Create yourself and guess other peoples' jobs and hobbies

Create yourself and guess other peoples' jobs and hobbies


Attached: 94097_IGRqeQqZ.png (600x600, 266K)

>This site can't be reached.

I guess that your job/hobby is anything that doesn't have anything to do with computers.

uh i guess this is kinda me

Attached: me_sorta.png (600x600, 122K)

I am not the Original Poster

You can't be that dumb. Right?

Yeah I'm the original poster and I'm saying that you're stoopid

Closest resemblance I could create, I'd guess your job involves art, probably LGBT too.

Attached: download20190700222850.png (600x600, 192K)

It's impossible to not look like a fag.

Attached: imemineimemineimemine.png (600x600, 253K)

it's like gay blonde jesus

I don't have a job and I lift weights. That pin on the right of my chest is the "lesbian flag" though. I'm not a big pride person but it had the option so I went ahead.

You look like you like writing or story telling in some way. You probably play old RPGs.

jobless but probably have a college degree
probably like art
work in a restaurant maybe
student, no job
you look like you're in a band, and work in a coffee shop or something to actually make money

Attached: 94097_CsAR3F8s.png (600x600, 255K)

So so it's pretty accurate then.

I am jobless and I didn't finish college but I was going to do creative writing if I got far enough along.

You look like you have a crappy retail job but express yourself on the weekends.

About 95% accurate

Im curious what you guys think

Attached: 94097_bkau5eEg.png (600x600, 164K)

Somewhat correct, I like RPGs and JRPGs, including older ones, and I do like reading. I don't write though.

I am a student, I do work a part-time job however. Probably wrong but you look like someone who'd work at a host club.

Wild guess but something related to finance and business?

that's pretty good, I quit my job a few months ago though

Would anyone hug me?

Attached: me2.png (600x600, 150K)

Best I could do. Not trans, just a fag. Gl I guess

Attached: 94097_P1x1xW2Y.png (600x600, 229K)

What's the point of these anymore lol.
If you made these once a week I'd understand but there's been 3 in the last 24 hours

Attached: 94097_ts8BWdFB.png (600x600, 202K)

You seem cool.
Don't be scared, blonde jesus.
You seem like vanilla ice cream.
I bet you're a tranny.
NOW were talking, doomer man

Attached: download20190700165302.png (600x600, 209K)

My vagina is natural, sorry.

Posted this in the other thread yesterday.

Oh hey what up my twin.

Attached: download20190706103348.png (600x600, 152K)

Hey pretty accurate
Im a mechanical engineer

Likes using discords and sends thigh pics to any retard who asks for them
Uses Steam likes saying he play dwarf fortress and shit like that but all he does is play minecraft or csgo
Really edgy secretly always wants to be sasuke. This person is jobless
This is a shitposter who listen to black metal poop metal etc
Zoomer who listens to retro music and thinks drive is the greatrst movie ever. This person has a job and lots of friends but still complains about life
Extremely edgy has taken the blackpill is a certified incel.
Closet fag will inevitably become a trap

Attached: 94097_gDOVLgSO.png (600x600, 168K)

Lots of these threads lately. It's a fun idea though, I suppose.

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Well thats good. Ginger chicks are the best

this is me but my hair is dyed blond at the bottom.
I am unemployed and my parents give me rent money and allowance.

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The preset face is far too handsome/charming than I am it would be inaccurate.

:\ its not the best but its close

Attached: 94097_2zOvBu1i.png (600x600, 171K)

A lot more accurate than my last attempt
Creative sort, either a student or NEET
9-5 wageslave who enjoys vidya
Student, vidya
NEET that wants to be a musician
Student, probably something creative like drawing
Some kind of mid level office job, you like anime

Attached: betterportrait.png (600x600, 183K)

Art hoe who posts on drug thread. Wants to do try benzos and shit like that but is to stupid to get any drugs except DXM and weed
The fuck bitch Im supposed to guess that

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atheist, considers self nihilist. thinks he has narcissistic personality disorder but probably doesn't
you can grow a good beard if you try
made yours with a loose hand and not paying attention really
wishes he lived rural, cant
minor asperger

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yea im sorry i just thought it would be best so i don't have to tell everyone i regret doing it now

No job, some gay shit
Bland af, probably a wagecuck, you probably have some fun hobbies like vidya but nothing too active.
Edgy E-boy, no job, video games- anime- anything a faggot like you would do
Based, no clue about job, no clue about hobbies, you seem cool tho
Would get ENxP on mbti tests, idk it's hard to imagine any of you having jobs, something music related as hobbies or something else that's creative
You seem like a dark pit for some normal guy
That hair
hi scott pilgrim
Tintin eyes
again so fuckin bland
you play guitar or bass 100%

Attached: download20190700231123.png (600x600, 200K)

You are a student, and probably prefer cantelope to watermelon

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did my best, not perfectly accurate but not bad either

Attached: download20190700221647.png (600x600, 202K)

>NEET that wants to be a musician

>Wishes he lived rural, cant

I'm actually moving to the country next week! Landed a great job! Very intuitive of you. I'd be a farmer in a heartbeat.

congrats man, i wish i could escape this commie hellzone

>that hair
Accurate. Plan to cut my hair soon so I'm more of a humanbeing.

Fuck these threads who even gives a shit.

Attached: 94097_hBiebNJ5.png (600x600, 254K)

You could probably rock long hair user, you just gotta style it

Job: wellfare collection
Hobbies: pissing on people, burning bugs

Nobody, is just fun trying to recreate yourself with those character makers.

this man has comprehended it

Usually just braid it to keep it out of the way. I want to get rid of the blonde but don't have the means rn. Hairs a wild thing

Artist working in some part time job
Student at the college
Sales Assistant in a music store
A member of a small metal band
Freelance graphic designer that used to do stuff on Tumblr
Delivery man
College Student
College student
Lives of his parents
Said by the user itself
Sales assistant at some alternative shop
College dropout
Bar waiter
Freelance musician that does part time work
Warehouse waiter
STEM student

Attached: Image4chan.jpg (600x600, 28K)

This picrew is actual shit. it's impossible to make anything that looks remotely masculine, but I guess that wouldn't be a problem for you, would it?

Pretty close to being accurate

Attached: Screenshot_20190728-232736_Chrome.jpg (998x1013, 202K)

>gay anime character maker
>comes with faggot pride buttons
>people actually mass-replying like this faggot

Jesus what is wrong with you fucking tranny retards.

9-5 job
Cab driver or stoner
Angry at stuff, makes pop punk in basement
Listens to joji unironically
IT nigga

Attached: 95CA594E-95A3-41BF-A45F-586375238958.jpg (510x490, 46K)

>Freelance graphic designer that used to do stuff on Tumblr
Pretty close! I do art commissions and left when they did the dumb lewd purge.

I'd say you're a college student but you're close to getting kicked because you spend too much time working on your soundcloud

freelance photographer

Attached: 670A1BCA-2966-4362-B08E-665F6D6D8B8D.jpg (600x600, 37K)

>Pretty close! I do art commissions and left when they did the dumb lewd purge.
That's what I though

Shit didn't realize Id clicked on the plaster.

Attached: download20190700223909.png (600x600, 267K)

>Freelance musician that does part time work
damn user wish i was good enough to be a freelance musician, but i do play a few instruments and i work part time
I can't really guess a job so i'm gonna say part time work too, and you seem like the musical type. I bet we would be friends user.

this is kinda me, slightly longer hair and other stuff

Attached: asdaw.png (600x600, 207K)

likes yung lean
unable to chill
grindr user

I haven't dyed my hair white but genetics are decoloring my hair at a fast rate so at least 20% of it is white i'd say

Attached: 94097_1LNeLkcG[1].png (600x600, 172K)

correct I do use grindr fuck

>College dropout
Nope, I reckon you're an IT worker
>Angry at stuff, makes pop punk in basement
First half is correct
I think you're a student, maybe you skate

Also I think you're a manager or something

Kinda close, I am studying in an area that teaches leadership

>Art hoe
No dice.

>lives with parents
I live with my dad, yeah. Not a NEET tho.

Attached: Moomin2.png (225x225, 4K)

I have a lot of friends that play an instrument though I don't have any kind of musical knowledge, I just like to listen to it, I'm an Economics student, but everyone in this thread thinks that I'm an IT guy

Closest thing i could do.
I normaly dont wanna show anything that looks like me. but this is a Drawing basicly so ill post it :)

Attached: download20190700235810.png (600x600, 187K)

this one should be obvious given certain parts of the pic

Attached: download20190700180538.png (600x600, 197K)

I wouldn't consider myself an incel but I don't like most women
Im a mechanical engineer, getting a promotion soon to manager
I am an atheist and semi nihilist and im selfish but not narcissistic
I don't know what being a dark pit means lmao
Nothing close to a NEET

I was I am an autistic neet who just plays vidya all day. i do have a law degree tho

>Im a mechanical engineer, getting a promotion soon to manager
Congratulations user. Nice that I was closest.

I never do these so why not this time?

Attached: 94097_nKjzNoRh.png (600x600, 271K)

im curious really

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miles edgeworth, is that you?

Seems good enough to me
Only originally of course

Attached: 7E233736-E1A0-4639-85F5-B4918EBAC8BC.png (600x600, 248K)

first impression?

Attached: flipflop.png (600x600, 154K)

damn my eyes aren't black they're blue

my english professor ?

You're a mascot for some sports team
Wannabe youtuber
Fast food employee
Something regarding cinema idk why
Wannabe musician
Art dude
Videogame dude
Fat & Unemployed
Radio guy
Gamer girl stream with no tiddies out
Math guy
Sports guy
You sell weed in California
Sex worker
Very dirty sex worker

Attached: IMG_20190728_101548.jpg (1028x1033, 172K)

cosplay or music, you're a student.
being ben 10, or alternatively, something to do with literature or humanities

Attached: download20190700191003.png (600x600, 211K)

you skate and freelance?
drug abuser
not like the other girls
retired policeman
video games neet
pro choice activist
emo student
pizza delivery service

not that much of a sissy

im in the navy lol thats why i have the clothes

minus the NEET and yea

closest thing i could get to my jewfro

Attached: download20190700191915.png (600x600, 180K)

you smoke ciggies, definitely

nah man, i'm not stupid enough to fuck with nicotine

>all that lgbtq shit
>made by a tumblrite

no thanks

Fuck I saw the sailor outfit and thought of Japanese high schoolers. Fucking weeb me I guess.

I bet you play hella guitar or another instrument

i played saxaphone in 4th grade if that counts

eh not literature but im a big history nerd im a student

wrong tag im very tired have a good night

Bro i wish i was sporty. I need a Broncho spray before doing any Sport activity :((

How did I do with an original comment

Attached: download20190700173819.png (600x600, 187K)

student into sports
music loving wannabe anime student
low wage job, is either trying to dress retro-ish or like a kpop guy with that floral print.
into some sort of kink scene
likes or lives in cold weather currently. mean.
nervous sweaty student.
harry potter fanfic author
child abuse victim or just an insomniac

Attached: download20190700163128.png (600x600, 195K)

All I get from that photo is that you like books, I think its the glasses.

This fella likes art, music, paintings, everything.

Anyways, what do yall think of me?

Attached: me.png (600x600, 159K)

i am very much an insomniac

Not so much though I am a teacher

thats better than my other suggestion. I go through bouts of it myself user. shit sucks.
>This fella likes art, music, paintings, everything.
true enough
I would guess youre some kind of metal head from the long unstyled hair.

Eccentric gay boy, into lots of typically feminine activities

Attached: 94097_qUUpcagj.png (600x600, 199K)

>I would guess youre some kind of metal head from the long unstyled hair.

Spot on with this one.