-going-on-interstellar/intergalactic/interuniversal paradise while the bottom 90% of each age group (tested at age 13) are forced to live as slaves in squalour and misery, sometimes tortured and cannibalised in front of their loved ones for the entertainment of the 10%.

You like it in video games and anime, but in reality it means you fear for your loved ones being murdered in mass, all for naught, by the empire.

That is dystopian as you can get. To be the maverick revolt that is destined to lose yet your cult tells you to march on and death to the empire when in reality your military ethics are the death of you and your loved ones.

Baka. It's a glorification of death. Your death. Most soldiers die when facing a superior enemy. Be it touching? Yes. Even when fake it's so touching a sob story.