why aren't you a vegan?
give me one good argument against veganism, ill wait. its unethical to eat meat, debate me
why aren't you a vegan?
give me one good argument against veganism, ill wait. its unethical to eat meat, debate me
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Suck my cock and balls, veggie cunt.
whats that meat eaters? you cant logically justify your unethical behavior?
its unethical and hypocritical of you to kill and eat animals who dont want to die. you just just as evil as the slave owners or the people who commit genocide against humans
you have no arguement to make. its unethical to eat meat. animals are sentient and conscious
I did it once for a period of 8 months with my ex spouse, I do prefer a vegan diet but it is easiest for me to eat salmon, chicken, and occasional turkey for cheap and delicious protein.
There is really no vegan equivalent thus far in my experience, maybe if my appetite for hearty foods subsides I could do it again. I ate raw vegan so loved the washboard abs
eating animal products is basically the equivalent of torturing animals for your pleasure. its 100% needless and not necessary, fruits, vegetables and beans can give you just about every single form of nutrition in existence, bar vitamin b-12 and a couple others, which is corrected with supplementation
all mammals and birds and some reptiles and fish are conscious and sentient and are able to feel emotions such as pain or love or lust just as well as a human can. but we systematically and needlessly abuse them for our pleasure because we are more powerful
listen to the pigs screaming in this video, tell me how this is morally justifiable to raise a pig in a small cage that it cant move in for its entire life, and then kill it like this
if you eat meat you are supporting an evil unethical industry, far worse than slavery of niggers
ethics are a social construct
Eh, there isn't a good argument, however I choose meat, thanks
>I ate raw vegan so loved the washboard abs
raw vegan is dangerous and should be avoided. the best diet is a whole foods plant based vegan diet
also i understand its hard for you to eat vegetables, but your meat products have a victim who can suffer. its hypocritical for you to eat meat, please understand this. just dont complain when you are the victim of injustice, because you are hypocritical for eating meat
>give me one good argument against veganism, ill wait. its unethical to eat meat, debate me
I don't want to be like him , this person is very bad.
you're wasting your time OP, people who hate vegans are not only completely brainwashed but also addicted to creature comforts. it's not a matter of logic or ethics, these people no different than drug addicts
pre-prepared processed foods are a lot cheaper than buying raw ingredients and they go bad really quickly even if you keep them in a fridge
I was vegan and almost died. Severe immune system collapse and suicidal depression. I was taking all the recommended supplements and spending over $100 on pills, on top of food costs.
You forgot about bioavailability.
wrongs, ethics and moral standards are based on the behavior you think that is appropriate for yourself. its based on hypocrisy, pic related
if you wouldn't want to be born a slave for other people's taste pleasure, then its hypocritical and unethical of you to do it to animals
>Not eating meat because of fake empathy
>N I G G E R S
>I was vegan and almost died. Severe immune system collapse and suicidal depression. I was taking all the recommended supplements and spending over $100 on pills, on top of food costs.
cool story, bro. i've survived on nothing but breakfast cereal and onions milk for the past 4 months and i dont even take any supplements
Eh I felt better on raw although my weight loss was dramatic, I am 130-140lbs (5 ft 10) now on the Mediterranean diet but would be like 110lbs if I went raw vegan.
>fruits, vegetables and beans can give you just about every single form of nutrition in existence
Wrong. There are over 15 nutrients which can not be obtained by a human from a plant source.
Supporting the pharmaceutical industry, nice.
No supplements have ever been actually proven to work.
Furthermore, they are artificial and very likely have negative side effects on the health.
>and are able to feel emotions such as pain or love or lust just as well as a human can
>just as well as a human can
It goes further than that, fish do not have a neuro-physiological capacity to feel pain.
>then its hypocritical and unethical of you to do it to animals
what if i honestly don't care though?
i'm not opposed to stepping on other lifeforms to get what i want
thats not true. rice, corn, beans, lentils, pasta, bread, potatoes, frozen broccoli, frozen spinach, bananas, carrots, are all super cheap for calories per dollar
heres vegan gains going in about just how cheap a vegan diet really is
>Why are animals killing other animals? It is not okay to let them murder themselves. We must do something. Why aren't they vegan??
I'm poor and it's too hard to get good macros and micros on a vegan diet. I only have a food budget of like $60-80 a week.
its good that you admit your hypocritical and unethical behavior
if you admit its unethical but simply dont care, then you've reached the limit when it comes to ethics
nobody can force you to be an ethical person. you can be as unethical as you want, you have a choice to make. but dont fool yourself and think that eating meat isnt unethical
and the only reason ive ever found why you should be an ethical person is because god exists. before i believed in god i ate meat and didnt care, simply because i didnt see why i should ever behave in a ethical manner
>No supplements have ever been actually proven to work.
in the age of information you have no excuse for being this retarded
A 2018 report in Nutrients science journal found that on average the vegans had the highest plasma concentration of Vitamin B12. Table 2 shows the "Serum Vitamin B12 (pmol/L) Diet Mean _ SD" were:
* Vegan = 292.26 _ 214.52
* Lacto-ovo = 275.32 _ 164.40
* Pesco = 277.59 _ 129.10
* Semi [vegetarian] = 211.06 _ 66.39
* Non-vegetarian [omnivore] = 256.05 _ 136.33
From the discussion section: "Although not all subjects in the current study obtained vitamin B12 from supplements, multiple linear regressions showed that supplements were the strongest predictor of holoTC and serum vitamin B12, independent of other dietary sources of B12, age, gender, race, BMI, and serum creatinine. This supports findings from the Framingham Offspring
Study on the importance of vitamin B12 supplements in maintaining normal plasma vitamin B12 concentrations."
i spend less money than that on my vegan diet. its SO EASY if you are vegan to hit your macros and micro's, watch vegan gain's video here seriously, what vegan food is expensive? rice? potatoes? beans and lentils?
1 can of beans is like .88 cents and it has a whole bunch of protein
>why aren't you a vegan?
because i don't care and meat tastes good
And you can't stop me!
need i remind you that you're on an imageboard that was celebrating a 17 year old girls brutal murder and sharing pictures of her half decapitated torso only a few weeks ago
you know, you are right. i cant stop you, but you have to admit, you are a hypocrite, and you're unethical, and you are literally on the same level as those psycho kids who kill animals for fun when they were little
these animals dont want to die for your tastebuds, you are literally on the same level as niggers who go around kicking dogs for fun, or the school bully who abused and bullied the shy autistic kids into killing themselves
i understand you dont care, just dont call yourself a good person or say that you dont hurt anyone, because you hurt the animals tremendously when you eat meat
will you be making that smug face when you're bent over a table and a doctor reaches his cold, gloved hand deep inside your asshole to check for cancer and polyps?
i was in that celebration. i fully support all celebrations of humans being murdered, especially roastie whores
just because im a vegan doesnt mean im not a robot or that i like other human beings. i genuinely hate them and i regularly pray to god for an apocalypse
i understand that because you're a normie you care for other humans and find this board sickening, but when you've walked through my shoes, when you never felt love in your entire life, when you've been bullied and abused and in youth homeless shelters like i have, then you would understand me
i care for the animals because they are innocent victims in all of this, they shouldnt be killed for our amusement. but when a guy kills some whore, i cant do anything but smile
you're retarded, shitty people are made, not born. everyone starts out as an innocent animal and then they were exposed to some kind of trauma that made them into a shitty person. animals are no different.
you aren't the paragon of ethics and morality that you think you are
You can say that, but i really don't give a shit if i'm ethical, or if i'm a good person. And besides, those animals are going to be eaten by someone, i'm not personally responsible for whoever owns the slaughterhouses and whoever treats the animals inhumanely.
>will you be making that smug face when you're bent over a table and a doctor reaches his cold, gloved hand deep inside your asshole to check for cancer and polyps?
I'll be making that smug face when he says I have neither.
that chart isn't right
You gotta know where to shop or else you will end up being ripped off.
>You can get 16 eggs for 2 bucks at dollar tree
>a bag of broccoli cuts for a dollar at dollar tree
>5 chicken breasts for 4.99
>beef is a little expensive
>rice for way cheap if you go to the chinese supermarket
>and a ten pound bag of potatoes for 2.99
(I couldn't eat all that in a week if I wanted to)
I always spend about 20.00 a week on groceries and I am no vegan.
>I'll be making that smug face when he says I have neither.
Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States in both men and women. Most cancers in the colon develop from polyps, which are growths that form within the inner lining of the colon. While most polyps do not actually turn into cancer, the ones that are most likely to are called adenomatous polyps or adenomas. Large polyps (greater than one centimeter), polyps that contain abnormal cells (called dysplastic polyps), and having two or more polyps within the colon also increases the likelihood for colon cancer.
In terms of risk factors, a person's chance of developing colon cancer increases as he or she gets older, especially after the age of 50. Furthermore, having type 2 diabetes or inflammatory bowel disease (for example, ulcerative colitis), or a family history of colon cancer also increases a person's risk for developing the disease, as do some modifiable risk factors like being overweight and eating a diet rich in red and processed meats.
Veganism makes you far too much.
>borderline Jow Forumstard
Holy fuck, you can't make this shit up.
Remember to take your meds.
>shitty people are made, not born
see, i disagree with this. i think i myself am a shitty person, because fundamentally at the core in a opportunistic hypocrite. im literally on the same level as meat eaters, except im a vegan
the reason why im a vegan is because i believe in god. if i didnt believe in god then i wouldn't care less about the animals, and it would be reasonable for me to be a piece of shit. im on the same level as meat eaters, i just think im being judged and as a result i decide to act ethically. fundamentally, im an opportunistic hypocrite, as i feel all humans are
>you aren't the paragon of ethics and morality that you think you are
i never claimed to be jesus, im just advocating veganism to robots because its ethically superior. i strongly think that veganism is ethically superior to eating meat, debate me
and celebrating and smiling when some dumb whore gets killed is unethical? bro i smile and celebrate when niggers kill pregnant white women in africa. is than unethical? why? why does it trigger you when other people are happy? dont you want me to be happy, user? :^)
were you born believing in god?
please dont say something retarded
>WOW someone doesn't fit stereotypes and thinks for himself WOW you cant make this shit up! =OOO
may i suggest using your brain and thinking for yourself once in a while? its not like you will die when you start thinking for yourself, user :^)
these animals are sentient and conscious and dont want to die, its unethical for you to kill them for your taste pleasure. humans dont need animal products to survive
tell me why you cant go vegan
>especially after the age of 50
I'm not older than 50
>having type 2 diabetes
I don't have that
>inflammatory bowel disease (for example, ulcerative colitis)
I don't have those
>or a family history of colon cancer
I don't have that
>being overweight
I'm actually slightly underweight
>and eating a diet rich in red and processed meats.
I eat much more fish and chicken than i do red meats.
Aunt made turkey tonight, honestly in the foreseeable future while living with my family and saving up I do not see myself becoming an ethical eater again. Maybe when I am living on my own
I think the social aspect is the most difficult part in transitioning. My friends and I love to go out to try new places to eat, it is hard to get friends and family on board with trying out a vegan joint and I am not in love with eating pasta with sauce everywhere we go
>im just advocating veganism to robots because its ethically superior.
why? why does it trigger you when other people are happy? dont you want me to be happy, user? :^)
I honestly cannot think as well without meat, no lie. I tried to be a vegan for a few weeks, but I kept getting mental fog and I actually felt dumber.
I need the lipids and fats to make complex thoughts and decisions. Also vegitables tend to go through my digestive system lighting fast, if i eat nothing but fruits and veg, I will shit everything out within 6-8 hours, especially apples or broccoli
>i'm young and therefore immune to diseases
i wish i could see your face when you turn 50 after going through life with mindset
>Jow Forumsfag
Keep talking, I wonder what else will make it on the list.
Why do we owe anything non-human an ethical duty? I don't consider that we do.
True, having niggers as slaves was completely fine.
i want other people to be happy, but not at the direct expense of sentient animals who suffer
i dont want them to contribute to the enslavement, murder, castration and rape of animals for their amusement. its not okay to be happy as a result of financially supporting the torture of others
with the dead girl, i didnt pay for her to be killed. i did not support her murder in any way, but i still enjoy it. if you want to enjoy the murder of animals then do it without paying for it to happen
its not unethical to enjoy something if you didnt cause it to happen. i enjoy it when lightning strikes kill people, but i didnt cause it to happen. i enjoy it when accidental car crashes kill people, but i didnt cause those to happen
meat eaters on the other hand DO cause the killing of animals to happen, which is why its unethical
Whether that's sarcastic or not, and regardless of whether you actually agree with Jow Forums on race and the like, they're indisputably closer to humans than chickens are.
>they're sentient!
>they suffer!
They're animals. It doesn't matter.
so by your logic, i guess it's okay to eat meat as long as i don't pay for it
castrated eunuch. i literally cut my balls off a year ago. so go ahead and add that to the list. heres the proof. this is how my body looks like on a vegan diet
im sorry i think for myself and i dont fit into your stereotypes, user.
>i wish i could see your face when you turn 50 after going through life with mindset
Did you read the rest of what I said? I have no family history of those diseases, i'm far from being overweight, and I consume much more fish and chicken than i do red meats.
I plan to continue not being overweight and not consuming shitloads of red meat, and that dramatically decreases the chance that i'll develop colon cancer, or any of those other diseases.
wait you actually literally said that yourself, you actually are that retarded so the irony is completely lost to you, wow
>i enjoy it when lightning strikes kill people, but i didnt cause it to happen. i enjoy it when accidental car crashes kill people, but i didnt cause those to happen
but user, what if those people have pets at home that love them?
dont you care about the animals user?
>They're animals. It doesn't matter.
yes, they are animals, but they can suffer. i could do the same thing with niggers
i could go around enslaving niggers and bring back slavery, and say
>they're niggers, it doesnt matter
i could go around killing people of a different country like they did in the middle ages and say "they're from france and im from germany, so it doesnt matter"
i understand that they are different, but does that justify killing them for your amusement?
they can suffer
Fuck off cultist, Only disconnected modern retards become vegans. Every single one of your ancestors ate meat going back millions of years and that is what built your physiology and digestion. You might not want to kill animals because you're a complete pussy but your cells crave it on a genetic level and you can't fight it. Killing animals for food isn't unethical you coward but torturing or purposely hurting them for no reason is and if you think ALL farms and all forms of animal agriculture are cruel you are a retard who has probably never left the city.
It doesn't fucking matter that the animal "doesn't want to die" because it will one way or another and the only reason they exist is to serve us. Literally.
We bred them into existence from wild ancestors to give us food, clothing and labour. If these animals existed in nature they would die of starvation, cold, dehydration, disease or getting torn apart alive by wild animals. Is that better than a bolt gun to the head, instant death and no idea what is happening?
Yes there are shitty farms and shitty slaughterhouse workers just like there are shitty households and shitty parents abusing their kids.
Vegan logic says therefore noone should have children? Some factories exploit workers and abuse them to produce cheap clothes and goods so therefore all goods and clothes are unethical and should be avoided.
What would actually make a difference is if you sought out high quality local farms who treat their animals well and supporting them with your dollar rather than fucking massive grain and onions corporations and importing mangoes and pineapples from the other side of the world.
I could go on forever mate but don't try and act like your fucking weird unnatural diet cult is the only way when 95% of people reject it even now with all your bullshit propaganda and which literally no civilisation has ever existed on for any period of time. Literal fucking basedboy go kill an animal and eat it's heart.
fpbp and based
Also meat taste too good OP. It's just the circle of life, if you were in the wild a tiger wouldn't think twice about tearing you to shreds.
>inb4 but we're not in the wild
I don't give a fuck you colossal faggot
some people have argued this. they are "freegans". they go around digging through garabge so they can eat the spoiled meat. im not making this up, btw
if you didnt create demand for the meat, and didnt pay for it, then its a lot more ethical. if you're parents payed for it so they could feed you, then its unethical, because you created demand for the meat
but in principle paying for the meat is the actual problem, not the consumption of it. so for example, if you find roadkill in the middle of the read, its not unethical to eat it, because you didnt kill it and bacteria is going to kill it
>if you find roadkill in the middle of the read, its not unethical to eat it, because you didnt kill it and bacteria is going to kill it
but another animal could have eaten that, user.
you're taking food away from other animals.
>bacteria is going to kill it
it's already dead retard
>i want other people to be happy
You literally said in your other post that you genuinely hate people and want them to be murdered. Stop pretending youre a good person now.
I find it hard to gain weight as it is at 170cm 50kg. Thing is, I do mostly eat like a vegan without even trying but I eat a good piece of quality meat 3-4 times a week. Not surprised I am so skinny but if I were to give that up, I would probably look ridiculous.
It's unsustainable.
i just said that veganism is morally superior to eating meat. just because i enjoy it when someone falls down doesnt mean i pushed them myself. i still enjoy watching people get hit by cars in car accidents, but that doesnt mean that i pushed those people into traffic myself
however, when you pay for meat, you financially support the industry that is castrating, raping, and killing these animals. you are a part of that system. its evil and unethical
just because im a shit person, does that make it okay for you to be unethical and a shit person?
lets say i was a child serial killer. does that make it okay for you to do whatever you want?
stop killing animals for your taste pleasure
fuck off
if a child serial killer tells you that killing children is evil and unethical and that you shouldnt do it, does that make it okay for you to do it, because the child serial killer did it?
do 2 wrongs make a right?
if a child serial killer tried to give me a lesson on morals and ethics i would laugh in their face before calling the police
>support the industry
Guess what asshole, if you or any of your relatives pay taxes, you're funding the government. Therefore you're complicit in anything evil the government does, bombing people, human trafficking, and any animals killed under the watchful eye of the FDA. There is no way to escape the system and youre grasping at grains of sand on the beach while the world collapses around you, desperate to maintain some semblence of morality. If you REALLY cared about the suffering youre complicit in you would go into the forest and live with no internet or human contact. But you can't, because not only are you stupid, you're a pussy.
chicken breasts for 4.99
The fuck world you living in? Just one whole chicken for me is 6 dollars, raw. I think you're talking about the smaller filets used in chicken tenders.
thats besides the point. if a serial liar told you that telling lies is wrong, does that make it okay to for you to do it, because the liar tells lies?
if a compulsive thief tells you that stealing is wrong, does that make it okay for you to go around stealing?
do 2 wrongs make a right?
why would i listen to anything a serial liar or compulsive thief says?
It's not wrong to eat animals. You said you believe in God. Well in the bible God gives man dominion over all animals and people eat meat. Your problem is just that you hate other human beings, your affection is transferred onto animals, so in your delusional mind eating animals is as repulsive as cannibalism.
Wake up. Animals would eat you in a second. They arent "innocent"
I can not subsist on a plant based diet because of a digestive issue.
(high fiber foods make my colon bleed)
So fuck ethics.
I would give it a go (raw) to see if it helps my depression or anxiety, although I have heard mixed reviews.
yeah, that's right the fillets.
also you can get a cooked rotisserie chicken at Walmart for 4 bucks
>Any evidence against my point of view is a lie
>Wow, nobody can provide evidence against me
I'm talking after 1 year. It will kick in.
dont do a raw diet. doctors say its dangerous, and it gives really bad results
do a WHOLE FOODS VEGAN DIET. no processed foods, only whole cooked foods, and no animal products. its easy and yummy and cheap, pic related
That all looks like fucking shit. Why are burgers like this?
jesus christ that keyboard is disgusting, i thought mine was bad.
Nah I am going raw, that food does not look nearly appetizing enough to convince me otherwise.
>Well in the bible God gives man dominion over all animals and people eat meat
i believe in god but i dont believe in any religion. i dont know which religion is correct or which bible is correct
you know, so much of the bible contradict eachother. its hard for me to pick a side
did you know that the Qumran community which wrote the dead sea scrolls where all vegan?
did you know that the early jesus movement and the ebionites were all vegan?
honestly theres so much contradicting information when it comes to religious literature i dont know what to believe, but i do very strongly believe in god
and just because the bible told me that something is okay doesnt make it okay. in the bible moses goes around genociding huge groups of people, because god told him to do it. in the bible they say its okay to kill a women if she's not a virgin on her wedding night. in the bible they reconmend male genital mutilation of small children
i disagree with huge parts of the bible but i very strongly believe in god
>i believe in god but i dont believe in any religion
So you're faithless. Stupid "spiritual but not religious" normie tripe. Good luck convincing anyone of anything lmao
im canadian
get keyboard mogged, pic related
theres a lot of science that shows that a raw diet is dangerous. dont listen to me, listen to doctors and scientists. a raw diet is not good for you long term. virtually all of those anorexic vegans with missing teeth are raw frutarian vegans
theres nothing scientifically wrong with cooking food. theres been a lot of studies that show this
my beliefs are: "i strongly believe in god but i dont know which religion is correct so i cant trust any religion"
ive done extensive research into the old testament and the new testament and over time ive lost blind faith in them
tell me, which bible is the correct one? the king james verson? how about the older bibles? you know, there are difference in them that are quite significant
you know, the gospel of the ebionites had a vegetarian jesus. how am i suppose to tell which bible is the correct one?
and tell me, if the bible tells you its okay, does that make it okay? you know god in the old testament required sacrifice of animals, and regularly asked people to kill their first born sons as sacrifice to him. does that make it okay because god is stronger and asked you to do it?
and you can be religious and be vegan. its just that im not. you wont go to hell if you dont eat steak, there not a verse that requires you to eat meat
You wont go to hell if you do eat steak either. Your condemnation of other people is wrong
If you not raw you not really vegan, my shit look like a rabbits nigga
>Every single one of your ancestors ate meat going back millions of years and that is what built your physiology and digestion
so what? my ancestors also raped eachother and killed eachother and enslaved eachother. does the fact that society is built on slavery and murder make it okay for us to do it?
>Killing animals for food isn't unethical you coward
yes it is, because we dont need to. we can perfectly subsist on a vegan diet. the american dietetics association even says so
>and if you think ALL farms and all forms of animal agriculture are cruel you are a retard who has probably never left the city
well they are, because we dont need to kill animals to survive or have good health. we simply do it because it tastes good. we dont NEED to, its a choice that we choose for our taste pleasure
>It doesn't fucking matter that the animal "doesn't want to die" because it will one way or another and the only reason they exist is to serve us
this is an appeal to futility logical fallacy. i could use that logic to kill children and say "it doesnt matter that the child didnt want to die, because its going to die anyways"
literally serial killers use this logic
>Literally. We bred them into existence from wild ancestors to give us food, clothing and labour
yes, and its unethical for us to do so. we bred niggers to be slaves for us, does that make it okay for us to enslave niggers, because we bred them into existence?
but its unethical for you to kill animals for your amusement when you dont need to
i understand your ethical standards are based on the bible, but do you follow all of the bible?
would you kill a girl if you found out she wasnt a virgin on her wedding night?
deutoronomy 22: 22 If a man is found having sexual relations with another mans wife, both of them must die the woman and the man who had sexual relations with her. You must remove this evil from Israel.
there is so much explicit laws for killing people in the bible. does that make it okay for us to do because the bible told us to do it? they literally have rules on how to treat your slaves. is slavery okay because the bible says its okay?
veganism is the philosophical view that says that killing and abusing and enslaving animals for our amusement is wrong, and that we should reduce needless animal suffering as much as possible
just because i dont eat raw foods doesnt mean im contributing to animal suffering. i cook my food, WOW big whoop wana fight about it?
>wanna fight about it?
This what happens when you cook your food, your third eye closed up while mine is all the way open. I would do a water fast for 30 days if I was you followed by two week juice fast to get to raw vegan x1
I don't have anything against vegans as long as they don't act retarded like op.
Having a vegan diet for a couple years when you had a meatbased diet almost your whole life doesn't mean that it's a diet viable for everyone.
It's like the people who think that their teeth has superpowers since they don't brush yet still doesn't get cavities.
Those same people usually had to brush rigorously and regularly until they reached an age where they started deciding themselves.
Much the same I've seen people who say that vitamin B12 isn't really necessary because they could go vegan for 1 year.
A vegan diet is also really expensive with all the supplements that you need, even the food itself is expensive.
You can't change people's habits with morals alone, especially not the way you try to enforce them.
There's certain things you need in order to be successful with that shit: (ranked from top to bottom, for most important to least)
1. Availability
2. Nutrients
3. Price
4. Texture
5. Taste
This is to get Europe and America to go vegan, you won't be able to do that with Asia and Africa.
You'll also need to slaughter most captive animals that were bred for food and give their meat to dogs or something, since they can cause huge problems with the eco system if just released into the wild.
dude i was memeing. and i would do a water fast for 40 days if i could, but im too mentally weak to do it. tell me, how do i do a water fast for longer than 3 days? my longest i did was 3 days and i couldnt bear it. i tried a lot as well
I could never do it when I live with family, they just assume you are going to die if you do not eat at every possible opportunity. Beyond that set small goals
One day, two day, three day. Water fast are meant to be repeated, I usually do four days at a time to clear up my chakras
But burger taste good
It's not eating the meat that's unethical, it's the actual killing of the animals. I would vote to ban the sale of animals, or even a tax on meat, but one person's consumption choices don't have anything more than a theoretical impact on the number of animals slaughtered. I would feel the same way if human meat were sold- it should be banned, but until it is, I have no problem with eating the humans that other people have already slaughtered.
It costs more, takes more effort to prepare, isnt as available, I dont really care about the ethics of it.
>A vegan diet is also really expensive with all the supplements that you need, even the food itself is expensive.
this is not true, a vegan diet is literally cheaper than a meat based one. i linked the vegan gains video on it earlier. and you can get all vitamins and minerals on a vegan diet besides b12. yes i have a supplement for b12, but thats it
im just trying to get you to understand its evil and unethical for you to kill these animals because they can suffer and dont want to die for your taste pleasure
>animals are sentient and conscious
And their meat tastes very nice.
meat is high in protein fren and pretty tasty
I'm honestly considering going vegetarian. I will never go vegan, fuck that 6 ways from sunday.