comfy r9k rabbit room, discuss no gf and watch movies with us
"Join me on Rabbit!
comfy r9k rabbit room, discuss no gf and watch movies with us
"Join me on Rabbit!
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cmon bros what are you waiting for the enjoyment is just one click away
based and comfypilled desu, why did rabbit go to shit
girugamesh with us fellow weeaboos
thats because rabbit was abandoned and isn't payed for anymore kek, there's an alternate going up soon
Finally a rabbit thread, haven't seen one in ages
popcorn? I think that's alt coming out
the forces of reddit porn addicts have joined us
let us have a parley
I don't think popcorn will be that good to be honest
this shit has been streamed already over a dozen times in every Jow Forums room. Don't you niggers get tired of watching the same shit?
want to watch frozen or drive instead?
>want to watch frozen or drive instead?
yikes desu
id actually like to see drive. good choice user
I used to use a room but it mysteriously went away after the first one had already went away. So fuck it. It's unreliable. Also it's jewgle, you can get booted out as you could in a faggy discord way, why even care. It's getting shut donw too, thankfully.
this is why you might as well watch it, it's like rabbits last day. a memorial.
No fuck you, fuck google, and fuck robotst that leave the Jow Forums to invaders. Loyalty or death. They chose death.
loyalty to a dying board? topkek
room is still up, come join for comfy times
room is down for me
are you logged into rabbit and navigated to this url
should work
Yes it says, your room isn't open right now
same hier
sorry host left so room is locked, but movie is already over so we quit anyway, maybe next time lads