I am convinced that nobody here reads or writes anything longer than three sentences. Only posts longer than five sentences are allowed in this thread.
Post at least six sentences or get the fuck out. Prove that you're capable of nuanced thought.
I am convinced that nobody here reads or writes anything longer than three sentences. Only posts longer than five sentences are allowed in this thread.
Post at least six sentences or get the fuck out. Prove that you're capable of nuanced thought.
Other urls found in this thread:
You fucked up badly by not writing five yourself.
A man who has nothing but dicks on his mind.
A man whose house he does not belong.
A man who knows not of the female body of any kind.
A man who sucks dicks all day long.
For OP is a faggot.
I know you will read this, go on Grindr and get TOPPED you need to lose your virginity and you come off as a faggot
That's a nice ass.
I went sleep at 7 and just woke up.
I just bought some nice refreshing lime white claw.
I am a little nervous to go to work tomorrow because on friday I got blackout drunk and spammed my work discord music channel on no-chill mode.
Nothing bad but still.
I also texted my ex that I work with that I didnt like one of her friends that we work with, then backtracked immediately.
I think she is smart enough not to repeat it but at the same time we both were following a no communication policy that I broke drunk as fuck.
Nervous about work tomorrow.
I miss her so much.
For some reason I'm banned on my phone network. What the actual fuck
Well you fucked up by reading "longer than five" as "equal to or greater than five". My meaning would have been more clear if you read the second paragraph, but porn and Jow Forums have fried your brain in a vat of semen and self loathing. Your only hope now is to read my post until the end, just to prove you can do it. Just two more sentences now. That's it. Good boy.
Why am I banned aiakdbskasve
>For some reason I'm banned on my phone network
This happens sometimes when you get saddled with an IP somebody else got banned on. That or the mods are cracking down on phoneposter IP ranges even for red boards.
Do your coworkers know that you get drunk at work? I don't think I would ever do that unless I got way deeper into alcoholism, although maybe with your job it isn't such a big deal.
You keep in changing the amount of sentences required to post in your thread, you say that only five sentence or above posts are allowed yet you post a three sentence post. Not to mention that just because some people prefer to shorten sentences to convey their message better doesn't mean they can't have nuanced thought. Besides a five sentence post will often just convey the same thing over and over, look at your own post! All it does is repeat the same idea over and over again. Though I suppose posting things like this makes your ego inflate doesn't it? You trash pile of a human being.
I dont get drunk at work. My coworkers know I drink heavily sometimes. I've gotten way too drunk at holiday parties, but nothing bad happened besides me making a fool of myself. I am vital to the company.
My work discord channel is just that a discord where we post memes and music and play games.
Eh. I think it's fine to make shorter posts as long as you're reading and replying to a longer post. Take it easy.
>Though I suppose posting things like this makes your ego inflate doesn't it?
Honestly I get butthurt when people (especially me) longpost and nobody replies.
i don't have to prove anything to you you fucking nigger.
Oh I understand. I thought you had a team discord that you only accessed on the company network or something.
I think you'll be fine unless you were spamming something offensive. At worst somebody might tease you about what you do on Friday nights.
I'm not asking you to prove anything to me. I'm asking you to dig deep and prove something to yourself. Aren't you tired of this seven word slump you've gotten into? Don't you want to read a whole paragraph without getting tired? Don't you want to see what you create when you try to create something?
Just give it a shot friend. You might surprise yourself.
>Honestly I get butthurt when people long post and nobody replies
Well to be fair 99% of posts here are short because that usually conveys ideas on a quick, easy to consume way. There are some exeptions, but there is a reason places like Twitter and other such sites feature a character. You have to, to an extent, entertain your "audience" and without a visual aid it's a far more difficult feat than it first appears. I probably jumped too quickly to a conclusion from your original post though.
Fuck the transgenders.
Fuck the homosexuals.
Fuck those who watch anime.
Fuck the avatar fags.
Fuck Jow Forumsfags very originally.
And, of course, have sex OP!
another tripfag, huh? haven't seen you around here before. are you as pompous as kappu, with that pretentious name you have? or is it just a cute little name you use? anyways, it's nice to meet you!
I'm sure I know the char in your pics. But I can't quite place it. I'm a bit lost. So. I need to ask. Please tell me the name of that character. Would you be so kind?
i don't really feel like i'm in a slump. i can express my thoughts concisely if i want to, it's just that there isn't usually very much going on here in the way of stimulating discussion
>muh roasties
>muh faggots
>muh niggers
it's just not worth the effort most of the time.
Clearly the length of a post isn't a good in itself, but it is an indication that the ideas are more substantial, nuanced, or detailed. Where posts are longer, discussion is usually better.
Shortposts have their place. Brevity is crucial for wit, and if you can compress an idea into a single sentence it becomes much more quotable. Also, you never want to waste people's time.
Shorter is better when possible, but it isn't always possible, and when you're on a longer wavelength and you want somebody else to meet you there it can be terribly lonely. It feels awful to post a long feels thread and watch it just slide off the board.
>is it just a cute little name you use
It displays unwarranted self importance so it has potential for humor. I think it's silly.
It's nice to meet you too.
Juri Han
True, but that's true because this board is full of angry cumbrains socialized by Jow Forums and twitter. We need to rehabilitate them.
I'm horribley depressed and have nobody to talk to. I saw a post on an app called Meetup today for people in their 20s/30s to get together with their dogs. I brought my dog but nobody was there. The two of us walked around for about a half hour before I went to check the post to see that the host cancelled because she got sick. I have no clue how you meet people or make friends or do anything. I live in awful suburbs. I'm 24 and just so desperately wish I had 2-3 friends to hangout with.
I'm also 24 and I'm in the same boat. I wonder if adults even have friend groups, or if they all just have friends from a while back that they call or meet up with every now and then.
ironic narcissism is still narcissism
I don't really agree with this. Does pretending to be retarded make you retarded? I don't think it does.
He correctly called you out on failing to write at least six sentences. Four is less than six, after all.
Imagine being this braindead lole!
I think it's just the nature of low efford shitpost. People rather post 'have sex' than actually engage in a conversation, so this scares off anyone who thinks about writing anything above 3 lines.
Also someone should really write a in-depth guide on how to become a femboy. Seriously.
Something something something I'm depressed. Something something something why am I alone? Something something something no I dont ever leave my room why'd you ask? Something something something tfw no gf. Something something something boy-pussy.
There, that's this entire subreddit in a nutshell. All of you are brainless automatons.
Why are you here? Be honest with me.
>Jow Forumsfag complaining about Jow Forumsfags
Is this how they camouflage themselves?
>not a single race line
>Jow Forumsfag
so this is the power of the LGBT community?
>progressives don't care about gender or sexuality lol they just hate racists
Dumb frognigger
It's not very 'robot-like' so I'll probably catch shit for it, but I've recently moved into my girlfriend's place. This normally wouldn't be out of the ordinary, but I feel like it's slowly driving me insane.
I have a thing with smell. I don't just mean I have an extremely good sense of smell, I mean smell is the most impactful sense I have. My mood can be heavily effected by what scents I smell at a given time, with certain scents having particularly potent effects on me.
It's her fucking scent. I love her scent. It's the reason I took as much of an interest in her as I did when I first met her. It's phenomenal and borderline intoxicating to me and I live right in the thick of it.
Her scent is everywhere in the house and I find myself secretly sniffing various things that frequently find themselves rubbing against or touch her skin. I'm constantly harder than diamonds and just being in the house puts my sexdrive into overdrive.
Jesus fuck, what do I do?
Wouldn't being a femboy require a certain body type, inherently making it impossible for certain people to achieve?
I hate lgbt shilling but im no racist nor am I a polfag and I never claimed to be progressive
>Jesus fuck, what do I do?
Have you told her? She might find it weird or endearing depending on her personality.
There's a lot of things which can suppress libido, maybe you should look into them.
I've mentioned it before, but I think it may have come off as a bit understated. She knows that I have a good nose and that I'm drawn to certain scents, she actually likes it when I smell her during sex or cuddling, but I think she sort of underestimates how potent an effect she has on me.
I'm scared of taking any sort of drug to reduce my libido, so I haven't considered that as an option. I've largely just been jacking off while smelling clothing, bedsheets, or towels in order to keep a handle on things when she's not around.
Nah man don't worry a couple shots of rubbing alcohol in the testicles twice a day should deal with your problem
Think I'll keep my balls and stick to my current method, thank you very much.
OP, you're such a fucking brainlet it hurts to read this thread. "Only post longer than six sentences or get the fuck out!", yet you barely post anything worth reading. It's pretty pathetic to see someone try and fail so hard as you have.
It took me like, 3 or 4 seconds to read your entire post yet you consider that "nuanced thought", and what for the rest of your garbage half-posts in this thread? They're on the same level of garbage as the first. You really are a fuckin subhuman OP, aren't you?
Lately I've been feeling more confident. Anxieties are disappearing and opportunities I thought didn't exist have revealed themselves to me. I'm finally beginning to see the value in platitudes and all the meme advice you read on /sig/. I feel like I'm finally seeing the light and for the first time in years I'm optimistic about the future.
>at least six sentences
get raped
whats the point to writing a long post if the message can be delivered with a short one? the words are just the medium of communication they dont matter individually what matters is the content of the post
Please read thread
I appreciate your concern here OP, there's few things I dislike more than posters who fuck off with few bits of elevated discussion.
The best times I have had on here and Jow Forums as a whole are when I can enjoy writing long paragraphs discussing our lives and the problems with it, or interesting ideals and things in general.
Though that being said for one you are a brainless tripfag and for two you gave nothing interesting for discussion to take place.
They are truly the best posts, but they organically arise form the situation and not from enforcing arbitrary sentence requirements with no topic of discussion.
Breed and nurture the cerebrum required for proper discussion, don't force it through attention whoring shitposts.
Choke on a bag of dicks with you and your reddit spacing too.
Do you see the sun in the east?
A sign of freedom and light
We are struggling together, living together and will die together.
Let come whatever may come.
Why hesitate now?
Don't you have an amerimutt blood in your veins?
op you are a dumb nigger
"Busy busy busy!",said Snaa,caressing the ripening tomato with a touch of Blightfinger. Taoot looked on,speculative and nearly bored. "I admire your enthusiasm, and wonder where you find it. Too long has it been since these Sowers gave our ilk the proper deference. "
"Past past past!",jeered Snaa,somersaulting onto another,black welts forming on the orange skin where his claws scraped it on landing."Sowers lost the way! We haven't, so we do our task briskly briskly briskly!"
"I miss the blood. It's taste,the way the good soil drank it. It kept us sated,and the Sowers knew. Not now."
Taoot rested his muzzle on his paws. His glance fell on a fieldmouse munching the tender buds of the flowers bordering the field in the moonlight. It froze in catatonic shock,and a moment later an owl scooped it up and carried it off. Taoot yawned.
"Knew knew knew! No one knows now what to do. Pay pay pay the cost they who lost the Way!" Snaa watched the owl soaring off,approvingly,balancing between two bulbous tomatoes, already shriveling from his toxic touch. A brisk night's work,and a whole other field to dance through still. Snaa smiled,and sprang towards the next row.
Taoot rose,stretched and followed Snaa,pausing only to gaze at the barn ahead until a squeak was cut off short by one of the tomcats that haunted the farm. And then Taoot flew to the ground with phantom wings,and stalked the vines on padded paws. A mole surfaced before him,grasping a flailing worm in its pointed snout. The gartersnake snatched its fear frozen form and plunged back down its tunnel. Taoot's eyes seemed to focus with slitted pupils where the mole met its end. His work was barely begun too. Let the Sowers suffer. The Old Folk will have their due whether they know it or not. They had endless time,and this nights work had just begun.
>Choke on a bag of dicks with you and your reddit spacing too.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine.
Go back twelve years in the archive and you'll find "reddit spacing" all over the place. Hell, read EMAILS from twenty years ago you'll find reddit spacing all over the place. If you don't double space then you wind up with ugly text blocks whenever you write anything long enough to require paragraphs.
The only reason dumb 2016 era shitposters don't know this is that they have never (literally not once) made a post longer than four sentences long. It took an tsunami of retards on the scale of the 2016 election to make this stupid meme broadly accepted.
Are you writing a story and you're posting part of it here?
It's not often that I am presented with the opportunity to improve that I immediately reject the call the arms, instead I find my every effort goes into the constant and unobstructed drive for improvement that I was born with. We were never meant to stay the same, like things are never meant to stay still. Though I must admit, I do often find that I have a tendency to run out of things to say very quickly, understandably, since, as you mentioned most posts on this website only ever last for a sentence or two. Recently I've found very often in writing song lyrics that I can't always finish a song, or that my writing seems directionless. That may be because I live my life without much direction. Most things I do are very spur of the moment, and recently I'm been improvising lyrics and freestyling songs to improve my ability to come up with more things to talk about. In fact, that is why I chose to write this, that's all for now though, I think I'm out of things to talk about.
Are you in a band? Tell me about it.
generally i dont read posts with less than a few lines and do read longer posts
Do you think? I think. I think I'm winning. Oh look, I'm close now. I am very close. I've won.