Does anyone else not get aroused by asses and tits?

Does anyone else not get aroused by asses and tits?
I have a shit ton of kinks but normal ones like those two have no effect on me.
It's embarrassing as hell and makes me feel like a subhuman.
Is it because of my mutt genes or something?

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You're probably really desensitized. Stop watching porn. I'm not even advocating NoFap, I'm saying don't fap for 2 weeks and then tell me how you feel about tits and ass.

I don't even watch porn. And I haven't wanked for the past week either.
I just think that something is wrong with me.

maybe you're just depressed or something.

My libido is dead too.

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What this guy said, decreased libido is a common trait of depression.

Not that I can relate. When I'm depressed I just wack off like crazy.

I have some bad news for you, lad

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>Is it because of my mutt genes or something?

I know you're likely just being ironic but the mutt thing is silly there is no "genetic disadvantage" conferred from being the offspring of two ethnicities no matter how many Jow Forums goblina memes you see. if anything, it may provide a leg up, because it may help you avoid negative recessive genes from taking effect. your parents' personalities give you an idea of how you might turn out, not their ethnicities. natural selection favors genetic diversity and "mutts". the philosophers posting on Jow Forums not only have shit base genes but are also often inbred from cousins, so it's shit mixed together with itself generation upon generation. the people suggesting being a "mutt" is a disadvantage are the ones who are likely much more dysgenic than most mutts. racial supremacy and racial purity are the defense mechanisms they use to convince themselves that their shitty lives are bearable because on some hidden level they're actually better than others (when in reality they're the ones in need of sterilization more than anyone).

when you first started looking at porn did those things attract you? could it be you've just become desensitized to "normal" porn because of consuming it so much? could it be there're just very particular types of boobs and asses you like which you don't see often?

Tits do it for me. I've never understood asses. Seems like such an arbitrary body part to find attractive. When people say "ass" are they including the vagina? Or just the cheeks? If it's only cheeks, that sounds as retarded as being obsessed with knees.
>oh yeah girl show me those knees
>hey bros, tits or knees?

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>I have a shit ton of kinks but normal ones like those two have no effect on me.
>It's embarrassing as hell and makes me feel like a subhuman.

Kinks make you a superior human being though. To find erotic value in the unusual is a sign of high intelligence. Only caring about "muh boobs" is what makes you subhuman. Embrace your kinks, and always explore new ones, provided you play safe and don't get AIDS from literal fags.

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So, you're saying that I'm superior for liking sharp teeth, slit mouths, long necks and reptile eyes on girls?

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That sounds pretty based to me, user.

It's the cheeks and the hole.

Well, this is 4chins after all. I guess I have no choice but to embrace it.

They turn me on immensely in real life. When a girl has nice tits or butt (and isn't fat) it even overrides whatever porn I'm watching. I'll be picturing whatever hot girl I saw in the office or public transport, fully clothed in whatever she was wearing when I saw her, at the moment I cum.

>durrrrrrrrrr an asshole i have no self control i must fuck
>durrrrrrr titties i have no self control i must fuck
you're just not a neanderthal. if you can't get hard when you're around a lady you like though, that's when you get worried

You have gay OP

Post your kinks

See oregonal

You're just a monstergirlfag.