>fat with small tits and no ass
>three inch clit
Should I just fucking end it?
pics or it didn't happen you slag
No, its embarrassing. Plus, I can't even take pictures of my face without let alone my disgusting clit.
>three inch clit
like, an actual clit?
big clits are pretty hot
Yes, an actual clit. If I was a tranny I feel like I could use that to actually get male attention. I never get any male attention, at least not positive attention anyway.
do you happen to be a hyena?
... No?
Doesn't help you're fat, can't say much about how ugly you are but i'm sure you would get some attention if you lost some weight. I don't think the clit is what's staving off attention.
Do you know why your clit is like that? I feel like it's usually some hormone influence or intersex condition or something, which would probably influence what you look like.
get cigar clipers and cut it off. dont forget to post video of it here.
I don't know if I'm intersex but its probably a hormonal type thing. My body overall is pretty masculine. I don't have any curves or anything.
> unless you are a 1 or a 2/10, only the very top will care
> gym, problem solved
> nobody fucking cares
The only problem is in your mind
>implying a guy won't mistake it for a micropenis and be disgusted with me
lol ok
>three inch clit
Would you ever fuck a guy with it? That sounds like it's enough to poke my prostate. Might have to lose some weight to get close enough, though.
>>three inch clit
peg me mommy
He's referring to female hyenas having huge clits that are bigger than the males' penises.
Oh. I didn't know about that.
Eat shit!
>woe is me, no one likes my big clit
>eat shit, guys who want to play with my clit
I'm not interested in being masculine or dominant in anyway. I want to be cute and feminine and submissive but as long as I'm stuck in this disgusting body, I'll never be.
Isn't forcing yourself to be dominant despite wanting to be submissive an act of submission unto itself? What if Chad demanded that you fuck his ass with your clit and that you'll be a good girl for doing so?
I'd still feel dominant and masculine
>>fat with asymmetrical ugly tits and no ass
>Should I just fucking end it?