Take advantage of all sorts of super productions, videos, porn made against white men only, that whites can't do anything since all porn, videos, made with white men are sexually dead, nerfed only white women, nerfed without sexual pride, sexual praise, racial cuckolding, cheating of men of other race and celebration of white men and non-white women constantly, with the men of other race like losers, produce everything that USA was biased only against white dudes in news, media, websites, porn industry in contrast of all soft sexless nerfed white amle porn, media, scenes, while they are racially used like shit and pretend that are men or great for being pets of white women and losers for men of other race who cope with their fake smile and dude broo loser behavior after years of anit-white male manipulation to boycott their relationships, promote them as cuckold loser race of men around white women, undesired loser race of men only wth white women, the contrast of white women being the race who had mass produced in american corporations countless racial fetishes for men of other race, countless racial fantasy against me of own race for the masculine dominant fantasies of men of other race above the white male as loser, villain, and the men of other race with the white women (women of other race) against the white men (Men of other race) related to shit
Mix all the news, media, websites, porn, everything cumulated for years in USA, their emasculated cuckold media, shit porn industry
And then the white loser trash think that he is great because is getting money for doing anti-white male productions against the men of their race
But white women get money in media to be above women of other races and white women as trophy
Niggers get money for racial fetish pride fantasy of niggers with the women of other race
Non-white men get money for create/self-insert racial fetishes around wanting white women seeking for them and anti-white male narratives to please them