What is it about it that makes white women LOVE it and white men HATE it?
What is it about it that makes white women LOVE it and white men HATE it?
>white men HATE it?
i jerk off exclusively to it tho
you're chinese tho
men aren't women orig
i'm not chinese tho
>i'm not chinese tho
Dating site statistics say otherwise, OP. Unless you think statistics are racist. If that's the case, 13 50.
Cucked porn is marketed to most white men
>Dating site statistics
Yeah im sure those are just ever so reliable
I just wonder really what makes "white" American incels fantasize over it so much. So much so that an entire industry has spawned out of nowhere just to cater to those "white" American incel needs. After all women make up less than 1% of blacked porn viewers.
So why do left wing "white" American incels love blacked porn so much?
They're deranged self-hating mongrels
>>Dating site statistics
>Yeah im sure those are just ever so reliable
What's better?
Why do you feel the need to post threads on this topic? Why the bait? Why do you feel the need to download pictures of women sucking ape dick just to post it on a site? Are you a cuck? Or do you feel the need to bait bots into responding with a angry comment? If you were a white man there would be something seriously wrong here... Well no matter what your race is, finding this enjoyable shows that you have deep phycological issues.
He's a mentally ill jewish man, he can't help it
Well for one seeing wh*tes seethe over something so trivial as interracial porn is pretty entertaining
The girl in the pic is Mexican. She dyes her hair blonde.
She's clearly a Caucasoid, dipshit.
racism. it's easier to characterize the black actors as forces of nature rather than people, which makes the porn less depressing. it's the irl equivalent of tentacle porn.
This, vast majority of people who get off on this are consciously or subconsciously racist, they see this as degrading to have to fuck a black guy and that is a turn on in the same way people get off on watching women fuck animals
I like the contrast imo.
Though I wish they would use more goth pale girls instead of blondes. It looks way better aesthetically.
I smell matzah ball soup...
Seething wh*toid bitch detected
>tfw no working torrents of that porn video